PANTONE 5595 is a light shade of green with a hint of gray.
It has the following color values:
RGB: 201, 213, 200
CMYK: 20, 3, 17, 4
HEX: #C9D5C8
HSL: 115°, 6%, 84%
PANTONE 5595 can be found in various Pantone products, such as the Formula Guide, the Solid Chips, the Solid Color Set, and the Plastic Standard Chips Collection.
It is also available in the Extended Gamut Coated Guide as PANTONE 5595 XGC34, which is a color that can be reproduced using a seven-color printing process.
PANTONE 5595 is a calm and soothing color that can evoke a sense of nature, harmony, and balance.
It can be used for various purposes, such as branding, packaging, interior design, and fashion.
Some examples of brands that use PANTONE 5595 or similar colors are Starbucks, Spotify, and Whole Foods.