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Dieselpunk Style

Dieselpunk Style

2023-08-24 Snargl 10 minutes 12 seconds

What is the Dieselpunk Style?

Dieselpunk is a subgenre of science fiction that combines the aesthetics and technology of the interwar period (1910s-1940s) with retro-futuristic elements and postmodern sensibilities.

Dieselpunk often imagines an alternate history, where the technology of the era has evolved in unexpected ways, such as advanced diesel engines, airships, robots, or ray guns.

Dieselpunk is inspired by the artistic and cultural influences of the time, such as pulp magazines, serial films, film noir, art deco, and wartime pin-ups.

Dieselpunk also explores the political and philosophical themes of the period, such as fascism, communism, nationalism, totalitarianism, capitalism, and social unrest.

Dieselpunk is similar to steampunk, which is based on the Victorian era and industrial steam power, but differs in its tone and mood.

Steampunk is often more optimistic and whimsical, while dieselpunk is more pessimistic and gritty.

Dieselpunk reflects the dark and turbulent nature of the world wars, the Great Depression, and the rise of totalitarian regimes.

Some examples of dieselpunk works are the video games BioShock, Crimson Skies, and Wolfenstein; the movies Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow, The Rocketeer, and Indiana Jones; the comics The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen and Hellboy; and the novels Leviathan by Scott Westerfeld and The Difference Engine by William Gibson and Bruce Sterling.

Dieselpunk is a genre that reimagines the past with a futuristic twist, creating a unique and fascinating aesthetic that appeals to fans of science fiction, history, and adventure.


Why do the Dieselpunk Style clothes look good?

Dieselpunk style clothes look good because they combine the elegance and sophistication of the past with the innovation and creativity of the future.

Dieselpunk is a subgenre of steampunk that is inspired by the fashion of the 1920s, 1930s, and 1940s, with a futuristic twist.

Think flapper dresses, tailored suits, and military-inspired outfits, all updated with modern materials and design.

Dieselpunk style clothes appeal to people who appreciate the aesthetics of a retro-futuristic era, where technology and culture are influenced by diesel-powered machines, art deco, and pulp fiction.

Dieselpunk style clothes also reflect a sense of adventure, rebellion, and individuality, as they often feature leather jackets, goggles, aviator caps, and other accessories that suggest a daring and adventurous lifestyle.

Dieselpunk style clothes are not only fashionable, but also functional, as they are designed to withstand harsh environments and situations.

For example, dieselpunk leather jackets are durable and protective, while dieselpunk goggles are useful for vision and protection in dusty or smoky conditions.

Dieselpunk style clothes also allow for personalization and customization, as they can be mixed and matched with different pieces and accessories to create unique and original looks.

In conclusion, dieselpunk style clothes look good because they blend the best of both worlds: the past and the future.

They are stylish, versatile, and expressive, and they can suit different occasions and moods.

Dieselpunk style clothes are more than just clothes, they are a way of expressing one's personality and attitude.


Who can wear the Dieselpunk Style garments?

Who can wear the Dieselpunk Style garments?
The ones who dare to dream of a different past
The ones who love the machines and the smoke
The ones who seek adventure and romance in the dark

The ones who rebel against the norms and the rules
The ones who embrace the beauty and the danger of the war
The ones who are not afraid to mix the old and the new
The ones who have a vision and a passion for the future

They are the ones who can wear the Dieselpunk Style garments
They are the ones who create their own world and their own art
They are the ones who make history and defy destiny
They are the ones who are dieselpunk at heart


Are the Dieselpunk Style clothing in style?

Dieselpunk style clothing is a way to express
Your love for the past and the future in one dress
You can mix and match the elements of war and peace
And create a look that is unique and fierce

Some may say that dieselpunk is outdated or old
But they don't appreciate the beauty of the bold
Dieselpunk is not just a fashion, it's a culture and a vision
Of a world where technology and art have a fusion

So don't be afraid to wear your dieselpunk clothes with pride
You are part of a movement that is creative and wide
You can find inspiration from the web or from history
And make your own statement with your dieselpunk mystery


What is the difference between Cyberpunk and Dieselpunk?

Man in a green uniform is smiling for the camera while standing in a street with a lamp post in the background
Woman in a helmet and uniform standing in a hallway with a light on her head
Man in a red and black coat and a red and black hat and a brick alleyway with buildings
Man in a black coat and a white shirt and a black tie and a white shirt and a black tie and a white shirt and a table and a window and a chair
Woman in a black coat and boots standing in a forest with leaves on the ground and trees in the background

Example of the color palette for the image of Dieselpunk Style

Picture with primary colors of Smoky black, Bone, Deep carrot orange, Medium turquoise and Shadow
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
RAL Classic
RAL 9005
RAL 9002
RAL 2010
RAL 6027
RAL 6013
RAL Design
RAL 170 20 20
RAL 010 80 10
RAL 080 50 20
RAL Effect
RAL 140-6
RAL 770-3

What is the difference between Steampunk and Dieselpunk?

Woman in a leather outfit standing in a forest with a full moon in the background
Man in a brown vest and white shirt standing in the desert at sunset with his hands in his pockets
Man in a suit and tie standing on a balcony at night with a full moon in the background
Man in a military uniform standing in a forest with trees in the background
Man in a black coat and a red and black coat and a man in a black coat and a red
Woman in a green uniform with a helmet on her head and a steampunked collared shirt

Example of the color palette for the image of Dieselpunk Style

Picture with primary colors of Vivid auburn, Rose quartz, Anti-flash White, Smoky black and Cadmium orange
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
RAL Classic
RAL 3003
RAL 9006
RAL 9016
RAL 9005
RAL 2003
RAL Design
RAL 320 60 15
RAL 340 92 05
RAL 170 20 20

What era is Dieselpunk?

Dieselpunk is a subgenre of science fiction that combines the aesthetics and technology of the interwar period (1910s-1940s) with retro-futuristic elements and postmodern sensibilities.
The term "dieselpunk" was coined in 2001 by game designer Lewis Pollak to describe his role-playing game Children of the Sun.
The name is derived from cyberpunk, another subgenre of science fiction that focuses on dystopian futures and high-tech societies.
Dieselpunk is similar to steampunk, which is based on the Victorian era and industrial steam power, but differs in its tone, themes, and historical context.
While steampunk is often optimistic and adventurous, dieselpunk is darker, grittier, and more pessimistic, reflecting the realities of war, fascism, and social unrest that characterized the early 20th century.
Dieselpunk also explores the visions of the future that people of that era had, such as flying cars, robots, and ray guns.
Dieselpunk can be divided into two main categories: naturalist and retro-futurist.
Naturalist dieselpunk tries to stay faithful to the actual historical events and technology of the interwar period, while retro-futurist dieselpunk imagines alternative histories and futuristic scenarios that diverge from reality.
For example, naturalist dieselpunk might depict the rise of fascism and the outbreak of World War II, while retro-futurist dieselpunk might portray a world where the Nazis have developed superweapons or where the Allies have discovered alien technology.
Dieselpunk has influenced various forms of media, such as literature, film, music, art, and fashion.
Some examples of dieselpunk works are the novels Leviathan by Scott Westerfeld, The Man in the High Castle by Philip K. Dick, and The Iron Heel by Jack London; the films Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow, The Rocketeer, and Indiana Jones; the video games Bioshock, Fallout, and Crimson Skies; and the music genres electro-swing, dark cabaret, and neo-swing.
Dieselpunk is a subculture that celebrates the style, culture, and innovation of the interwar period, while also critiquing its flaws and challenges.
It is a way of reimagining the past and envisioning the future through a creative and rebellious lens.


Dieselpunk Style in fashion - when did it appear?

Dieselpunk Style in fashion is a retrofuturistic subgenre of science fiction that combines the aesthetics of the diesel-based technology of the interwar period through to the 1950s with retro-futuristic technology and postmodern sensibilities.
The term "dieselpunk" was coined in 2001 by game designer Lewis Pollak to describe his tabletop role-playing game Children of the Sun, which was set in an alternate history where diesel-powered machines were used to fight against a mysterious alien invasion.

Decopunk is a subset of dieselpunk that emphasizes the art deco and streamline moderne art styles that were popular during the Roaring 20s and the 1930s.
Dieselpunk Style in fashion appeared in the early 2000s as a result of the growing popularity of dieselpunk fiction and media, as well as the revival of vintage and retro fashion trends.
Since then, the style has been adopted by various artists, musicians, cosplayers and enthusiasts who enjoy the aesthetic and cultural aspects of the Diesel era and its imagined future.


Who usually wears Dieselpunk Style clothing?

Woman in a leather outfit is smiling for the camera while standing in a street
Woman in a black leather jacket and skirt posing for a picture in a city at night time with people walking by
Woman in a brown jacket and hat with a black background
Woman in a leather outfit posing for a picture in a city at night with a statue in the background
Woman in a black dress and hat standing on a street at night with a city in the background

Dieselpunk style clothing is a type of fashion that is inspired by the aesthetics and themes of the diesel era, which roughly spans from the 1920s to the 1950s.

That clothing often incorporates elements of industrial, military, retro-futuristic, and noir styles, as well as influences from various subcultures such as rockabilly, swing, and punk.

This type of fashion is usually worn by people who are fans of dieselpunk fiction, art, music, or culture, or who simply enjoy the look and feel of the diesel era.

Some examples of dieselpunk clothing are leather jackets, aviator goggles, trench coats, fedoras, gas masks, mechanic overalls, and zoot suits.

Example of the color palette for the image of Dieselpunk Style

Picture with primary colors of Onyx, Old mauve, Glitter, Pastel blue and Cadet grey
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
RAL Classic
RAL 9005
RAL 8015
RAL 9003
RAL 7035
RAL 7001
RAL Design
RAL 170 20 20
RAL 020 30 20
RAL 190 80 10
RAL 180 70 10
RAL Effect
RAL 530-5
RAL 160-1
RAL 180-1

How to incorporate other influences or trends into the Dieselpunk Style?

Woman in a pilot suit standing on a street with a car in the background
Woman in a leather outfit with a hat on her head and gloves on her hands
Woman in a purple suit and helmet holding a gun
Woman in a steam punk outfit with goggles and a steampunk helmet on her head
Woman in a blue uniform with a hat and a tie on her head and a blue background
Woman in a leather suit and helmet standing in a doorway with a machine behind her
Woman in a red coat and hat standing in the snow with a city in the background and a building with a clock tower
Woman wearing a helmet and goggles with a steampunk look on her face and shoulders
One possible way to incorporate other influences or trends into the Dieselpunk Style is to mix elements from different genres or cultures that share some common themes or aesthetics with Dieselpunk.
For example, one could combine Dieselpunk with:
  • Noirpunk: This is a subgenre of cyberpunk that focuses on the dark and gritty aspects of urban life, such as crime, corruption, and moral ambiguity.
    Noirpunk often features anti-heroes, femme fatales, and hard-boiled detectives.
    A Dieselpunk-Noirpunk hybrid could explore the social and political issues of the interwar period through a noir lens, using diesel-powered technology to create a dystopian atmosphere.

  • Atompunk: This is a subgenre of retrofuturism that depicts the atomic age of the 1940s to 1960s, when nuclear power and radiation were seen as sources of wonder and fear.
    Atompunk often features futuristic gadgets, atomic monsters, and Cold War paranoia.
    A Dieselpunk-Atompunk hybrid could imagine the consequences of nuclear warfare and experimentation in the Dieselpunk world, creating a post-apocalyptic scenario or a new arms race.

  • Decopunk: This is a subgenre of Dieselpunk that emphasizes the art deco style of the 1920s to 1940s, which was characterized by geometric shapes, streamlined forms, and metallic colors.
    Decopunk often features glamorous settings, elegant fashion, and sophisticated technology.
    A Dieselpunk-Decopunk hybrid could showcase the artistic and cultural achievements of the interwar period, using diesel-powered technology to enhance the beauty and luxury of the Decopunk world.

These are just some examples of how to incorporate other influences or trends into the Dieselpunk Style.
There are many other possibilities, depending on one's creativity and preferences.
The key is to find a balance between the original Dieselpunk elements and the new ones, creating a unique and coherent vision.

Example of the color palette for the image of Dieselpunk Style

Picture with primary colors of Ash grey, Bulgarian rose, Wenge, Ruddy brown and Xanadu
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
NCS (Natural Color System)
NCS S 4010-B50G
RAL Classic
RAL 7038
RAL 3007
RAL 7013
RAL 2001
RAL 7023
RAL Design
RAL 040 20 19
RAL 070 40 10
RAL 060 50 60

What are the essential Dieselpunk Style clothing items and accessories?

Dieselpunk style is inspired by the interwar period and the early post-war era, when diesel was the main source of power for machines and vehicles.
Clothing items and accessories in this style often reflect the military, industrial, and aviation themes of that time, as well as the pulp fiction and film noir genres.

Some essential dieselpunk style clothing items and accessories are:
  • Leather jackets, trench coats, bomber jackets, or military uniforms with badges, patches, or insignias.

  • Aviator goggles, helmets, caps, or hats with visors or brims.

  • Boots, gloves, belts, or holsters made of leather or metal.

  • Pants, skirts, or dresses with cargo pockets, zippers, or buckles.

  • Shirts, blouses, or vests with buttons, collars, or epaulets.

  • Ties, scarves, or bandanas with stripes, checks, or patterns.

  • Jewelry, watches, or gadgets made of brass, copper, or steel.

  • Sunglasses, monocles, or eyepatches with lenses or filters.

  • Gas masks, respirators, or filters with tubes or hoses.

  • Weapons, tools, or devices with pipes, valves, or wires.


How to keep the Dieselpunk Style updated and fresh?

Woman in a green uniform standing in a forest with snow on the ground and trees behind her
Woman in a steam punk outfit standing in front of a clock tower with goggles on her head
Woman in a purple outfit with goggles on her head and a purple jacket on her shoulders and a brown belt around her waist
Painting of a woman in a military uniform in a tunnel with snow on the ground and trees in the background
Woman in a steam punk costume standing in front of a machine room with a steampunk helmet
Woman in a green dress and goggles standing on a pier near the ocean at sunset with a view of the ocean
Woman in a yellow jacket and hat standing in a forest with trees and ferns on the ground and a path leading to the forest
Woman in a helmet and uniform is standing in front of a window with a machine gun in her hand
One possible way to keep the dieselpunk style updated and fresh is to explore new themes, perspectives, and influences that are relevant to the interwar period and its technology.
For example, one could:
  • Incorporate elements from different cultures and regions that were affected by the events of the era, such as the rise of fascism, the Great Depression, the Spanish Civil War, the Chinese Civil War, the Japanese invasion of China, the Ethiopian War, etc.
    This could add diversity and complexity to the dieselpunk world and its characters, as well as challenge the Eurocentric and American-centric views that are often dominant in the genre.

  • Experiment with different genres and subgenres that can blend well with dieselpunk, such as horror, noir, mystery, romance, comedy, etc.
    This could create new tones, atmospheres, and emotions for the dieselpunk stories, as well as appeal to different audiences and tastes.
    For example, one could write a dieselpunk horror story that features zombies created by a secret Nazi experiment, or a dieselpunk noir story that follows a private detective who uses a diesel-powered robot as his assistant.

  • Explore the ethical, social, and environmental implications of the dieselpunk technology and its impact on the world and its inhabitants.
    This could raise interesting questions and dilemmas for the dieselpunk characters and readers, as well as reflect on the current issues and challenges that we face in our own world.
    For example, one could examine the effects of pollution, resource depletion, inequality, oppression, war, etc.
    that are caused or exacerbated by the dieselpunk technology, and how the dieselpunk characters cope, resist, or adapt to them.

These are just some suggestions that could help keep the dieselpunk style updated and fresh.
Of course, there are many other possibilities and combinations that one could try, depending on one's creativity and imagination.
The dieselpunk genre is a rich and diverse one that offers a lot of potential and opportunities for artistic expression and innovation.

Example of the color palette for the image of Dieselpunk Style

Picture with primary colors of Black, Mordant red 19, Mauvelous, Midnight green and Caput mortuum
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
RAL Classic
RAL 9005
RAL 3020
RAL 3015
RAL 6026
RAL 3005
RAL Design
RAL 170 20 25
RAL 010 70 35
RAL 020 20 29
RAL Effect
RAL 740-6
RAL 350-M

What are the common mistakes or faux pas to avoid when dressing Dieselpunk Style?

Dieselpunk is a style that combines the industrial and military aesthetics of the early 20th century with futuristic elements and a touch of nostalgia.
If you want to dress in dieselpunk style, here are some common mistakes or faux pas to avoid:
  • Don't mix too many different styles or eras.
    Dieselpunk is mainly inspired by the 1910s to 1940s, so try to stick to the clothing and accessories from that period.
    Avoid anything that looks too modern, too medieval, or too steampunk.
    For example, don't wear a leather jacket with a corset and goggles, or a trench coat with a fedora and a laser gun.

  • Don't neglect the details.
    Dieselpunk is all about creating a coherent and immersive look, so pay attention to the small things that can make a big difference.
    For example, choose the right fabrics, colors, patterns, buttons, zippers, belts, buckles, patches, badges, pins, etc.
    that match your dieselpunk theme.
    Also, don't forget to accessorize with appropriate items such as hats, gloves, scarves, sunglasses, watches, jewelry, etc.

  • Don't be afraid to experiment and have fun.
    Dieselpunk is not a rigid or strict genre, so you can always add your own personal touch and flair to your outfit.
    You can mix and match different subgenres of dieselpunk, such as pulp adventure, noir detective, military action, etc.
    You can also incorporate elements from other cultures or regions that influenced the dieselpunk era, such as Art Deco, Bauhaus, Soviet propaganda, etc.


How has the Dieselpunk Style changed or evolved over time?

Dieselpunk is a subgenre of science fiction that combines the aesthetics of the diesel-based technology of the interwar period through to the 1950s with retro-futuristic technology and postmodern sensibilities.

It is similar to steampunk or cyberpunk, but with a different historical and technological focus.

Dieselpunk style has changed or evolved over time in various ways, depending on the artistic and cultural influences of the creators and consumers of the genre.

Some of the factors that have shaped dieselpunk style are:
  • The emergence of new media and platforms, such as video games, comics, podcasts, and webcomics, that allow for more diverse and interactive expressions of dieselpunk.

  • The incorporation of elements from other subgenres and genres, such as fantasy, horror, noir, pulp, and alternative history, that enrich the dieselpunk narrative and aesthetic.

  • The exploration of different themes and perspectives, such as politics, war, social issues, environmentalism, and identity, that reflect the contemporary concerns and challenges of the dieselpunk audience.

  • The adaptation and reinterpretation of dieselpunk style to different cultural and geographical contexts, such as Asia, Africa, Latin America, and Europe, that showcase the diversity and creativity of the dieselpunk community.

  • The revival and appreciation of the original sources and inspirations of dieselpunk, such as Art Deco, Streamline Modern, and wartime pin-ups, that celebrate the beauty and glamour of the dieselpunk era.

Dieselpunk style is not static or fixed, but rather dynamic and evolving, as it responds to the changing tastes and preferences of its fans and creators.

Dieselpunk style is a way of expressing one's imagination and vision of a past that never was, and a future that might have been.

What are the best tips and tricks for mastering Dieselpunk Style?

Man in a uniform standing in a tunnel of rocks and rocks with a gun in his hand
Man in a black coat and tie standing in a street with a building in the background
Woman with a red hat and goggles on her head and a red dress
Woman in a leather outfit walking down a street in a city at night with a lot of people
Dieselpunk is a subgenre of science fiction that combines the aesthetics of the diesel-based technology of the interwar period through to the 1950s with retro-futuristic technology and postmodern sensibilities.

It is similar to steampunk or cyberpunk, but with a different historical and technological focus.

Dieselpunk is often pessimistic and dark, reflecting the themes of war, fascism, and oppression that characterized the era.

If you want to master Dieselpunk style, here are some tips and tricks to consider:
  • Research the history and culture of the period. Dieselpunk draws inspiration from the events, trends, and personalities of the 1920s to 1950s, such as the World Wars, the Great Depression, the rise of totalitarian regimes, the jazz age, the film noir genre, and the atomic age. You can learn more about these topics by reading books, watching documentaries, or visiting museums.

  • Explore the art and design of the period. Dieselpunk also incorporates elements from the artistic movements and styles of the period, such as Art Deco, Bauhaus, Futurism, Streamline Moderne, and Raygun Gothic. You can admire these styles by looking at architecture, posters, furniture, fashion, vehicles, and gadgets from the era.

  • Imagine how technology would have evolved differently. Dieselpunk is a retrofuturistic genre, which means it imagines how technology would have developed if history had taken a different course. For example, you can imagine how diesel-powered machines, such as tanks, planes, robots, or submarines, would have looked like if they had been more advanced or more widespread. You can also imagine how alternative sources of energy, such as atomic power or Tesla coils, would have influenced society and culture.

  • Create your own Dieselpunk stories or artworks. The best way to master Dieselpunk style is to express your own creativity and vision.You can write your own Dieselpunk stories or novels, set in an alternate history or a dystopian future. You can also create your own Dieselpunk artworks or crafts, such as paintings, sculptures, models, costumes, or accessories.
    You can share your creations online or in person with other Dieselpunk enthusiasts.

  • Join the Dieselpunk community. There are many online platforms and forums where you can find other people who are interested in Dieselpunk. You can exchange ideas, opinions, recommendations, feedback, and resources with them. You can also participate in events or activities related to Dieselpunk, such as conventions, festivals, exhibitions, or contests.

Example of the color palette for the image of Dieselpunk Style

Picture with primary colors of Dark jungle green, Ash grey, Gray-asparagus, AuroMetalSaurus and Pale copper
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
NCS (Natural Color System)
NCS S 8005-B80G
NCS S 6010-B70G
NCS S 4010-B30G
RAL Classic
RAL 8022
RAL 7038
RAL 6003
RAL 9023
RAL 3012
RAL Design
RAL 160 20 20
RAL 120 30 10
RAL 180 50 05

How does the Dieselpunk Style fit with the music, art, or hobbies preferences?

Woman in a leather outfit standing on a city street at night with a traffic light in the background
Woman in a pilot's uniform with goggles on her head
Man in a uniform standing in the clouds with a smile on his face and a hat on his head
Woman in a leather outfit posing for a picture in front of a fountain with a building in the background
Woman in a leather dress standing in front of a statue of a woman
Dieselpunk is a subgenre of science fiction that combines the aesthetics of the diesel-based technology of the interwar period through to the 1950s with retro-futuristic technology and postmodern sensibilities.

It is similar to steampunk or cyberpunk, but with a different historical and technological focus.

Dieselpunk can fit with various music, art, or hobbies preferences, depending on the individual's taste and interpretation of the genre.

Some possible examples are:
  • Music: Dieselpunk music can be influenced by jazz, swing, blues, rockabilly, or electro-swing genres, as well as by industrial, darkwave, or synthwave sounds. Some examples of dieselpunk musicians are Caravan Palace, The Correspondents, The Real Tuesday Weld, or Abney Park.

  • Art: Dieselpunk art can be inspired by the art deco, constructivism, futurism, or surrealism movements, as well as by propaganda posters, pulp magazines, or noir films. Some examples of dieselpunk artists are Stefan Prohaczka, Alexey Lipatov, Jakub Rozalski, or Scott Westerfeld.

  • Hobbies: Dieselpunk hobbies can include collecting vintage items, such as radios, cameras, or typewriters; creating DIY projects, such as lamps, clocks, or robots; playing tabletop or video games, such as Children of the Sun, Bioshock, or Fallout; or attending events, such as conventions, festivals, or parties. Dieselpunk is a diverse and creative genre that can appeal to many people who enjoy the retro-futuristic style and the cultural atmosphere of the early 20th century. It is a way of exploring alternative histories and imagining possible futures with a diesel-powered twist.

Example of the color palette for the image of Dieselpunk Style

Picture with primary colors of Caput mortuum, Burnt Sienna, Smokey topaz, Papaya whip and Dark gray
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
RAL Classic
RAL 3005
RAL 2012
RAL 8004
RAL 9001
RAL 9006
RAL Design
RAL 020 20 29
RAL 040 60 60
RAL 040 40 40
RAL 075 90 10
RAL 140 70 05
RAL Effect
RAL 350-M
RAL 150-4
RAL 830-2

How does the Dieselpunk Style suit different seasons, occasions, or settings?

Woman in a uniform standing in a hallway with lights on the ceiling and a chandelier hanging from the ceiling
Man in a trench coat standing on a cobblestone street in a town at sunset or dawn
Woman with a very long hair and a jacket on posing for a picture in front of a building
Woman in a uniform standing in the snow in a city at night with a street light in the background
Dieselpunk style is a versatile and creative way of expressing oneself through fashion, art, and design.
It can suit different seasons, occasions, or settings depending on the mood, theme, and preference of the wearer or creator.
Here are some possible examples of how dieselpunk style can be adapted to various situations:
  • For a winter season, dieselpunk style can evoke a cozy and nostalgic atmosphere by incorporating warm colors, fabrics, and accessories.
    For example, one could wear a leather jacket with fur collar, a woolen scarf, and a pair of goggles.
    You can also decorate your home or office with vintage posters, radios, and lamps.

  • For a summer season, dieselpunk style can reflect a playful and adventurous spirit by using bright colors, patterns, and materials.
    You can wear a floral dress with a leather belt, a straw hat, and a pair of sunglasses.
    One could also create their own art or gadgets with metal, wood, and wires.

  • For a formal occasion, dieselpunk style can convey a sophisticated and elegant impression by choosing sleek and refined pieces.
    For example, wear a suit or dress with a diesel-powered watch, cufflinks, or necklace.
    You can display your own paintings or sculptures with geometric shapes and metallic tones.

  • For a casual occasion, dieselpunk style can express a fun and quirky personality by mixing and matching different elements.
    Wear a t-shirt with a dieselpunk logo or slogan, jeans with patches or studs, and boots with buckles or chains.
    One could also enjoy their own music or games with retro-futuristic devices and headphones.

Dieselpunk style is not limited to these examples.
This style is a creative genre that allows for personalization and experimentation.
It is inspired by the past but also imagines the future.
Dieselpunk is both realistic and fantastic.

Example of the color palette for the image of Dieselpunk Style

Picture with primary colors of Viridian, Macaroni and Cheese, Anti-flash White, Chamoisee and Black
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
NCS (Natural Color System)
NCS S 4030-B70G
RAL Classic
RAL 6000
RAL 1001
RAL 9016
RAL 1036
RAL 9005
RAL Design
RAL 060 80 40
RAL 340 92 05
RAL 050 50 30
RAL 170 20 25
RAL Effect
RAL 740-M
RAL 420-2
RAL 330-1

What are the past or classic trends or influences in Dieselpunk Style?

Woman in a uniform is standing in front of a truck with a large tank behind her
Woman in a steam punk outfit and goggles poses in front of a window with steampunk
Woman in a pink uniform is standing in the woods with a backpack on her shoulder and a helmet on her head
Woman in a leather jacket with a helmet on her head
Woman in a leather dress and helmet is standing in the rain in a city street at night with a dark sky
Woman in a red leather outfit and a red hat and a red jacket and a red purse
Woman in a brown leather suit and hat holding a gun in an office setting with a large window
Dieselpunk is a genre that reimagines the aesthetics and cultural atmosphere of the interwar period, particularly the 1920s to 1940s, with an emphasis on technology, industry, and war. The style often features an alternate history, where the technology of the era has evolved in unexpected ways. Some of the past or classic trends or influences in dieselpunk style are:
  • Pulp magazines and serial films, which were popular forms of entertainment that featured adventure, mystery, and science fiction stories. Dieselpunk often draws inspiration from the themes, characters, and visuals of these media.

  • Film noir, which was a cinematic style that emerged in the 1940s and 1950s, characterized by dark and pessimistic tones, complex plots, moral ambiguity, and anti-hero protagonists. Dieselpunk often incorporates elements of film noir, such as crime, corruption, and urban decay.

  • Art deco, which was a design movement that flourished in the 1920s and 1930s, influenced by geometric shapes, symmetry, and elegance. Dieselpunk often adopts the art deco style for its architecture, fashion, and technology.

  • Wartime pin-ups, which were images of attractive women that were used to boost the morale of soldiers and civilians during World War II. Dieselpunk often features pin-up girls as part of its aesthetic, sometimes with a twist of militarism or futurism.

  • Diesel engines, which were the dominant form of power for vehicles and machines in the interwar period. Dieselpunk often imagines how diesel technology could have been advanced or modified to create new inventions, such as airships, robots, or weapons.

Example of the color palette for the image of Dieselpunk Style

Picture with primary colors of Dark jungle green, Taupe gray, Burnt Sienna, Mordant red 19 and Timberwolf
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
NCS (Natural Color System)
NCS S 8005-B80G
NCS S 1502-G50Y
RAL Classic
RAL 8022
RAL 9007
RAL 2012
RAL 3020
RAL 9002
RAL Design
RAL 160 20 20
RAL 120 60 10
RAL 040 60 60

What are the current or upcoming trends or innovations in Dieselpunk Style?

Woman in a short skirt and jacket posing for a picture in front of a building with columns
Man in a military uniform standing in front of a building with his hands on his hips
Man in a red jacket and hat smiling at the camera while standing on a sidewalk in a city
Man in a trench coat is standing in a street at night

Dieselpunk is more than just a style
It's a way of seeing the world in a different light
Where the past and the future collide
And the machines of war and industry abide

Dieselpunk is inspired by the interwar era
When art deco and pulp fiction were in vogue
When diesel engines and zeppelins ruled the air
And radios and phonographs filled the homes

Dieselpunk is also a reflection of the present
Where technology and culture are constantly changing
Where political and philosophical ideas are in dissent
And where retro-futurism is ever engaging

Dieselpunk is not just a genre or a subculture
It's a creative expression of imagination and innovation
Where the old and the new can coexist and nurture
And where the possibilities are endless and fascinating

Example of the color palette for the image of Dieselpunk Style

Picture with primary colors of Dark tea green, Dark jungle green, Dark brown, Pale copper and Peach-orange
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
NCS (Natural Color System)
NCS S 5010-B50G
NCS S 8005-B80G
RAL Classic
RAL 7011
RAL 8022
RAL 8011
RAL 3012
RAL 1014
RAL Design
RAL 180 40 05
RAL 160 20 20
RAL 060 30 27
RAL 060 80 30

What are the future or potential trends or directions in Dieselpunk Style?

Dieselpunk is a genre that reimagines the aesthetics and cultural atmosphere of the interwar period, particularly the 1920s to 1940s, with an emphasis on technology, industry, and war.
The style often features an alternate history, where the technology of the era has evolved in unexpected ways.

Some of the future or potential trends or directions in dieselpunk style are:
  • Eco-dieselpunk: This is a subgenre that explores the environmental and social consequences of diesel-based technology, such as pollution, climate change, resource depletion, and social inequality. The style may feature green or sustainable alternatives to diesel, such as biofuels, solar power, or wind turbines. Eco-dieselpunk may also depict the conflicts between different factions or ideologies over the use and control of natural resources.

  • Retro-dieselpunk: This is a subgenre that pays homage to the classic dieselpunk works of the past, such as pulp magazines, serial films, film noir, art deco, and wartime pin-ups. The style may feature nostalgic or nostalgic elements, such as vintage fashion, music, slang, or pop culture. Retro-dieselpunk may also incorporate elements of humor, parody, or satire to comment on the tropes and clichés of dieselpunk.

  • Cyber-dieselpunk: This is a subgenre that blends dieselpunk with cyberpunk, creating a hybrid of retro-futuristic and digital technology. The style may feature advanced computing, hacking, artificial intelligence, cyberspace, or cybernetics in a diesel-powered world. Cyber-dieselpunk may also explore the themes of identity, information, power, and resistance in a dystopian or post-apocalyptic setting.


What are the best examples or role models of Dieselpunk Style in media or culture?

There are many examples of dieselpunk style in media and culture, but some of the most notable ones are:
  • The video game series BioShock, which is set in an underwater city called Rapture, where advanced technology and genetic engineering are used to create a utopian society that eventually collapses into a dystopian nightmare.
    This game features art deco architecture, retro-futuristic weapons and gadgets, and a dark and gritty atmosphere.

  • The animated film Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow, which is set in an alternate 1939, where a mysterious scientist named Dr.
    Totenkopf is plotting to destroy the world with his army of giant robots.
    The film pays homage to the pulp magazines, serial films, and comic books of the era, and uses a sepia-toned color palette and a stylized CGI technique to create a retro-futuristic look.

  • The comic book series The Rocketeer, which follows the adventures of Cliff Secord, a stunt pilot who finds a jetpack that was stolen from the Nazis.
    Set in the late 1930s and early 1940s, the comic book features historical and fictional characters such as Howard Hughes, Amelia Earhart, and mobster Eddie Valentine.
    It has a nostalgic and romantic tone, and showcases the art deco design and aviation technology of the period.

  • The novel Leviathan by Scott Westerfeld, which is set in an alternate World War I, where the Central Powers use diesel-powered machines called Clankers, while the Allied Powers use genetically engineered creatures called Darwinists.
    The novel follows the adventures of Aleksander, the son of the assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand, and Deryn, a girl who disguises herself as a boy to join the British Air Service.
    It explores the themes of war, politics, and identity, and features illustrations by Keith Thompson that depict the dieselpunk aesthetic.


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