RAL 810-2 # Design
How is RAL 810-2 color commonly used in design?
Some possible applications of RAL 810-2 are:
Automotive design: RAL 810-2 can be used as a body color or an accent color for cars, motorcycles, or other vehicles.
It can also be used for interior design elements, such as dashboard, seats, or steering wheel.
RAL 810-2 can create a sleek, modern, and high-tech look for vehicles.Furniture design: It can be used as a main color or a contrast color for furniture, such as tables, chairs, sofas, or cabinets.
This color can also be used for accessories, such as lamps, vases, or pillows.
It creates a stylish, contemporary, and minimalist look for furniture.Industrial design: RAL 810-2 can be used as a coating color or a detail color for industrial products, such as machines, tools, appliances, or electronics.
This color can also be used for packaging, labels, or logos.
RAL 810-2 creates a durable, functional, and professional look for industrial products.
Example of the palette with the RAL 810-2 color
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...