RAL 810-2

HEX Triplet:
142, 154, 160
33, 16, 15, 45
200°, 11%, 63%
Closest colors:
in RGB:
in RAL Classic:
RAL 7001
in RAL Design:
RAL 240 60 05
in RAL Effect:
RAL 820-3
The Chromatic Revelation
2024-09-03 Snargl 02:30
# General # Fashion # Design
Funny stories about the 'RAL 810-2'

The Chromatic Revelation

In a far away place, in the bustling city of Arcadia, where the skyline met the horizon in a dazzling display of colors, there was a legend of a hue so elusive it seemed like a mere myth. This was the fabled "RAL 810-2," a color said to embody the essence of dawn and twilight in a single stroke. For years, its existence remained a tantalizing mystery, until two extraordinary individuals were destined to unveil it.

Calvin Xiang, a reclusive artist with an unparalleled gift for color, spent his days in a dimly lit studio surrounded by a cacophony of pigments and brushes. His canvases were a dance of hues, each more vivid than the last, but he always felt that something was missing - something that could complete his magnum opus.
House with a dark gray roof and a clock on the front of it. Color RAL 810-2.

Professor Igor Flame was a renowned color scientist whose work bridged the realms of art and science. His laboratory was a temple to the mysteries of light and pigment, filled with arcane formulas and spectral analyses. Igor had heard whispers of the RAL 810-2 in his academic circles, but he, too, had failed to capture its essence.

One day, Calvin, frustrated by his fruitless search for the perfect color, stumbled upon an ancient manuscript in a forgotten corner of a library. The manuscript spoke of a mythical color, an elusive shade that could only be synthesized through a perfect storm of scientific and artistic mastery. The text mentioned an enigmatic scientist named Igor Flame.

Driven by curiosity, Calvin sought out Igor. The professor was intrigued by the artist's passion and the manuscript's cryptic clues. Together, they embarked on a quest that blended artistic intuition with scientific precision. Calvin painted with colors he had never used before, while Igor analyzed light spectra and pigment interactions with a fervor that had been missing from his work.
Woman with curly hair standing in the middle of a street with a city in the background. Example of RAL 810-2 color.

The breakthrough came one stormy night when a rare celestial alignment illuminated the city in a surreal glow. Calvin and Igor, working side by side, captured this ethereal light in their experiments. Igor’s instruments detected a unique wavelength that seemed to resonate with the very soul of the color, while Calvin translated this into brushstrokes that defied description.

As they combined their findings, the elusive color began to emerge - a shade that seemed to shift and pulse, reflecting the very essence of dawn and twilight. It was not just a pigment but an experience, a feeling of fleeting moments suspended in time.
Man with dreadlocks standing on a bridge in the foggy day. Example of RAL 810-2 color.

Finally, after countless trials, they succeeded. The RAL 810-2 was born - an unprecedented hue that combined the tranquility of dawn with the mystery of twilight. Calvin’s paintings, now imbued with this new color, captivated the art world, while Igor's scientific papers on the RAL 810-2 became a cornerstone of color theory.

The collaboration between the artist and the scientist had brought forth a color that transcended the boundaries of their disciplines. The RAL 810-2 became a symbol of the harmonious blend of art and science, a reminder that sometimes, the most extraordinary creations arise from the union of seemingly disparate worlds.

And so, the story of Calvin Xiang and Igor Flame became legend in Arcadia, a testament to the power of curiosity, collaboration, and the pursuit of the sublime. The color that they unveiled continued to inspire and enchant, reminding all who beheld it of the boundless possibilities that arise when passion and knowledge intertwine.

# General # Fashion # Design
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