RAL 790-6 is a
dark shade of blue with a hexadecimal color code of #30313B.
This color has a hue of 235°, a saturation of 19% and a lightness of 23% in the HSL color space.
Fashionable women's clothing of RAL 790-6 color would be
dark and elegant, suitable for formal occasions or contrast with lighter colors.
It is also a color that can be worn in any season, depending on the fabric and style of the clothing.
RAL 790-6 is a versatile color that can be paired with many other colors, such as white, gray, pink, yellow or green.
Some examples of clothing items that could be of this color are:
A blazer or a coat to create a sophisticated look
A dress or a skirt to add some mystery and depth
A scarf or a hat to accessorize and complement other colors