RAL 710-2 # Design
How is RAL 710-2 color commonly used in design?
RAL 710-2 belongs to the category of RAL 710 - 790, which are metallic colors that harmonize with six matching color shades each.
RAL 710-2 is a dark gray color with a metallic effect, which can be used to create eye-catching, modern color schemes in design-oriented application fields.
Some examples of possible uses of RAL 710-2 are:
Automotive design: RAL 710-2 can be used as a base color or an accent color for car exteriors or interiors, giving them a sleek and sophisticated look.
RAL 710-2 can also be combined with other RAL Effect colors to create contrast or harmony, depending on the desired effect.Industrial design: RAL 710-2 can be used to coat metal surfaces or components, such as machinery, tools, appliances, or furniture, to enhance their durability and appearance.
RAL 710-2 can also be used to create a metallic texture or a gradient effect on plastic or wood materials, adding a touch of elegance and innovation.Graphic design: RAL 710-2 can be used as a background color or a font color for logos, posters, flyers, or websites, creating a modern and professional impression.
RAL 710-2 can also be used to create metallic effects or shadows on text or graphics, adding depth and dimension.
RAL 710-2 is based on a water-based coating system that enables eco-efficient color production and thus contributes to increasing demands regarding environmental friendliness.
RAL 710-2 is a color that reflects the latest trends and standards in design.
Example of the palette with the RAL 710-2 color
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...