PANTONE Process Blue is a moderate blue color that is commonly used in printing and graphic design.
It has different color codes depending on the type of material and coating.
PANTONE Process Blue has the following color codes:
Hexadecimal: #008BCC
RGB: 0, 139, 204
CMYK: 100, 13, 1, 2
HSL: 199, 100, 80
It is a primary color in the four-color printing process, along with magenta, yellow, and black.
PANTONE Process Blue is also one of the three colors used in the subtractive color model, which is based on how pigments mix to create different colors.
It is a popular color choice for logos, branding, and corporate identity.
Some examples of companies that use PANTONE Process Blue in their logos are IBM, Intel, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
PANTONE Process Blue is also used in the flags of the European Union, the United Nations, and NATO.
This color conveys professionalism, reliability, and trustworthiness.
It is also associated with calmness, stability, and confidence.
PANTONE Process Blue can be paired with other colors to create different effects and moods.
For instance, PANTONE Process Blue can be combined with white to create a clean and crisp look, or with orange to create a contrast and a sense of energy.
This color has a long history and a wide application in various fields and industries.