PANTONE Cool Gray 7 has the following values in different color models:
RGB: 153, 153, 155
CMYK: 20, 14, 12, 40
HEX: #99999B
These values mean that PANTONE Cool Gray 7 is a medium light shade of gray with a slight blue tint.
It is composed of about 60% of red, 60% of green, and 60.78% of blue in the RGB model, and about 20% of cyan, 14% of magenta, 12% of yellow, and 40% of black in the CMYK model.
The HEX code #99999B indicates that the color has 153 out of 255 units of red, 153 out of 255 units of green, and 155 out of 255 units of blue.
PANTONE Cool Gray 7 is a versatile color that can be used for various purposes, such as branding, packaging, web design, and interior design.
It can create a neutral, elegant, and professional look when paired with other colors, such as white, black, or pastels.
Some examples of brands that use PANTONE Cool Gray 7 are Apple, Nike, and Mercedes-Benz.
PANTONE Cool Gray 7 is a color that reflects the modern, sophisticated, and minimalist style of today's world.
This color can suit any occasion, mood, or preference.