PANTONE Cool Gray 3 is a shade of gray with a green hue, and it has the following color values:
RGB: 202, 202, 199
CMYK: 8, 5, 7, 16
HSL: 60 degrees, 1%, 79%
This color can be found in various Pantone products, such as formula guides, solid chips, and plastic chips.
PANTONE Cool Gray 3 is a neutral and versatile color that can be used for different purposes, such as backgrounds, typography, logos, packaging, and more.
It can create a sense of calmness, elegance, and sophistication, as well as contrast and balance with other colors.
PANTONE Cool Gray 3 is a color that can suit different styles, moods, and occasions, depending on how it is used and what it is paired with.
This color can express both simplicity and sophistication, as well as harmony and diversity.