PANTONE Cool Gray 10 has different color codes depending on the medium and the color space.
Here are some of the color codes for PANTONE Cool Gray 10:
The hexadecimal color code for this is #66676C, which is a shade of cyan-blue.
In the RGB color model, this color has 40% red, 40.39% green, and 42.35% blue.
In the CMYK color model, this color has 40% cyan, 30% magenta, 20% yellow, and 66% black.
It is a neutral color that can be used for various purposes, such as backgrounds, typography, logos, and accents.
This color can create a sense of elegance, sophistication, and professionalism.
It can also be paired with other colors to create different effects, such as contrast, harmony, or balance.
PANTONE Cool Gray 10 is a versatile and timeless color that can be used for various design projects, such as branding, packaging, web design, and print design.
This color can convey a sense of quality, reliability, and sophistication.