PANTONE Black is one of the 14 basic colors that are used to create other colors in the PMS.
It is not a pure black, but a very dark gray with a slight blue hue.
This color has the following color values in different color models:
RGB: 47, 44, 39
CMYK:63, 62, 59, 94
HEX: #2F2C27
HSL: 38, 17, 18
PANTONE Black is often used for text, logos, and backgrounds that need to have a high contrast and a professional appearance.
It can also be combined with other colors to create different shades of gray or dark colors.
PANTONE Black is also compatible with other Pantone color systems, such as Fashion, Home + Interiors and Lifestyle.
It is a versatile and classic color that can be used for various purposes and applications.
This color represents elegance, sophistication, and authority.
PANTONE Black is also a color that can evoke different emotions and associations, depending on the context and the culture.
For some, it may symbolize mystery, power, or mourning.
For others, it may signify simplicity, modernity, or luxury.