The color PANTONE 7767 has the following properties:
Hexadecimal value: #A99A25
RGB value: 169, 154, 37
CMYK value: 14, 12, 100, 34
HSL value: 53, 78, 66
This color can be described as a
light olive green or a
mustard yellow.
It is a warm and earthy color that can evoke a sense of nature, freshness, or autumn.
PANTONE 7767 can also be associated with gold, brass, or bronze.
It is a versatile and attractive color that can be used for various purposes and projects.
This color can be applied to logos, packaging, websites, clothing, accessories, and more.
It can also be mixed and matched with other colors to create different moods and effects.
PANTONE 7767 can inspire creativity and innovation.