Home Colors PANTONE


HEX Triplet:
46, 89, 160
95, 69, 0, 0
217°, 71%, 63%
Closest colors:
in RGB:
Lapis lazuli
in RAL Classic:
RAL 5009
in RAL Design:
RAL 260 40 40
in RAL Effect:
RAL 640-5
What color is PANTONE 7685? The Charming Revolution of PANTONE 7685
2024-09-21 Snargl 02:14

What color is PANTONE 7685?

PANTONE 7685 color example: Blue bird with a yellow eyes on a snowy surface next to a river and trees
Sci - fi, Darek Zabrocki, mecha, cyberpunk art, space art. Color RGB 46,89,160.
Painting of a woman with long hair and a blue jacket on, with trees in the background. Color RGB 46,89,160.
Blue and white bear with a black background. Color RGB 46,89,160.
PANTONE 7685 is a medium dark shade of cyan-blue with the following color values:
  • RGB: 46, 89, 160

  • CMYK: 95, 69, 0, 0

  • HEX: #2E59A0

PANTONE 7685 is a cool and calm color that can evoke feelings of trust, loyalty, and professionalism.
It can also be associated with water, sky, and technology.
Some possible color combinations for PANTONE 7685 are:
  • PANTONE 7685 + PANTONE 7541 (light gray-blue) + PANTONE 11-0601 TCX (bright white)

  • PANTONE 7685 + PANTONE 7417 (bright orange-red) + PANTONE 7409 (light yellow-orange)

  • PANTONE 7685 + PANTONE 2718 (deep purple-blue) + PANTONE 271 (light lavender)

Example of the palette with the PANTONE 7685 color

Picture with primary colors of Onyx, Celestial blue, Dim gray, Drab and Platinum
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
Funny stories about the 'PANTONE 7685'

The Charming Revolution of PANTONE 7685

Far-far away, in the quaint town of Everwood, known for its cobblestone streets and cozy cottages, lived two unlikely friends who were about to spark a revolution in interior design. Ralph Ervin, a whimsical inventor with a knack for quirky gadgets, and Professor Billy Frost, a warm-hearted academic with a passion for color theory, were on the brink of something extraordinary.

Ralph's workshop was a delightful chaos of blueprints, strange contraptions, and half-finished inventions. Among the clutter, one thing stood out: a series of vibrant swatches, including a striking shade known as PANTONE 7685. This particular blue was rich, bold, and inviting, and Ralph believed it held the key to transforming spaces in a way never before imagined.
Painting of a vase on a blue wall with gold designs on it's sides. Example of PANTONE 7685 color.

Professor Billy Frost, on the other hand, was known for his lectures on color psychology and design. His office, lined with shelves of books and colorful samples, was a testament to his belief that color could profoundly affect emotions and experiences. He and Ralph had crossed paths at various local events and instantly bonded over their shared love for color and design.

One sunny afternoon, Ralph burst into Billy's office, waving a sample of PANTONE 7685 with a grin that could rival the sun's rays. "Billy, my friend, I've got it!" he declared, his eyes twinkling with excitement.

Billy, adjusting his glasses and taking a closer look, responded with a warm smile, "Ah, Ralph, that's a magnificent shade of blue. But what's the big idea?"

Ralph's voice took on a conspiratorial tone. "I believe this color could change the way we think about space. Imagine a room where this blue isn't just a wall color but interacts with the furniture, lighting, and even mood! It's not just a color - it's a whole experience."

Billy's eyes lit up with curiosity. "I'm intrigued. How do you propose we use it?"
Woman with purple hair standing in a pond of water with a forest background. Color #2E59A0.

And so, the duo embarked on a project that would forever change Everwood's interior design landscape. They decided to transform an old, unused community center into a vibrant, interactive space using PANTONE 7685.

Ralph engineered clever gadgets that adjusted the room's lighting to complement the blue, creating a dynamic interplay of shades. The walls were painted with a special version of PANTONE 7685 that subtly shifted hue depending on the time of day and the angle of the light. Furniture was designed to harmonize with the blue, incorporating textures and materials that enhanced its warmth and depth.

Billy contributed by incorporating his knowledge of color psychology, ensuring that the space fostered feelings of calm and inspiration. He recommended adding soft accents and elements that encouraged relaxation and creativity, making sure that the blue was always soothing, never overwhelming.

As the project neared completion, the community was abuzz with anticipation. The grand opening was set for a crisp autumn afternoon. When the doors finally opened, visitors were greeted by a breathtaking scene. The room was awash in the rich, transformative blue of PANTONE 7685, which seemed to breathe and shift with the light, creating a mesmerizing effect.

Children giggled as they played in cozy nooks, their laughter echoing through the space. Artists found inspiration in the tranquil blue that seemed to change as they painted. Even the local book club found a new love for their meetings, enjoying the calming atmosphere created by the innovative use of color.

The new space quickly became a beloved community hub, not just for its beauty but for its ability to positively impact the mood and experiences of those who visited. Ralph and Billy's project was a triumph, showcasing the potential of PANTONE 7685 to create environments that were both functional and enchanting.

The story of their success spread beyond Everwood, inspiring others to explore the emotional and transformative power of color. Ralph and Billy became local legends, celebrated not only for their creativity but for their ability to make the world a little brighter, one hue at a time.

In the end, the revolutionary use of PANTONE 7685 was more than just a design trend; it was a testament to the magic that happens when passion and innovation come together to transform everyday spaces into extraordinary experiences. And so, the town of Everwood continued to thrive, forever touched by the charming revolution brought forth by two unlikely friends and their favorite shade of blue.

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