PANTONE 7629 C is a dark reddish-brown color with a hue angle of 5°, a saturation of 56%, and a lightness of 44%.
It is composed of 23% cyan, 87% magenta, 73% yellow, and 61% black in the CMYK color model.
In the RGB color model, it is composed of 111 red, 54 green, and 49 blue.
Its hexadecimal code is #6F3631.
PANTONE 7629 is a rich and warm color that can evoke feelings of strength, passion, and earthiness.
This color can be used to create contrast, highlight, or accentuate elements in a design.
It can also be paired with other colors to create different moods and effects.
PANTONE 7629 is a color that can be found in nature, such as in clay, soil, wood, or fire.
It can be associated with certain cultures, such as Native American, African, or Asian.
This color used to represent or symbolize various concepts, such as earth, blood, warmth, courage, or power.
PANTONE 7629 can also be used to create beautiful and impactful designs, or to convey messages and emotions.
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...