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RAL 030 30 45 2023-06-09 Snargl 01:16
What color is PANTONE 7623?
There once was a color named PANTONE 7623
It was a medium dark shade of red, you see
It had a hue of two degrees and a lightness of fifty-seven
And it was available in many Pantone products to buy
But PANTONE 7623 had a problem that made it sad
It was often confused with other colors that were bad
Like blood, or rust, or wine stains on a shirt
Or the color of a wound when someone gets hurt
So PANTONE 7623 decided to change its name
To something more cheerful and less of a shame
It thought of names like Cherry, Ruby, or Rose
But none of them seemed to fit its woes
Then it had an idea that made it smile
It would call itself PANTONE Happy Red for a while
It hoped that this name would make people see
That it was a beautiful color, not a tragedy
And so PANTONE 7623 became PANTONE Happy Red
And it felt much better about itself, it said
It hoped that people would appreciate its new name
And see the beauty in its color, not the pain
Example of the palette with the PANTONE 7623 color
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
NCS (Natural Color System)
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