PANTONE 7570 is a warm, earthy brown color with a hint of orange.
It has a HEX value of #D68A28 and an RGB value of 214, 138, 40.
It is composed of 0% cyan, 48% magenta, 98% yellow, and 10% black in the CMYK color model.
This color has a hue angle of 34 degrees, a saturation of 81%, and a lightness of 84% in the HSL color model.
PANTONE 7570 is a versatile color that can be used for various purposes, such as branding, packaging, fashion, interior design, and more.
It can create a warm, cozy, and natural atmosphere when paired with other earth tones, such as beige, tan, or olive.
This color can also contrast well with cooler colors, such as blue, green, or purple, to create a dynamic and energetic look.
PANTONE 7570 is a color that reflects stability, reliability, and comfort.
It can evoke feelings of warmth, security, and nostalgia.
This color can also represent nature, soil, wood, or chocolate.
It is a color that can suit different styles, moods, and seasons.
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...