Home Colors PANTONE


HEX Triplet:
246, 208, 58
0, 12, 98, 0
48°, 76%, 96%
Closest colors:
in RGB:
in RAL Classic:
RAL 1018
in RAL Design:
RAL 080 80 70
in RAL Effect:
RAL 270-6
in NCS:
NCS S 1060-Y
What color is PANTONE 7548? The PANTONE 7548 Phenomenon: From the Sea to the Catwalk
2024-09-21 Snargl 02:14

What color is PANTONE 7548?

PANTONE 7548 color. Yellow sports car parked in a garage with a black background
Book with a bird on it and a book in front of it with a full moon in the background. Color RGB 246,208,58.
Yellow dinosaur on a rocking chair with a black background. Example of #F6D03A color.
Yellow tank is parked on the street with a helicopter flying overhead in the sky above it and a building in the background
The color of PANTONE 7548 is a neon yellow with a slight orange tint.
It has HEX code of #F6D03A, and RGB values of 246, 208, 58.
PANTONE 7548 is a bright and energetic color that can attract attention and create excitement.
However, it can also be overwhelming or irritating if used too much or inappropriately.
PANTONE 7548 can be paired with other colors to create different effects, such as contrast, harmony or balance.

Example of the palette with the PANTONE 7548 color

Picture with primary colors of Ochre, Charcoal, Pastel gray, Sandstorm and Slate gray
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
NCS (Natural Color System)
NCS S 2060-Y30R
NCS S 7005-R80B
NCS S 2500-N
NCS S 1050-G90Y
NCS S 4010-R90B
RAL Classic
RAL 2010
RAL 7026
RAL 9018
RAL 1018
RAL 5014
RAL Design
RAL 070 60 70
RAL 200 30 05
RAL 080 80 05
RAL 090 80 70
RAL 270 50 10
Funny stories about the 'PANTONE 7548'

The PANTONE 7548 Phenomenon: From the Sea to the Catwalk

Far-far away, in the quaint coastal town of Seaside Haven, Calvin Yamamoto was known as the local fisherman with a knack for uncovering treasures. Calvin's days were spent mending nets and hauling in the catch of the day, but his evenings were a different story. He was an amateur artist with a peculiar hobby - collecting and analyzing the natural colors of the sea.

One foggy morning, Calvin discovered something unusual while sorting through his fishing gear. Nestled between seaweed and driftwood was a jar of algae-infused ink he'd been using for his art. The color was a striking, earthy green with hints of brown, reminiscent of the sea after a storm. It was unlike anything he'd seen before - a rich, complex hue that seemed to capture the essence of the ocean. Calvin decided to name it PANTONE 7548.
Woman with long blonde hair and a black shirt with yellow and black designs on it. Color CMYK 0,12,98,0.

Meanwhile, in the bustling city, Eva Hawk, a brilliant engineer with a passion for innovative design, was working on her latest project - a sustainable, high-tech fabric that could revolutionize the fashion industry. Eva's goal was to create a fabric that was both environmentally friendly and strikingly unique.

One day, Eva stumbled upon Calvin's local art gallery during a visit to Seaside Haven. She was immediately drawn to a series of paintings that used the same rich, earthy green Calvin had named PANTONE 7548. Intrigued by the color's depth and complexity, Eva struck up a conversation with Calvin.

"This color," Eva said, admiring a particularly vibrant piece, "is extraordinary. It's unlike anything I've seen in fashion. Have you ever thought about bringing it into the textile world?"

Calvin's eyes widened. "You think so? I've been experimenting with it for a while. It's from the sea - its complexity is part of its charm."

Eva's mind raced with possibilities. "We could use PANTONE 7548 in the sustainable fabric I'm developing. Imagine combining this color with our new technology - it could create a fashion line that's both groundbreaking and deeply connected to nature."

Calvin was excited but skeptical. "That sounds like an amazing idea, but can we really transform a fisherman's color into a fashion sensation?"
Yellow flower with a black background. Color CMYK 0,12,98,0.

Eva reassured him. "Absolutely. With the right approach, PANTONE 7548 could become the standout color of the season. Let's work together and see what we can create."

The two embarked on a collaboration, blending Calvin's artistic vision with Eva's technological expertise. They developed a fabric infused with the deep, captivating hues of PANTONE 7548. The material was both sustainable and visually stunning, with a texture that felt as rich and complex as the color itself.

When they launched their fashion line, "Oceanic Elegance," it was met with shock and awe. The collection featured garments in PANTONE 7548, from sleek evening gowns to casual wear. The color's depth and natural allure made every piece look extraordinary. It was as if the essence of the ocean had been captured and woven into high fashion.

The fashion world was stunned. Critics hailed PANTONE 7548 as a revolutionary color, and the collection received rave reviews for its originality and connection to nature. The garments stood out on runways and in boutiques, capturing the imaginations of designers and consumers alike.

One particular evening, Calvin and Eva attended a grand fashion show where their collection was featured. The audience was captivated by the stunning designs and the story behind the color. As the final model walked the runway in a breathtaking gown of PANTONE 7548, the crowd erupted into applause.

Backstage, Calvin and Eva shared a triumphant moment. "I can't believe it," Calvin said, still in awe. "PANTONE 7548 really took off. It's become something much bigger than I ever imagined."

Eva smiled, her eyes reflecting the glow of success. "It's incredible what can happen when two different worlds collide. PANTONE 7548 was always special, but together, we turned it into a fashion phenomenon."

The birth of PANTONE 7548 as a key color in fashion design became a story of unexpected collaboration and innovation. Calvin's deep connection to the sea and Eva's engineering prowess had transformed a simple color into a symbol of modern elegance and environmental awareness. Their partnership demonstrated how blending different perspectives could lead to stunning and revolutionary results.

And so, the tale of PANTONE 7548 - its journey from a fisherman's discovery to a fashion industry sensation - served as a testament to the power of creativity, collaboration, and the limitless possibilities that arise when innovation meets inspiration.

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