Home Colors PANTONE


HEX Triplet:
108, 94, 75
23, 37, 45, 65
35°, 31%, 42%
Closest colors:
in RGB:
in RAL Classic:
RAL 8025
in RAL Design:
RAL 075 40 20
in RAL Effect:
RAL 330-3
What color is PANTONE 7532? The Hidden Harvest of Pantone 7532
2024-09-21 Snargl 02:10

What color is PANTONE 7532?

Patio with a table and chairs and a covered area with benches and trees in the background. Color CMYK 23,37,45,65.
PANTONE 7532 color example: Dirt road in the middle of a forest with trees on both sides of it
PANTONE 7532 is a dark brown color with a hint of green.

It has the following color values:
  • RGB: 108, 94, 75

  • HEX: #6C5E4B

  • CMYK: 23, 37, 45, 65

PANTONE 7532 is a versatile color that can be used for various purposes, such as branding, packaging, or interior design.

This color can create a sense of elegance, sophistication, or earthiness, depending on the context and the colors it is paired with.

Example of the palette with the PANTONE 7532 color

Picture with primary colors of Manatee, Timberwolf, Pastel brown, Dark lava and Ash grey
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
Funny stories about the 'PANTONE 7532'

The Hidden Harvest of Pantone 7532

Shivansh Powell was a farmer by heritage and heart, tending to his family's fields in the quiet countryside. His life was simple, revolving around the rhythms of the land, the changing seasons, and the soil he knew better than anything else. But Shivansh had another passion - a love for colors. When he wasn't working the fields, he would sit with his old sketchbook, trying to capture the myriad shades of nature. One color, however, always eluded him - a deep, earthy tone that was neither brown nor black, yet carried a richness that seemed to hold the essence of the earth itself.

Meanwhile, in the bustling city far from Shivansh's farm, Professor Jessica Goowanni was a renowned expert in polygraphy and color theory. Her lectures at the university were always packed, students and professionals alike hanging on her every word. Jessica was known for her groundbreaking research on how color affects human perception and emotion. But recently, she had hit a wall. A particular shade she was studying - Pantone 7532 - seemed to resist all her theories. It was a dark, mysterious color that absorbed light in a way no other color did, and Jessica was determined to unlock its secrets.
Dog with green eyes standing in the snow with its mouth open and tongue out and it's snowing. Example of CMYK 23,37,45,65 color.

One day, while going through some old manuscripts at the university, Jessica stumbled upon an ancient text from a forgotten culture. The text spoke of a color called "The Hidden Harvest," a shade said to be found in the deepest soil, where life began. Intrigued, Jessica realized that this might be the key to understanding Pantone 7532. But to truly grasp its nature, she needed to study it in an environment where the earth's richness was most profound.

Her search led her to Shivansh Powell's farm. The land had a reputation for yielding crops of unparalleled quality, and it was said that the soil there was unlike any other. Jessica reached out to Shivansh, explaining her quest to understand this elusive color. Though initially puzzled by the idea, Shivansh agreed to help. He too was curious about the color that had haunted his sketches for years.

Jessica arrived at the farm with her tools and samples, ready to study the soil, the plants, and the environment. Shivansh took her to a secluded part of the farm, a place where the soil was darker, richer, and had a strange, almost magnetic quality. "This is where my best crops come from," Shivansh said. "I've always felt there was something special here, something beyond just good farming."
Pig with a very large nose standing in the snow with its mouth open. Example of PANTONE 7532 color.

Jessica carefully collected soil samples and measured the light as it interacted with the earth. As she worked, she noticed how the soil, when disturbed, revealed a deep, almost imperceptible glow. It was then that she realized the color she sought was not just in the soil - it was the soil. Pantone 7532 wasn't a pigment that could be replicated in a lab; it was the very essence of fertile earth, a color that spoke of life, growth, and the mysteries buried deep within.

Shivansh, observing Jessica's meticulous work, began to see his land in a new light. He had always known his soil was special, but he had never thought of it as art, as something that held a deeper meaning beyond its ability to grow crops. As the days passed, Jessica and Shivansh shared their knowledge - she taught him about the science of color, and he taught her about the life in the soil. They realized that Pantone 7532 was not just a color to be used in print; it was a bridge between the natural and human-made worlds, a reminder of the earth's primal beauty.

Jessica returned to the city with a new understanding of Pantone 7532. Her lectures now included stories of her time on Shivansh's farm, of the color that could not be tamed by technology but was instead a gift from the earth. Her students were captivated, and Pantone 7532 became a symbol of the connection between nature and human creativity.

As for Shivansh, he continued to work his fields, but with a renewed sense of purpose. He no longer saw himself as just a farmer; he was a steward of the earth's hidden treasures, a guardian of the color that held the secrets of life itself. His sketchbook, once filled with attempts to capture the elusive shade, now overflowed with images inspired by his land - each drawing a tribute to the hidden harvest of Pantone 7532.

And so, in the deep soil of a quiet farm, and in the bustling lecture halls of a distant city, Pantone 7532 found its place. It was more than just a color; it was a testament to the richness of the earth and the endless possibilities that arise when science and nature come together in harmony.

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