The color PANTONE 7496 has the following characteristics:
In the RGB color model, which is used to display colors on digital screens, PANTONE 7496 is composed of 47.06% red, 53.73% green, and 12.55% blue.
In the CMYK color model, which is used for printing colors on paper, this color is composed of 46% cyan, 6% magenta, 100% yellow, and 42% black.
In the HSL color model, which is used to describe colors based on hue, saturation, and lightness, PANTONE 7496 has a hue of 70°, a saturation of 77%, and a lightness of 54%.
It is a dark shade of yellow-green, similar to olive or khaki colors.
This color can be used to create a natural, earthy, or military-inspired look.
PANTONE 7496 is a versatile and expressive color that can be used for various purposes, such as graphic design, fashion, home decor, and more.
It can convey a sense of nature, freshness, stability, or adventure, depending on the context and the mood.
PANTONE 7496 is a color that can inspire creativity and innovation.