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RAL 110 60 50 2023-06-09 Snargl 00:00
What color is PANTONE 7490?
PANTONE 7490 has two variants: PANTONE 7490 C and PANTONE 7490 XGC.
The C stands for coated and the XGC stands for extended gamut coated.
These indicate the type of paper or material that the color is printed on.
PANTONE 7490 C is a shade of green that has a hue value of 84°, which means it is a cold color.
That color has a luminance of 61%, which means it is a pastel color.
It has an RGB value of (118, 155, 61) and a hexadecimal code of #769B3D.
PANTONE 7490 is a color that can be used for various purposes, such as branding, packaging, web design, or interior design.
That shade of green can evoke feelings of nature, freshness, growth, or harmony.
It can also be combined with other colors to create different effects or moods.
For example, PANTONE 7490 can be paired with white for a clean and crisp look, or with yellow for a lively and energetic vibe.
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