Home Colors PANTONE


HEX Triplet:
232, 165, 82
0, 42, 75, 2
33°, 65%, 91%
Closest colors:
in RAL Classic:
RAL 1034
in RAL Design:
RAL 060 70 50
in RAL Effect:
RAL 290-1
What color is PANTONE 7411? The Great Guava Gambit: Pier and Hubert's Colorful Conquest
2024-09-21 Snargl 02:12

What color is PANTONE 7411?

Bedroom with a bed, a plant. Color CMYK 0,42,75,2.
Two kittens next to each other with presents in front of a christmas tree and a christmas tree. Example of PANTONE 7411 color.
Painting of a bird with a long beak and a large beak. Example of CMYK 0,42,75,2 color.
PANTONE 7411 is a warm, orange-yellow hue with a slight brownish tint.

It belongs to the yellow-red color family and has the following color values:
  • RGB: 232, 165, 82

  • HEX: #E8A552

  • HSL: 33, 65, 91

PANTONE 7411 is used for various purposes, such as graphic design, interior design, fashion, and plastics.

It can create a cozy, inviting, and cheerful atmosphere when paired with complementary or analogous colors.

Example of the palette with the PANTONE 7411 color

Picture with primary colors of Dark slate gray, Light salmon, Air Force Blue, Timberwolf and Onyx
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
Funny stories about the 'PANTONE 7411'

The Great Guava Gambit: Pier and Hubert's Colorful Conquest

Far-far away, in the bustling heart of a city that never seemed to sleep, there was a shop that had recently gained a reputation for its unique and quirky approach to trademark design. The shop assistant, Pier Arrow, known for his flamboyant ties and a penchant for telling elaborate stories about each item on the shelves, had a new mission: to introduce a brand-new color into the world of trademarks. That color? A vibrant, eye-popping shade known as PANTONE 7411, also affectionately referred to as Guava.

Pier's shop was famous for its eccentric window displays. From oversized novelty sunglasses to floating rubber ducks, Pier had a knack for making people stop and take notice. However, he had recently become obsessed with the idea of using PANTONE 7411 in the shop's new line of trademarks. His inspiration came from an unexpected source - a tropical fruit smoothie he'd had at a local cafe, which was both refreshing and eye-catching. Pier was convinced that Guava was the color that could revolutionize trademark design.
Cat on a couch with a lamp in the background. Example of RGB 232,165,82 color.

But to bring his vision to life, Pier needed the help of someone who could turn this vibrant hue into a tangible, trademark-worthy reality. Enter Hubert Honey, a seasoned engineer with a reputation for precision and a surprising love for all things bright and cheerful. Hubert's workshop was a world of gears, levers, and occasionally, an oversized inflatable flamingo or two.

Pier stormed into Hubert's workshop one sunny morning, his arms flailing excitedly. "Hubert! I need your help. We're going to make PANTONE 7411 the new sensation in trademark design!"

Hubert looked up from his workbench, his face lighting up with curiosity. "PANTONE 7411? Sounds like a color code for a very enthusiastic fruit salad. What's the plan?"

Pier grinned. "We're going to create a series of trademarks using this color that will make people laugh, gasp, and most importantly, remember our brand. Imagine everything in this bold, guava shade!"

Hubert raised an eyebrow but was intrigued. "Alright, let's see what you have in mind."

The duo's first project was a series of "Guava-ized" products. They started with trademarked rubber stamps, each in the shape of a quirky fruit or object, all in the radiant PANTONE 7411. Hubert designed a machine that not only stamped these vibrant colors but did so with a cheerful "splat" sound effect that made each imprint an unexpected delight.
Plate of food on a table in a restaurant with a tv in the background. Example of CMYK 0,42,75,2 color.

Pier and Hubert then tackled trademarked merchandise, from T-shirts to tote bags, all emblazoned with their Guava-inspired designs. The T-shirts featured a bold "Guava Guru" logo that seemed to dance with every movement, while the tote bags boasted a cheeky slogan: "I'm too cool for bland colors."

Their pièce de résistance was the "Guava Gallery," a pop-up installation in the city's main square. Hubert engineered a series of interactive displays that let people engage with the color in fun ways - giant Guava-colored pinwheels, inflatable guavas for jumping on, and even a Guava-themed dance floor that lit up in sync with the beat of the music.

The launch of the Guava Gallery was a smashing success. The streets were filled with people wearing the new Guava merchandise, snapping selfies against the colorful backdrop of the gallery, and dancing on the vibrant dance floor. The city buzzed with excitement over the bright, cheerful color that had taken the world of trademarks by storm.

At the grand opening event, Pier and Hubert were hailed as the masterminds behind the Guava sensation. Hubert, who usually preferred his work to be quiet and orderly, was found chuckling as he danced on the Guava-themed dance floor. Pier, in his signature flamboyant tie, couldn't stop beaming with pride.

"We did it!" Pier exclaimed, throwing his arms up in triumph.

Hubert, with a grin as wide as the inflatable flamingo's, added, "And who knew a color named after a fruit could cause such a stir?"

The Guava craze continued to grow, with other designers and brands eager to incorporate the eye-catching color into their own trademarks. As for Pier and Hubert, they celebrated their success with a guava smoothie party, the same vibrant hue that had sparked their revolutionary idea.

Their story became a legend in the world of design - a tale of how a simple color could transform the mundane into the memorable, all thanks to a shop assistant with a passion for pizzazz and an engineer with a flair for the fun.

And so, the rise of PANTONE 7411, the Guava color, became a testament to the idea that sometimes, the most unexpected inspirations could lead to the most remarkable revolutions.

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