Home Colors PANTONE


HEX Triplet:
100, 37, 65
30, 98, 13, 68
333°, 63%, 39%
Closest colors:
in RGB:
Old mauve
in RAL Classic:
RAL 4004
in RAL Design:
RAL 350 20 30
in RAL Effect:
RAL 530-5
What color is PANTONE 690? The Birth of PANTONE 690: The Great Color Caper
2024-09-03 Snargl 02:12

What color is PANTONE 690?

Pink sports car driving down a city street at night with a bright light on the side of it. Color PANTONE 690.
Group of jellyfishs floating in a pond of water with a blurry background. Color CMYK 30,98,13,68.
Painting of a castle in the middle of a mountain range with a sunset in the background. Color RGB 100,37,65.
PANTONE 690 is a dark shade of pink with a hue of 333°, a saturation of 63%, and a lightness of 39%.

In the RGB color model, it is composed of 39.22% red, 14.51% green, and 25.49% blue.

It is composed of 30% cyan, 98% magenta, 13% yellow, and 68% black in the CMYK color model.

The hexadecimal color code for PANTONE 690 is #642541.

PANTONE 690 can be found in various Pantone products, such as guides, chips, and books.

It is often used for branding, packaging, and fashion design.

Example of the palette with the PANTONE 690 color

Picture with primary colors of Arsenic, Onyx, Platinum, Dark terra cotta and Taupe gray
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
RAL Classic
RAL 7016
RAL 9005
RAL 9001
RAL 3017
RAL 9007
RAL Design
RAL 000 25 00
RAL 170 20 20
RAL 110 90 05
RAL 020 50 50
RAL 120 60 10
Funny stories about the 'PANTONE 690'

The Birth of PANTONE 690: The Great Color Caper

Far away, in the bustling metropolis of Creativille, where every corner buzzed with artistic energy, the local color shop, Chromatic Dreams, was known for its eclectic range of hues. The star of this vibrant shop was Sonja Krang, a shop assistant with a flair for both fashion and color coordination. Her trademark was a never-ending enthusiasm and a wardrobe that looked like a Pantone chart exploded in style.

One crisp autumn morning, a curious writer named Vivienne Jacobs stumbled into the shop, looking like she’d just walked out of a high-fashion magazine. Vivienne was on a quest to find the perfect color for a new motion design project she was working on - a project that promised to catapult her to fame if she could just get the color right.
Large factory with smoke coming out of it's stacks and a road leading to it with a red field in front of it. Color #642541.

Sonja, perched behind the counter and clad in a dazzling cerulean suit, greeted her with a wide smile. "Welcome to Chromatic Dreams! How can I assist in coloring your world today?"

Vivienne looked around, her eyes scanning the spectrum of colors. "I need a color that’s never been seen before - something that will make my design pop and leave everyone in awe. Any suggestions?"

Sonja’s eyes sparkled with excitement. "Ah, a quest for the elusive! Let’s dive into the Pantone archives. We might just discover something extraordinary."

Sonja led Vivienne to the back room, which was filled with an array of color swatches. It looked like a painter’s paradise and a hoarder’s nightmare. After a few minutes of sifting through swatches and mumbling color names like "Ultramarine Ultra," Sonja’s face lit up. "I have an idea!"

Vivienne’s curiosity was piqued. "What is it?"

Sonja pulled out a tattered notebook, its cover decorated with the remnants of various colors. "This is the Pantone Codex of Forgotten Hues. Legends say it contains colors so obscure, they’ve been lost to time."

Vivienne’s eyes widened. "Lost colors? That sounds perfect!"

Sonja flipped through the pages until she reached a blank one, where she scribbled furiously with a marker. She then held up a color swatch that looked oddly familiar but had a peculiar glow to it. "Behold, PANTONE 690!"

Vivienne gasped. "What does it look like?"
Woman in a kimono is standing in a room with a table and a window in the background. Example of #642541 color.

Sonja grinned. "It’s a color so unique that its exact shade changes depending on the viewer’s mood. It’s playful, mysterious, and absolutely perfect for motion design!"

Vivienne stared at the swatch, trying to make sense of it. "How does it work?"

Sonja chuckled. "Oh, that’s the best part! It’s like a chameleon. If you’re happy, it’s a vibrant magenta. If you’re contemplative, it becomes a deep lavender. And if you’re confused, well, it’s a perplexing shade of... confusion."

Vivienne laughed. "I love it! But how do we test it?"

Sonja had a gleam in her eye. "Simple. We need a live test. I’ll call up a few of our regulars and see how they react to PANTONE 690."

Soon enough, the shop was bustling with a mix of artists, designers, and a particularly grumpy cat named Whiskers who was notoriously finicky about colors. They each took turns viewing PANTONE 690 and reacting in exaggerated ways. The color shifted from a dazzling fuchsia to a soothing teal, leaving everyone in awe.

Vivienne captured the entire spectacle on her camera. "This is incredible! PANTONE 690 is going to be the sensation of the season!"

As the day wound down, Sonja and Vivienne stood in the shop, surrounded by color swatches and joyful chaos. Vivienne clapped Sonja on the back. "You’ve done it, Sonja. You’ve created a color that’s as unpredictable as the creative process itself!"

Sonja grinned. "Just another day in Chromatic Dreams. Remember, the true magic of colors is that they’re always evolving."

And so, PANTONE 690 made its grand debut, captivating designers and motion artists alike. It became the symbol of creativity’s ever-changing nature, and Vivienne Jacobs became known as the writer who dared to dream in color.

As for Sonja Krang, she continued to dazzle the world with her color expertise, always ready to uncover the next hue that would redefine creativity.

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