Home Colors PANTONE


HEX Triplet:
39, 81, 151
100, 75, 0, 6
218°, 74%, 59%
Closest colors:
in RGB:
Lapis lazuli
in RAL Classic:
RAL 5017
in RAL Design:
RAL 260 40 40
in RAL Effect:
RAL 640-5
What color is PANTONE 661? The Blue Revolution
2024-09-03 Snargl 02:14

What color is PANTONE 661?

Cat laying on a blue carpet in front of a house with a lit window in the background. Color RGB 39,81,151.
Woman in a blue dress standing in front of a lake at sunset or sunrise with a mountain in the background. Example of PANTONE 661 color.
PANTONE 661 color example: Painting of a city with a person walking down a sidewalk at night with a bright red sky and stars
Narrow alley way with lights hanging from the buildings and a cobblestone walkway between two buildings at night
PANTONE 661 is a color that is a proprietary color space used in a variety of industries, especially printing, and sometimes in the manufacture of colored paint, fabric, and plastics.

It has different variations depending on the material and coating.

For example, PANTONE 661 C is for coated paper, while PANTONE 661 UP is for uncoated paper.

This colour is a medium dark shade of cyan-blue.

PANTONE 661 (without any suffix) is #275197, which is a medium dark shade of blue.

Both colors have a hue of around 218° (degrees), a saturation of around 74%, and a lightness of around 59%.

Example of the palette with the PANTONE 661 color

Picture with primary colors of Onyx, Oxford Blue, Lapis lazuli, Dark cerulean and Bleu de France
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
Funny stories about the 'PANTONE 661'

The Blue Revolution

In a far away place, in the vibrant city of Chromopolis, where colors reigned supreme, a groundbreaking innovation was about to change the world of printing forever. The hero of this story, Zahir Westwood, was a painter renowned not just for his artistic genius but for his obsession with the perfect shade of blue. And then there was Hubert Abloh, the delivery worker who had an uncanny knack for turning the mundane into something memorable.

One sunny morning, Zahir found himself at the pinnacle of his artistic career. He had just received a shipment of a mysterious new color: PANTONE 661, a shade of blue so deep and mesmerizing it seemed to pull you into the ocean of the sky. With trembling hands and eyes wide with excitement, Zahir began to test the new pigment on his canvases.
PANTONE 661 color example: Room with a desk and a laptop on it with a bright light coming through the window and a starburst on the wall

Meanwhile, Hubert Abloh, the delivery worker known for his punctuality and peculiar habit of whistling tunes from old cartoons, was making his rounds. Today’s delivery was particularly intriguing: a crate of PANTONE 661, destined for Zahir Westwood. Hubert, with his trusty scooter and a sense of purpose that bordered on the heroic, set off to deliver the precious cargo.

As fate would have it, the crate of PANTONE 661 was not just any shipment. It was said to be the key to revolutionizing the world of polygraphy - a field that had long been stagnant and stale. Zahir, in his studio, was about to make history with this color. But, as luck would have it, an unexpected mishap occurred: the studio’s ancient door creaked open, and in bolted Hubert, breathless and flustered.

"Delivery for Zahir Westwood!" Hubert announced with a flourish, a bit too dramatically for a delivery worker, and perhaps a tad more out of breath than usual.

Zahir blinked, surprised. "That’s me. But you’re a bit early, aren’t you?"

Hubert, wiping sweat from his brow, chuckled. "I like to deliver with pizzazz. And besides, I wanted to see what all the fuss was about with this ‘PANTONE 661.’"

Zahir grinned, noticing Hubert’s genuine curiosity. "Well, you’ve come at just the right time. I’m about to unveil it to the world."

As they opened the crate together, the room seemed to shimmer with an electric blue hue. Zahir dipped his brush into the pigment, and the transformation was nothing short of magical. The colors on the canvas began to leap off the page, each stroke more vibrant than the last. Hubert watched in awe, his eyes widening as Zahir painted with abandon.
PANTONE 661 color. Blue sports car driving down a city street in front of tall buildings and skyscrapers in the background

"This color is revolutionary!" Zahir exclaimed. "It’s as if the sky has decided to join us in this room."

Hubert, ever the enthusiast, couldn’t help but join in the excitement. "It’s like the ocean and the sky had a secret rendezvous and decided to share it with us!"

Their shared admiration for the color soon turned into a collaborative effort. Zahir, inspired by Hubert’s infectious enthusiasm, decided to use the PANTONE 661 in a polygraphy project that would feature in the city’s annual art fair. Hubert, with his natural flair for drama and storytelling, took on the role of Zahir’s assistant, and together they prepared for the grand unveiling.

The day of the art fair arrived, and the city was abuzz with anticipation. Zahir’s booth, adorned with breathtaking prints of his new blue masterpieces, drew crowds from all corners. Hubert stood proudly by Zahir’s side, narrating the story of PANTONE 661 to anyone who would listen, complete with exaggerated gestures and humorous anecdotes about his delivery adventures.

When the judges arrived, they were struck by the depth and brilliance of Zahir’s work. "This color," one judge remarked, "has brought a new dimension to polygraphy. It’s as if the very essence of blue has been captured."

The award ceremony was a whirlwind of excitement. Zahir and Hubert, now celebrated as the dynamic duo of the blue revolution, accepted the accolades with broad smiles and heartfelt thanks.

As the fair concluded, Zahir turned to Hubert and said, "I couldn’t have done this without you. You brought a unique flavor to our journey."

Hubert, with a wink and a whistle, replied, "And I couldn’t have asked for a better adventure. Plus, I got to see the sky and the ocean all in one place!"

And so, in the colorful city of Chromopolis, the legacy of PANTONE 661 was forever intertwined with the tales of a painter and a delivery worker who made history with a touch of blue and a dash of humor.

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