Home Colors PANTONE


HEX Triplet:
32, 62, 53
93, 33, 68, 85
162°, 48%, 24%
Closest colors:
in RAL Classic:
RAL 6009
in RAL Design:
RAL 160 20 15
in RAL Effect:
RAL 750-M
What color is PANTONE 627? The Pantone Dilemma
2024-09-03 Snargl 02:16

What color is PANTONE 627?

Woman with green hair and a white shirt is wearing a green and white shirt and a green and white collar. Color CMYK 93,33,68,85.
Green sports car parked in a city street with tall buildings in the background. Color #203E35.
Woman in a green dress holding a sword and a bottle of wine in front of a moon filled sky. Color RGB 32,62,53.
Forest with a stream and sun shining through the trees and grass on the ground and a light shining through the trees
PANTONE 627 color. Close up of a person in a costume in a forest with trees and bushes behind them
PANTONE 627 has the following color values:
  • RGB: 32, 62, 53

  • CMYK: 93, 33, 68, 85

  • HEX: #203E35

It is often used for logos, packaging, and other graphic design elements that require a deep, rich, and elegant color.

PANTONE 627 can also be paired with other colors to create different moods and effects.

Example of the palette with the PANTONE 627 color

Picture with primary colors of Desert sand, Black, Old lavender, Bottle green and Dark lava
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
Funny stories about the 'PANTONE 627'

The Pantone Dilemma

Far-far away, in the bustling metropolis of Technopolis, where neon lights and towering billboards were as common as pigeons, a new color trend was on the rise. It was Pantone 627, a shade so elusive it was practically a rumor. Rumor had it that this color could transform any design from mundane to magnificent, making it the hottest topic in the world of motion graphics.

Enter Gianni Moon, a flamboyant entrepreneur with a flair for the dramatic. Gianni wasn’t just a businessman; he was a visionary. His latest venture, "Moonbeam Creations," was about to revolutionize the industry by harnessing the power of Pantone 627. Gianni had spent months in secrecy perfecting a motion design that would bring the color to life in ways the world had never seen.
Bridge over a river with a blue water under it and a sunbeam in the background. Example of PANTONE 627 color.

One sunny afternoon, Gianni’s grand design was ready to make its debut. It was to be showcased at the annual Technopolis Creative Expo. But, as fate would have it, his special delivery - an ancient projector he’d acquired from a mysterious online auction - was stuck in transit. The projector was crucial for revealing his Pantone 627 magic, and it was currently in the possession of Raphael Lantern, a quirky delivery worker known for his knack for mischief.

Raphael Lantern was not your typical delivery guy. His delivery van was an old, colorful thing he had nicknamed "The Rainbow Rocket," which often looked like it had been painted by a hyperactive toddler. Raphael had picked up the projector from Gianni’s studio but had misplaced the delivery address in a sea of crumpled receipts and fast food wrappers.

As the Expo approached, Gianni’s stress levels hit new heights. He was pacing his office, rehearsing his presentation, when Raphael sauntered in. "I’ve got something for you!" Raphael declared, holding the projector aloft. Gianni’s eyes widened in relief and confusion.

"Where have you been?" Gianni demanded. Raphael scratched his head, looking sheepish. "Well, you see, I got a bit sidetracked… you wouldn’t believe it, but I ended up delivering a giant inflatable duck to a salsa dance competition instead."

Gianni’s face turned as pale as a ghost. "The Expo is in two hours! We need to set this up immediately!"
Woman with green hair and a green dress and earrings, with a black background. Color CMYK 93,33,68,85.

The two of them dashed to the Expo hall, with Raphael’s van emitting a trail of rainbow-colored smoke. They arrived just in time to find the Expo’s main stage swathed in a dull, uninspiring beige. Gianni set up the projector with the urgency of a firefighter battling a blaze, while Raphael offered his support by juggling some colorful pom-poms he’d found in the back of his van.

With the projector finally in place, Gianni hit the switch. Pantone 627 burst onto the screen in a dazzling display of motion graphics, creating a kaleidoscope of dynamic shapes and vivid patterns. The crowd gasped as the color seemed to dance and shimmer with a life of its own, turning the bland stage into a vibrant wonderland.

However, just as Gianni was basking in the glory, the projector let out a loud pop and began emitting smoke. Raphael, in a panic, tried to fix it by opening the projector and accidentally pouring a bottle of soda into it.

To everyone’s surprise, the soda combined with the color, creating an unexpected, sparkling effect that made the motion design even more mesmerizing. The audience erupted in applause, mistaking the mishap for a brilliant, planned finale.

Gianni looked at Raphael, who was now wearing a soda-soaked shirt and a triumphant grin. "You know, Raphael, sometimes the best designs come from the quirkiest accidents," Gianni said, chuckling.

As the Expo ended, Gianni and Raphael celebrated their success with a soda-soaked victory dance. Pantone 627 had not only made its mark but had done so with a splash. And as for Raphael, he became the hero of the day, known for his unique delivery style and accidental brilliance.

In the end, Technopolis had a new legend: the color that dazzled the world and the quirky delivery guy who turned a crisis into a spectacle. And Gianni Moon, ever the visionary, knew that sometimes, magic happens when you least expect it - especially when it involves a little bit of Pantone 627 and a lot of unexpected fun.

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