PANTONE 5767 has the following color values:
RGB: 139, 144, 75
CMYK: 31, 11, 76, 35
HEX: #8B904B
It is a
light olive green color with a slight yellowish hue.
PANTONE 5767 is similar to the colors of some plants, such as sage, moss, and ferns.
This color can also be found in some military uniforms and camouflage patterns.
PANTONE 5767 is a
neutral color that can be paired with various other colors, such as white, black, gray, brown, beige, or navy.
It can also create a
contrast with brighter or warmer colors, such as orange, red, pink, or purple.
PANTONE 5767 is a color that can be used for various purposes, such as design, art, branding, marketing, and more.
This color can evoke a sense of
harmony, and
It is a color that can be appreciated for its
versatility, and