Home Colors PANTONE


HEX Triplet:
76, 88, 40
56, 22, 98, 72
75°, 55%, 35%
Closest colors:
in RGB:
Army Green
in RAL Classic:
RAL 6003
in RAL Design:
RAL 100 30 20
in RAL Effect:
RAL 840-6
in NCS:
NCS S 6020-G50Y
What color is PANTONE 574? The Pantone Puzzler
2024-09-21 Snargl 02:10

What color is PANTONE 574?

Cartoon orange with eyes and a smile on a street with cars and buildings in the background. Example of CMYK 56,22,98,72 color.
Circular mirror with a green and gold design on it's side. Example of #4C5828 color.
PANTONE 574 is a dark green color with a hint of yellow.

It has different variations depending on the type of material and coating it is applied to.

For example, PANTONE 574 C is the coated version, while PANTONE 574 U is the uncoated version.

The RGB values of PANTONE 574 are approximately 76, 88, 40 in decimal, or #4C5828 in hexadecimal.

The CMYK values are approximately 56%, 22%, 98%, and 72%.

PANTONE 574 can be used for various purposes, such as logos, packaging, branding, and more.

It is a natural and earthy color that can evoke a sense of stability, growth, and harmony.

Example of the palette with the PANTONE 574 color

Picture with primary colors of Pastel brown, Cafe noir, Champagne, Ecru and University of California Gold
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
NCS (Natural Color System)
NCS S 5010-G90Y
NCS S 7010-Y50R
NCS S 0520-Y30R
NCS S 2020-G80Y
NCS S 3040-Y10R
RAL Classic
RAL 8000
RAL 8016
RAL 1014
RAL 1002
RAL 1027
RAL Design
RAL 040 40 20
RAL 050 20 16
RAL 085 90 30
RAL 080 70 30
RAL 075 60 60
Funny stories about the 'PANTONE 574'

The Pantone Puzzler

Rohan Ford, a renowned artist with a flair for eccentricity, prided himself on his mastery of colors. His studio was a chaotic symphony of hues, where tubes of paint and splattered canvases created an abstract masterpiece of their own. But today was no ordinary day - it was the day he would grapple with the essence of Pantone 574.

Pantone 574 was a peculiar green shade that Rohan had been obsessed with for weeks. He believed this color would be the key to his next great work of art. However, his quest to understand this elusive hue had led him into a labyrinth of confusion. Every time he tried to capture Pantone 574, his results ranged from neon slime to military camouflage, and nothing in between.
PANTONE 574 color. Horse is running through a forest with a lot of trees and a castle in the background

Enter Maximilian Sweetheart, the cleaner. Maximilian, known for his impeccable cleanliness and unparalleled ability to navigate the studio's chaos with the precision of a maestro, had been working alongside Rohan for years. Today, he had been tasked with the monumental job of tidying up Rohan's cluttered workspace. This was no small feat, given that Rohan's studio resembled a paint explosion in a tornado.

"Good morning, Rohan!" Maximilian chirped as he entered the studio, armed with a mop, bucket, and what looked suspiciously like a small arsenal of cleaning supplies.

"Maximilian! Just in time!" Rohan exclaimed, his face smeared with an abstract array of colors. "I need your help to decipher Pantone 574."

Maximilian raised an eyebrow, puzzled. "Pantone 574? The green one?"

"Yes, exactly! It's supposed to be the perfect shade of green. But every time I try to use it, it turns out all wrong!" Rohan threw his hands up dramatically.

Maximilian surveyed the scene: spilled paint, a half-finished canvas that looked like a salad gone rogue, and Rohan, who was now waving a paintbrush as though it were a magic wand.

"Alright, Rohan, let's get to the bottom of this," Maximilian said with a determined nod. "But first, we need to clear the way. This studio looks like it's been through a hurricane."

Rohan sighed. "Fine, fine. But make it quick. The muse of Pantone 574 is slipping away from me!"
Painting of a city with a river running through it and palm trees in the foreground and a building with a dome on the top

As Maximilian began his cleaning ritual, he hummed a cheerful tune while systematically organizing the chaos. To Rohan's amazement, as Maximilian cleaned, the light in the room seemed to shift. The previously maddening color discrepancies now appeared to be more harmonious. Maximilian's cleaning had inadvertently turned the studio into a giant canvas where Pantone 574 began to reveal its true self.

Rohan's eyes widened. "Wait a minute. Max, this is it! Pantone 574 is showing itself through your cleaning!"

Maximilian glanced around, confused. "Are you telling me that Pantone 574 was hiding behind all this mess?"

"Exactly! It's not just a color; it's an experience! It's as if it was waiting for you to reveal it!"

Maximilian chuckled. "Well, I always knew cleaning was an art form, but I didn't realize it had mystical properties."

Rohan, now grinning from ear to ear, grabbed his paintbrush and started to work with the newfound clarity. Pantone 574 finally emerged as the perfect shade of green he had envisioned. It wasn't just a color - it was a revelation, a triumph, a moment of pure artistic genius brought to light by a cleaner's diligent work.

As Rohan painted with renewed vigor, he glanced at Maximilian, who was now triumphantly polishing the studio floor. "Thank you, Maximilian. It turns out that the essence of Pantone 574 wasn't just in the paint - it was in the process."

Maximilian smiled, a twinkle in his eye. "And to think I just thought I was getting rid of some paint splatters."

Rohan laughed. "Well, next time, if I need to understand the essence of a color, I'll definitely call in the cleaner first."

And so, in the annals of art history, it was recorded that Pantone 574's true brilliance was revealed not by the artist, but by the unassuming cleaner who turned a messy studio into a masterpiece.

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