2023-06-09 Snargl 03:48
What color is PANTONE 570?
PANTONE 570 is a shade of green that has a hue angle of 161 degrees, a saturation of 34%, and a lightness of 78%.
It can be represented by the following RGB, CMYK and Hex values:
RGB: 130, 198, 176
CMYK: 57, 0, 36, 0
Hex: #82C6B0
PANTONE 570 is available in various Pantone products, such as guides, chips, and books.
It is also part of the Extended Gamut Coated Guide, which is a collection of colors that can be achieved with a seven-color printing process.
PANTONE 570 is a vibrant and refreshing color that can evoke feelings of nature, harmony and balance.
Example of the palette with the PANTONE 570 color
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
NCS (Natural Color System)
Example of the palette with the PANTONE 570 color
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
NCS (Natural Color System)
What are the examples of PANTONE 570 color?
Example of the palette with the PANTONE 570 color
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
NCS (Natural Color System)
Example of the palette with the PANTONE 570 color
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
NCS (Natural Color System)
What colors go well with the PANTONE 570 color?
Example of the palette with the PANTONE 570 color
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
NCS (Natural Color System)
Example of the palette with the PANTONE 570 color
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
NCS (Natural Color System)
What color is PMS 570?
Example of the palette with the PANTONE 570 color
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
NCS (Natural Color System)
Example of the palette with the PANTONE 570 color
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
NCS (Natural Color System)
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