PANTONE 555 is a
dark green color that belongs to the
Pantone Matching System (PMS), a standardized color system used by designers, brands, and manufacturers.
It has the following color values:
RGB: 58, 112, 80
CMYK: 80, 17, 76, 51
HEX: #3A7050
HSL: 144, 48, 44
PANTONE 555 is often used to create a
natural, earthy, or organic feel in design projects, such as logos, packaging, or websites.
It can also be paired with other colors to create different effects.
For instance, combining PANTONE 555 with
white or
light gray can create a
fresh, clean, and modern look, while mixing PANTONE 555 with
yellow, or
red can create a
warm, vibrant, and energetic look.