PANTONE 5523 is also known as PANTONE 5523 C or PANTONE 5523 XGC12, where C stands for coated paper and XGC stands for extended gamut coated paper.
PANTONE 5523 C has the following color values:
RGB: 195, 218, 219
CMYK: 22, 1, 9, 2
The HEX color code #C3DADB is a light shade of cyan.
It has a hue of 183° (degrees), a saturation of 11%, and a lightness of 86% in the HSL color space.
PANTONE 5523 C is a soft and soothing color that can evoke a sense of calmness, freshness, and tranquility.
It can also be associated with water, sky, ice, and mint.
Some possible color combinations with PANTONE 5523 C are:
PANTONE 5523 C + PANTONE Cool Gray 9 C (a neutral gray)
PANTONE 5523 C + PANTONE 7499 C (a pale yellow)
PANTONE 5523 C + PANTONE 7457 C (a light blue)
PANTONE 5523 C + PANTONE 7658 C (a deep purple)