Home Colors PANTONE


HEX Triplet:
116, 58, 141
73, 100, 0, 0
282°, 59%, 55%
Closest colors:
in RGB:
Purple Heart
in RAL Classic:
RAL 4008
in RAL Design:
RAL 310 40 35
in RAL Effect:
RAL 540-M
What color is PANTONE 526? Shades of Serendipity: The Pantone 526 Enigma
2024-09-03 Snargl 02:14

What color is PANTONE 526?

Woman in a purple jacket and a purple necklace and a sunset in the background. Color PANTONE 526.
Purple skeleton with big ears and a big tail is on a rock in the grass and has a purple flower in its mouth. Color PANTONE 526.
PANTONE 526 color. Man in a purple suit and black tie standing in a street with a building in the background
Painting of a woman walking down a path towards a sunset over a lavender field with a bridge in the background
PANTONE 526 is a dark purple color with a hex code of #743A8D.

It is composed of 45.49% red, 22.75% green and 55.29% blue in the RGB color space.

It has a hue of 282°, a saturation of 59% and a lightness of 55% in the HSL color space.

It is also known as PANTONE 526 C, where C stands for coated paper.

PANTONE 526 C can be used to create harmonious color palettes with other PANTONE colors or complementary colors.

It is a rich and elegant color that can evoke a sense of mystery, creativity and sophistication.

Example of the palette with the PANTONE 526 color

Picture with primary colors of Black, Rifle green, Pastel gray, Beaver and Purple Heart
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
NCS (Natural Color System)
NCS S 8505-R20B
NCS S 7005-G50Y
NCS S 2500-N
NCS S 4005-Y20R
NCS S 3050-R60B
RAL Classic
RAL 9005
RAL 6014
RAL 9018
RAL 7034
RAL 4005
RAL Design
RAL 170 20 25
RAL 120 30 20
RAL 080 80 05
RAL 030 50 20
RAL 300 40 45
Funny stories about the 'PANTONE 526'

Shades of Serendipity: The Pantone 526 Enigma

Far away, in the heart of a bustling metropolis, where steel towers stretched towards the heavens, a mysterious new hue began to make waves. Pantone 526, a captivating shade of lavender, had burst onto the scene with a promise of transcendence and tranquility. Its charm was not just in its color but in its potential to reshape interiors in ways never imagined. The stage was set for an extraordinary tale of discovery and transformation.

Pier Sirius, a brilliant but reclusive inventor known for his avant-garde creations, had long been obsessed with the idea that colors could alter human perception and emotion. His workshop was a labyrinth of curious contraptions and swirling pigments. Among the many tools and sketches, he had a single vision - Pantone 526.
PANTONE 526 color. Purple building with a pathway leading to it and trees in the background

"This shade," he mused, adjusting his silver spectacles, "isn't just a color. It’s a gateway."

In his latest project, Pier sought to harness the power of Pantone 526 to create an interior space that would transport its occupants to a realm of serenity and inspiration. He poured hours into his work, but something was missing - a touch of elegance and allure that only the right muse could provide.

Enter Hubert Phoenix, a top model whose presence commanded attention on every runway. Hubert, renowned for his poise and flair, was fascinated by the transformative power of design and color. When Pier’s enigmatic invitation reached him, he was intrigued. The offer was simple yet tantalizing: collaborate on an experimental design project that promised to redefine the essence of luxury interiors.

Upon arriving at Pier's workshop, Hubert was immediately struck by the vibrant yet soothing quality of Pantone 526. The room, bathed in its lavender glow, seemed to pulse with a calming energy. It was as though the color itself was alive, whispering secrets of tranquility and inspiration.

"Welcome, Hubert," Pier greeted with a hint of excitement. "This is Pantone 526, the key to our new creation."
Purple tiger wearing glasses and a purple shirt with a purple background. Example of PANTONE 526 color.

Together, they set to work. Hubert's keen eye for aesthetics and Pier’s inventive genius melded perfectly. They decided to design an opulent yet calming space - a sanctuary where Pantone 526 would be the centerpiece. The room was to be a sanctuary of sorts, a place where one could escape the chaos of the outside world and find solace in the harmonious interplay of color and design.

As they worked, the boundaries between the practical and the mystical began to blur. Hubert's vision of elegance combined with Pier’s innovations led to the creation of an environment that felt almost otherworldly. The walls shimmered with the delicate hue of Pantone 526, while the furnishings seemed to float in a dreamlike space, their forms and colors seamlessly integrated into the lavender backdrop.

When the project was completed, it was revealed at a high-profile design gala. The moment the curtain was lifted, gasps of wonder filled the room. Pantone 526 had transformed the space into a celestial retreat, a serene oasis that captivated everyone who stepped inside.

Hubert, resplendent in a lavender-themed ensemble that mirrored the room’s ambiance, stood alongside Pier as the crowd applauded. The successful collaboration had not only showcased the transformative power of Pantone 526 but had also highlighted the profound impact that innovative design and color could have on human experience.

As the gala drew to a close, Pier and Hubert shared a quiet moment amidst the lingering applause. The lavender hue of Pantone 526 bathed them in its soothing glow, a testament to the magic they had created together.

"Who knew a color could hold so much power?" Hubert mused.

"Indeed," Pier replied, his eyes twinkling with satisfaction. "Pantone 526 isn't just a shade - it's a journey, a bridge to a realm of serenity and beauty."

And so, in the annals of design history, the story of Pantone 526 was etched not just as a color, but as a symbol of creativity and collaboration - a reminder that sometimes, the most extraordinary transformations begin with a single, remarkable shade.

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