Home Colors PANTONE


HEX Triplet:
152, 59, 144
53, 99, 0, 0
305°, 61%, 60%
Closest colors:
in RGB:
in RAL Classic:
RAL 4008
in RAL Design:
RAL 330 40 45
in RAL Effect:
RAL 510-M
What color is PANTONE 513? The Pantone Plot Twist
2024-09-03 Snargl 02:22

What color is PANTONE 513?

Purple dragon statue on a table next to a bowl of food and a glass of wine in front of a window. Example of CMYK 53,99,0,0 color.
Couple of people standing in a body of water with a jellyfish on their head and a jellyfish on their head. Example of RGB 152,59,144 color.
Man in a purple suit and helmet standing on a street corner in a city at night with a street light in the background
Man with pink hair and a white shirt on a gray background. Example of #983B90 color.
Painting of two people walking down a path in a forest with red trees and a purple sky in the background. Color #983B90.
Painting of a giant alien creature with purple hair and a green eyeball in the center of the picture. Color CMYK 53,99,0,0.
Purple landscape with a house and a dock at night with a full moon in the sky above it. Color #983B90.
Futuristic city with futuristic lights and planets in the sky. Example of CMYK 53,99,0,0 color.
Painting of a demonic demon with horns and horns on his head. Color PANTONE 513.
PANTONE 513 is a dark purple color that has a HEX value of #983B90.

It is composed of 59.61% red, 23.14% green, and 56.47% blue in the RGB color model.

In the CMYK color model, it is composed of 53% cyan, 99% magenta, 0% yellow, and 0% black.

PANTONE 513 can be found in the Pantone Formula Guide, the Pantone Solid Chips, the Pantone Solid Color Set, and the Pantone Plastic Standard Chips Collection.

It can also be cross-referenced to best match color to materials.

PANTONE 513 is a vibrant and elegant color that can be used for various purposes, such as branding, packaging, fashion, and interior design.

It can create a striking contrast with lighter colors, such as white or yellow, or a harmonious blend with darker colors, such as black or navy.

PANTONE 513 is a color that can express creativity, sophistication, and mystery.
Funny stories about the 'PANTONE 513'

The Pantone Plot Twist

Long time ago, far away, in the bustling city of Chromaville, where every color had its own reputation, two unlikely heroes were about to make a hue-mongous impact. Zahir Arrow, a flamboyant inventor known for his eccentric fashion sense, and Maximilian Stewart, a meticulous engineer with a penchant for precision, were about to unveil a color that would revolutionize room design forever.

Their tool of transformation? Pantone 513 - a color so vibrant and unconventional, it was often dismissed as too playful for serious design. But Zahir and Maximilian saw something others missed. They saw potential.
Large building with a lot of pink trees in the background. Example of #983B90 color.

Zahir, with his wild hair resembling a vibrant rainbow in itself, was known for his bold ideas. He’d been convinced for months that Pantone 513 - a soft, enchanting shade of purple - had the power to turn any room from drab to fab. Maximilian, on the other hand, was a stickler for logic. He saw Pantone 513 as nothing more than a whimsical whim.

But Zahir was persuasive. "Max, you don’t understand! This color could change everything. It’s like if the color purple decided to take a nap on a cloud and dream of marshmallows. It’s soothing yet exhilarating!"

Maximilian adjusted his glasses, glancing skeptically at the shade of purple on the sample. "Zahir, it’s a lovely color, but it’s not exactly the go-to choice for structural integrity or ergonomics."

Undeterred, Zahir pressed on. "Exactly! That’s why it’s revolutionary. We’re not just designing a room; we’re designing an experience! Imagine a room where every time you walk in, you feel like you’re being hugged by a friendly cloud."

Reluctantly, Maximilian agreed to give it a try. The duo set to work, applying Pantone 513 to every conceivable surface in Zahir’s prototype room - from walls to floors, and even the ceiling. They used it in upholstery, curtains, and even in a giant beanbag that looked like it had been sculpted from a purple marshmallow.
Purple drink with a lemon slice on top of it. Example of RGB 152,59,144 color.

The first test subject, Zahir’s overly critical cat, Whiskers, was the first to enter. Whiskers strolled in with a disdainful flick of her tail, but as soon as she was enveloped in the Pantone 513 ambiance, she immediately curled up on the beanbag with a contented purr.

"See, Max! Even Whiskers loves it!" Zahir exclaimed triumphantly.

Maximilian was not yet convinced. "One cat doesn’t exactly constitute a breakthrough. Let’s see what real people think."

The duo arranged a grand unveiling, inviting a host of critics, designers, and fashionistas. The moment the guests stepped into the room, their skeptical faces melted into expressions of awe and delight. The soft, dreamy purple of Pantone 513 seemed to transform their moods, making them feel relaxed and uplifted at the same time.

A particularly stern critic, known for her harsh reviews, was seen lounging in the beanbag, her usual scowl replaced by a blissful smile. "I must admit," she said, "this color is surprisingly delightful. It’s like a warm hug from a unicorn."

News of the Pantone 513 room spread like wildfire. People couldn’t get enough of its enchanting effects. Sales of purple paint skyrocketed, and designers everywhere began incorporating the color into their work. Zahir and Maximilian were hailed as visionaries, having successfully argued that sometimes, the most extraordinary innovations come from the most unexpected places.

In the end, Zahir and Maximilian’s Pantone 513 revolution proved that color wasn’t just about aesthetics - it was about evoking emotion, creating experiences, and occasionally, persuading a finicky cat to take a nap in the most delightful way.

And so, in the annals of design history, Pantone 513 was immortalized not just as a color but as a transformative experience, all thanks to a quirky inventor and a meticulous engineer who saw beyond the ordinary and into the extraordinary realm of purple.

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