PANTONE 5035 is a light shade of red with a slight pink hue.
It has the following color values in different color models:
RGB: 230, 202, 203
CMYK: 1, 18, 8, 3
HSL: 358°, 12%, 90%
PANTONE 5035 can be found in various Pantone products, such as the Formula Guide, the Solid Guide Set, the Solid Chips, and the Plastic Standard Chips Collection.
It can also be matched to paints from different brands, such as Duron, Behr, Sikkens, Glidden, and more.
PANTONE 5035 is a soft and warm color that can create a cozy and romantic atmosphere.
It can be paired with other colors such as beige, brown, cream, or gray for a harmonious and elegant look.