PANTONE 4675 has different variations depending on the type of material and printing process.
It has a hexadecimal value of #DBC2AC, which means it is composed of 85.88% red, 76.08% green, and 67.45% blue in the RGB color model.
In the CMYK color model, which is used for printing, this color has 5% cyan, 20% magenta, 28% yellow, and 6% black.
PANTONE 4675 is used for various purposes, such as branding, packaging, fashion, interior design, and more.
This color creates a warm, cozy, and inviting atmosphere, as well as convey a sense of elegance, sophistication, and luxury.
PANTONE 4675 is a versatile and beautiful color that can suit different styles, moods, and occasions.
This color inspires, delights, and impresses.
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...