Home Colors PANTONE


HEX Triplet:
230, 221, 1
10, 0, 95, 0
58°, 100%, 90%
Closest colors:
in RGB:
in RAL Classic:
RAL 1021
in RAL Design:
RAL 090 80 90
in RAL Effect:
RAL 270-5
What color is PANTONE 396? The Day Pantone 396 Took Over the World
2024-09-03 Snargl 02:24

What color is PANTONE 396?

Plate with two lemons on it on a table next to a window with shutters in the background. Example of #E6DD01 color.
PANTONE 396 color example: Man with a yellow costume and a yellow light on his chest and chest
Yellow plastic animal with a large eye and a wavy tail on a table top with a dark background. Example of CMYK 10,0,95,0 color.
Woman with a skeleton makeup and yellow makeup on her face and chest. Example of #E6DD01 color.
PANTONE 396 color. Vase filled with yellow flowers on top of a table next to a yellow cloth and a banana peel
Man in a yellow suit and black shirt standing in a yellow tunnel with a white lace on his shoulder. Example of CMYK 10,0,95,0 color.
Yellow pot with a lid on a wooden table with a bottle of wine in the background. Color PANTONE 396.
PANTONE 396 color. Digital painting of a woman with a head piece and a gold mask on her face and a gold necklace on her neck
Yellow flower with water droplets on it's petals and a black background. Color CMYK 10,0,95,0.
The color PANTONE 396 is a shade of yellow with a greenish tint.

It has a hexadecimal color code of #E6DD01, which means it is composed of 90.2% red, 86.67% green and 0.39% blue in the RGB color model.

In the CMYK color model, which is used for printing, it has a cyan, magenta, yellow and black value of 10, 0, 95 and 0.

In the HSL color space, which is used for web design, it has a hue, saturation and lightness value of 58, 100 and 90.

PANTONE 396 is a bright and vibrant color that can be used to create contrast, attention, or excitement in a design.

It can also be used to represent energy, optimism, or happiness.

Example of the palette with the PANTONE 396 color

Picture with primary colors of Camel, Phthalo green, Olive Drab, Blue green and Cream
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
Funny stories about the 'PANTONE 396'

The Day Pantone 396 Took Over the World

Far-far away, in the bustling city of Hueville, where fashion was taken very seriously and color trends changed faster than a catwalk model’s outfit, a peculiar event was about to unfold. Duncan Jet, a shop assistant known for his impeccable fashion sense and his knack for making every customer feel like a star, was about to encounter a color so revolutionary that it would turn his world upside down.

It all started on an ordinary Tuesday at the ColorCraze boutique, where Duncan was reorganizing the display of swatches. That day, a new Pantone color had arrived - Pantone 396, a vivid shade of yellow so bright it could give the sun a run for its money. The color was so intense that Duncan had to wear sunglasses just to look at it.
River with a waterfall in the middle of it surrounded by trees and foliages. Example of #E6DD01 color.

Professor Billy Sweetheart, the city's most eccentric fashion professor, burst through the boutique doors, his wild hair and bright yellow lab coat making him look like a human highlighter. He was on a mission to find Pantone 396 for his upcoming fashion line, "Sunny Side Up."

"Duncan! My dear fellow!" the Professor exclaimed, waving a pair of fluorescent gloves. "Have you seen the new Pantone 396? It’s not just yellow - it’s a declaration of happiness!"

Duncan, squinting through his shades, replied, "Yes, Professor. It’s right here. But are you sure you want to use it? It’s so... intense."

Professor Sweetheart gasped, "Intense? Duncan, my dear lad, it’s an adventure in a color! Imagine the possibilities!"

With a twinkle in his eye, the Professor bought every swatch of Pantone 396 in the store and hurried off. Duncan, both intrigued and slightly worried, decided to follow him.

Days passed, and the entire city started to notice something strange. People were wearing clothes in every shade of Pantone 396 - from pants to hats to shoes. At first, it was a fun novelty, but soon it became a full-blown epidemic. Hueville had transformed into a sea of blinding yellow.

Duncan was at a café when he overheard two women debating the latest fashion crisis.
Woman in a yellow suit with headphones on and a sci - fi, Cedric Peyravernay. Example of PANTONE 396 color.

"It’s too much! I can’t even find my house anymore. Everything looks like a highlighter!" one woman complained.

"I know, right?" the other replied. "I wore my Pantone 396 scarf and got mistaken for a taxi!"

Duncan decided it was time to intervene. He tracked down Professor Sweetheart, who was now holding a grand fashion show in the town square. The models, all dressed in various Pantone 396 garments, were strutting their stuff with extreme enthusiasm.

"Professor!" Duncan shouted over the blaring music. "We need to talk about this. Hueville is practically glowing!"

Professor Sweetheart looked up, eyes sparkling with mischief. "Duncan, do you not see? The world needs more brightness, more joy! Pantone 396 is a beacon of positivity!"

Duncan, seeing the Professor's point but still feeling the strain of the yellow overload, had an idea. "How about a balance? We keep the color, but mix in some shades to create a harmony."

With a dramatic flourish, Professor Sweetheart agreed. Together, they designed a new collection blending Pantone 396 with cooler colors, creating a spectacular array of outfits that dazzled without overwhelming.

The fashion show that followed was a triumph. The city of Hueville, while still bright, now showcased a stunning spectrum of colors that danced harmoniously with Pantone 396. The Professor’s line was a success, and Duncan’s reputation as a fashion savant grew tenfold.

And so, the great Pantone 396 color revolutionized the fashion world, teaching everyone that sometimes, even the most dazzling shades need a bit of balance. Duncan Jet and Professor Billy Sweetheart became legends in the fashion world, remembered not just for their bold use of color, but for their creativity and friendship.

In the end, Hueville was a more colorful place, and Duncan learned that sometimes, a little brightness can go a long way - but it’s always best to blend it with a touch of balance.

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