PANTONE 390 is a
green hue with a
yellow undertone, and it is part of the
Coated and
Uncoated color guides.
It has the following color values in different color models:
RGB: 188, 198, 0
CMYK: 27, 0, 100, 3
HEX: #BCC600
HSL: 63, 100, 78
These color values are used to reproduce the color on digital devices, such as monitors, printers, and scanners.
PANTONE 390 is a vibrant and lively green color that can be used to create contrast, harmony, or balance in various design contexts.
It is used for various purposes and occasions, such as branding, advertising, packaging, fashion, interior design, and art.
PANTONE 390 is a color that can express a range of moods and styles, from playful and fun to elegant and refined.
This color captures the attention and imagination of the audience, and communicate a message of freshness, positivity, and innovation.