Home Colors PANTONE


HEX Triplet:
198, 210, 25
28, 0, 100, 0
64°, 88%, 82%
Closest colors:
in RGB:
in RAL Classic:
RAL 1012
in RAL Design:
RAL 100 80 80
in RAL Effect:
RAL 250-3
What color is PANTONE 382? The Color Craze: The Rise of PANTONE 382
2024-09-03 Snargl 02:16

What color is PANTONE 382?

Yellow sports car driving down a wet road in the dark night time with a bright light on the side. Example of #C6D219 color.
Cartoon character with green eyes holding a gun and a box with something green on it's face. Color PANTONE 382.
PANTONE 382 color. Pear with a yellow spot on it's face on a table top with a dark background
Painting of a yellow and black leopard standing on a branch with green leaves on it's sides. Color CMYK 28,0,100,0.
Yellow dragon on top of a field of flowers next to a moon and a mountain range with a blue sky. Color PANTONE 382.
PANTONE 382 is a shade of yellow-green that has a bright and vibrant appearance.

It can be used to create contrast, attract attention, or convey freshness and energy.

Some possible applications of PANTONE 382 are logos, packaging, signage, clothing, or interior design.

The hexadecimal color code (color number) for PANTONE 382 is #C6D219, and the RGB color code is RGB 198, 210, 25.

The CMYK color code is CMYK 28, 0, 100, 0.

Example of the palette with the PANTONE 382 color

Picture with primary colors of Apple Green, Myrtle, Vegas gold, Citrine and Sap green
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
RAL Classic
RAL 1027
RAL 6007
RAL 1024
RAL 1021
RAL 6025
RAL Design
RAL 110 70 77
RAL 160 20 15
RAL 090 70 50
RAL 085 80 85
RAL 110 40 40
Funny stories about the 'PANTONE 382'

The Color Craze: The Rise of PANTONE 382

Once upon a time in the quaint little town of Colorville, a mundane shop named "Spectrum Supplies" stood proudly. The shop was famous for its wide range of paints and hues, but it was known mostly for being as exciting as watching paint dry - until Duncan Chen arrived. Duncan was the shop assistant with a flair for the dramatic and a taste for the extravagant. He loved colors more than a painter loves a blank canvas. He’d often be found debating the existential significance of chartreuse or the romantic allure of vermilion.

Then there was Betsey Phoenix, the cleaner. Betsey was a legend in her own right, known for her uncanny ability to find a silver lining in any mess. She wielded her mop like a wand, sweeping through the aisles and leaving a trail of sparkling cleanliness and surprisingly good vibes.
Digital painting of a young girl with a hoodie on and a green sweatshirt on. Color CMYK 28,0,100,0.

One bright Tuesday morning, Duncan stumbled upon a new color in the shop’s inventory - PANTONE 382. It was a peculiar green, so vibrant it seemed to have its own inner glow. Duncan was intrigued. He decided to test it out, starting with a small display. Betsey, meanwhile, was busy scrubbing the floor, her mop dancing in rhythmic sweeps.

As Duncan painted a bold stripe of PANTONE 382 on the shop's front window, he couldn't help but admire its radiance. "It’s like nature’s own neon!" he declared dramatically. Betsey, looking up from her cleaning, gave him a skeptical look.

"Really, Duncan? It’s just green," she said, scrubbing away a particularly stubborn stain.

"Oh, Betsey, this is not just green. This is PANTONE 382! It's like if a frog and a fresh cucumber had a love affair," Duncan said, eyes wide with excitement.

Betsey raised an eyebrow. "Well, if you say so. I still think it's just another shade of green."

The next day, Duncan set up a special display featuring PANTONE 382. He organized a grand event he dubbed "The Green Gala." He adorned the shop in every possible shade of green, culminating in a massive spotlight on the star of the show - PANTONE 382.
PANTONE 382 color example: Dog is looking through a ball with spikes on it's head and eyes

As Duncan practiced his sales pitch, Betsey continued her cleaning duties, but she couldn't help noticing Duncan’s enthusiasm. She was not convinced PANTONE 382 would make any significant impact, but she admired Duncan’s passion.

To everyone's surprise, the town was abuzz with curiosity. People lined up outside Spectrum Supplies, eager to see what Duncan was so excited about. The crowd marveled at the brilliance of PANTONE 382. It was as if the green had a life of its own, captivating everyone who saw it. Soon, PANTONE 382 became the talk of the town, and everyone wanted a piece of it.

Sales skyrocketed. Duncan was ecstatic, and Betsey was bemused. "I guess you were right about this PANTONE 382," she admitted with a grin, as she continued her cleaning.

Duncan beamed. "I told you, Betsey! It’s not just green; it’s a revolution!"

The newfound fame of PANTONE 382 brought a fresh wave of customers into Spectrum Supplies. Duncan became known as the "Color Maestro," and Betsey’s cleaning prowess was hailed as "The Magic of Sparkling Floors." Together, they transformed Spectrum Supplies from a forgotten corner shop into a colorful sensation.

One day, as they watched a new batch of PANTONE 382 sell out, Betsey turned to Duncan and said, "So what’s next? Are we going to find a new color that’s even more fabulous?"

Duncan grinned mischievously. "Who knows? But I have a feeling that the next big thing might just be around the corner."

Betsey laughed. "Well, whatever it is, I’m sure it’ll be quite the spectacle."

And so, in the small town of Colorville, the dynamic duo of Duncan Chen and Betsey Phoenix continued their quest for the next big thing in coloring, proving that even the most unexpected colors could make a splash if you had a little enthusiasm and a lot of sparkle.

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