Home Colors PANTONE


HEX Triplet:
0, 143, 76
96, 2, 100, 12
152°, 100%, 56%
Closest colors:
in RAL Classic:
RAL 6024
in RAL Design:
RAL 150 50 60
in RAL Effect:
RAL 220-M
in NCS:
NCS S 2565-G
What color is PANTONE 348? The Curious Case of Pantone 348
2024-09-03 Snargl 02:12

What color is PANTONE 348?

Green globe on top of a pile of rocks in the middle of a forest with mountains in the background. Example of PANTONE 348 color.
Woman in a green hat and green coat with a cell phone in her hand and a green background. Color #008F4C.
Group of green balls with a green light on them in a room filled with rocks and gravels. Color #008F4C.
PANTONE 348 is a dark green color with a HEX code of #008F4C.

It has a RGB value of 0, 143, 76 and a CMYK value of 96, 2, 100, 12.

PANTONE 348 can be used for various purposes, such as graphic design, printing, and branding.

Example of the palette with the PANTONE 348 color

Picture with primary colors of Light gray, Burnt Sienna, Falu red, Sea Green and Olivine
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
Funny stories about the 'PANTONE 348'

The Curious Case of Pantone 348

Far-far away, in the sleepy coastal town of Chromaville, where the sea breeze carried the scent of salt and ink, there lived two unlikely heroes: Connor Yamamoto, a fisherman with a knack for colors, and Igor Sweetheart, a delivery worker with a heart as sweet as his name suggested.

Connor Yamamoto was not your typical fisherman. While most of his peers were content to haul in nets brimming with fish, Connor spent his days dreaming of the perfect color palette. He had a strange obsession with Pantone 348, a vibrant shade of green that reminded him of the seaweed that clung to his boat. This green was not just a color to Connor; it was an emotion, a mood, and sometimes, even a solution to his problems. His tiny boat was painted in Pantone 348, and every fish that wriggled into his nets seemed to glow a little greener.
Man in a green suit standing in front of a tree and flowers with a green background. Example of CMYK 96,2,100,12 color.

One day, as Connor was unloading his catch, he noticed something peculiar. The fish he had caught were a bizarre shade of green - not the healthy, natural green of seaweed, but a vivid, unnatural green that looked suspiciously like Pantone 348. Connor scratched his head, wondering if his boat had somehow dyed the fish. But no, that didn’t make sense.

Meanwhile, across town, Igor Sweetheart was dealing with his own Pantone 348 problem. Igor was known for his punctual deliveries and his uncanny ability to brighten everyone’s day. His signature move was delivering packages with a smile and a quirky little dance. But recently, his deliveries had been met with puzzled looks and complaints. The problem? All the packages he delivered had been turning up in a strange green tint. Igor’s cheery yellow uniform had mysteriously started leaching green onto everything he touched.

The town was abuzz with speculation. Was this some new trend? A Pantone conspiracy? People began to avoid anything that might remotely involve Pantone 348, fearing that their favorite colors would be infected by this mysterious green hue.

Determined to get to the bottom of this, Connor and Igor teamed up. They were an odd pair - Connor with his fisherman’s overalls and Igor in his now somewhat-green uniform - but they were united by their shared Pantone problem. They scoured Chromaville for clues, from the print shops to the paint stores, and even the local polygraphy shop where all the town’s flyers, posters, and menus were printed.

At the polygraphy shop, they met Marla, the town’s resident printing expert. Marla was a wizened woman with ink-stained fingers and an encyclopedic knowledge of every Pantone color ever created. She listened intently to Connor and Igor’s story, nodding as they described the strange green that had taken over their lives.

Marla’s eyes sparkled with realization. "Ah, Pantone 348! A color with a mind of its own. It’s a rare shade, you know. Very vibrant, very alive, if you will." She chuckled, seeing the confusion on their faces. "It’s said that Pantone 348 has a strange affinity for polygraphy. Once it’s introduced to the printing process, it has a tendency to… spread."
Green sculpture of a woman with a flowing hair in a room with green walls and a green ceiling. Example of RGB 0,143,76 color.

"Spread?" Igor echoed, his eyes wide. "Like a virus?"

"More like a very enthusiastic ink," Marla replied with a wink. "Once it’s in the system, it finds its way into everything."

Connor groaned, realizing that his love for Pantone 348 might have been the cause of all this. "So, how do we stop it?"

Marla considered this, tapping her chin thoughtfully. "Well, Pantone 348 is a color that loves attention. It thrives on being noticed. Perhaps, if you gave it a different outlet, it might calm down."

The solution was both simple and absurd: a town-wide art project, featuring Pantone 348 as the star. Every building, every sign, every boat in the harbor - everything was to be painted in Pantone 348. The townsfolk, initially hesitant, soon embraced the idea, and Chromaville began to transform.

As the days passed, Pantone 348 was everywhere. The once-muted town burst into life, glowing green under the sun. The fish returned to their normal colors, and Igor’s deliveries were once again met with smiles rather than confusion.

In the end, Chromaville became known far and wide as the "Green Town," a place where Pantone 348 reigned supreme. Connor Yamamoto and Igor Sweetheart became local legends, not just for solving the mystery but for turning their curious case into a celebration of color.

And so, Chromaville thrived in its new green glory, with Connor’s boat bobbing in the harbor, proudly wearing its Pantone 348 paint, and Igor dancing through the streets in his freshly green uniform, delivering happiness one package at a time.

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