Home Colors PANTONE


HEX Triplet:
33, 173, 126
88, 0, 68, 0
160°, 81%, 68%
Closest colors:
in RGB:
Jungle green
in RAL Classic:
RAL 5018
in RAL Design:
RAL 160 60 45
in RAL Effect:
RAL 220-2
What color is PANTONE 3405? Pantone 3405: The Great Green Room Revolution
2024-09-21 Snargl 02:12

What color is PANTONE 3405?

Cat on a table with a green vase in the background. Example of RGB 33,173,126 color.
Green flower with water droplets on it's petals and a green background. Color CMYK 88,0,68,0.
Woman in a green uniform is standing in front of a sunset and a lake with a plane in the sky. Color CMYK 88,0,68,0.
PANTONE 3405 is a vibrant and fresh color that can be used to create contrast or harmony with other colors.

It has the following color values:
  • Hexadecimal: #21AD7E

  • RGB: 33, 173, 126

  • CMYK: 88, 0, 68, 0

This color can also be found in various products, such as plastic chips, color guides, and digital tools.

PANTONE 3405 can inspire creativity and energy.

Example of the palette with the PANTONE 3405 color

Picture with primary colors of Dark lava, Tropical rain forest, Dark green, Medium aquamarine and Mint
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
Funny stories about the 'PANTONE 3405'

Pantone 3405: The Great Green Room Revolution

Nexia Nova had always been a little different from the other shop assistants at "Colorama," the biggest paint and wallpaper store in town. While her colleagues stuck to the safe and popular shades of beige and eggshell white, Nexia had a penchant for the bold and bizarre. She loved nothing more than convincing a customer to try something daring, like a neon pink accent wall or a bathroom covered in metallic gold tiles. But lately, she had become fixated on one color in particular: Pantone 3405.

Pantone 3405 was a bright, almost blinding shade of green - a color so vivid that it seemed to jump out of the paint swatch and demand attention. Nexia had fallen in love with the color the moment she saw it, convinced that it was destined to revolutionize room design. The only problem was that nobody else seemed to share her enthusiasm.
PANTONE 3405 color. Woman in a green dress standing next to a palm tree and ocean with a blue sky in the background

"Too green," they'd say, wrinkling their noses. "It's like painting your walls with a highlighter."

Undeterred, Nexia was determined to prove that Pantone 3405 could be more than just a wild idea. It could be a statement, a sensation - a color that would make any room unforgettable. But she needed someone as fearless as she was to help bring her vision to life.

Enter Jessica Jacobs, a factory worker with a reputation for being able to fix just about anything, and a knack for seeing potential in the most unlikely of places. Jessica and Nexia had been friends since high school, bonded by their mutual love of all things quirky and unconventional. So when Nexia pitched her idea of using Pantone 3405 to Jessica, she knew she had found the perfect partner in crime.

One evening, over a pizza and a few too many energy drinks, Nexia laid out her plan.

"Jess, think about it! We could create a room design that's not just a space - it's an experience. Imagine walking into a room and being hit with this wave of green, so bright and fun that you can't help but smile. It's like stepping into a cartoon!"

Jessica, ever the pragmatist, scratched her head. "I'm all for fun, Nex, but how do we make sure people don't feel like they're living inside a lime-flavored candy?"

Nexia grinned, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "That's the genius of it! We don't just paint the walls; we make the whole room interactive. Imagine walls that change shades as you move, furniture that glows with a green hue, and even a ceiling that mimics a green sky. We'll call it the Pantone 3405 Experience!"

Jessica couldn't help but laugh. "You're out of your mind, but I love it. Let's do this!"
Green crystal flower surrounded by water droplets and grass in a forest setting with sunlight shining through the trees

The next few weeks were a whirlwind of activity. Nexia and Jessica spent every spare moment brainstorming and experimenting. They found ways to make the walls of the room subtly change color depending on the time of day and installed LED lights that cast a soft green glow across the furniture. They even designed custom curtains that looked like they were made of giant blades of grass.

But the pièce de résistance was the ceiling - a massive mural of cartoonish green clouds floating across a turquoise sky, complete with a few hidden speakers that played whimsical, twinkling sounds, like something out of a children's TV show.

Finally, the day of the grand reveal arrived. Nexia had convinced her boss at Colorama to let her and Jessica set up their Pantone 3405 Experience in the store's display area. They invited all their friends, colleagues, and even a few skeptical customers to come and see the room for themselves.

As the crowd gathered outside the display room, Nexia and Jessica exchanged nervous glances. This was it - the moment they had been working towards.

Nexia took a deep breath and threw open the doors. "Welcome to the future of room design!" she announced with a flourish.

The crowd shuffled in, their eyes wide with curiosity. At first, there was silence. But then, something magical happened. People began to smile. They touched the walls, watching in amazement as the green subtly shifted from lime to emerald. They laughed as they sat on the glowing green sofas, and they pointed at the ceiling, marveling at the playful clouds.

One man, who had been particularly skeptical, turned to Nexia and Jessica, shaking his head in disbelief. "This is... ridiculous. But I have to admit, it's kind of fun. My kids would go crazy for something like this!"

Nexia beamed with pride. "That's exactly the point! Why should rooms be boring? With Pantone 3405, you can turn any space into a playground."

Word of the Pantone 3405 Experience spread quickly, and soon, people were coming from all over town to see the room that had everyone talking. The idea of using a color as bright and bold as Pantone 3405 to create a fun, interactive space started to catch on, and before long, Nexia and Jessica were being hailed as pioneers in the world of room design.

The local newspaper even ran a story about them, dubbing them "The Green Dream Team." They received requests from parents wanting to recreate the experience in their children's bedrooms, from cafes looking to add a touch of whimsy to their spaces, and even from a few businesses that wanted to bring a bit of fun to their offices.

In the end, Nexia and Jessica proved that with a little imagination and a lot of courage, even the most outrageous ideas could become a reality. Pantone 3405 wasn't just a color - it was a revolution, and it had taken the world of room design by storm, one bright, silly, unforgettable room at a time.

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