Home Colors PANTONE


HEX Triplet:
107, 193, 207
59, 0, 14, 0
188°, 48%, 81%
Closest colors:
in RAL Classic:
RAL 6027
in RAL Design:
RAL 210 70 30
in RAL Effect:
RAL 720-4
What color is PANTONE 3115? The Color of the Forgotten
2024-09-05 Snargl 02:22

What color is PANTONE 3115?

Bedroom with a blue wall and a large bed in it's center area with a chandelier. Example of RGB 107,193,207 color.
Cartoon character with a mustache and a suit on. Example of PANTONE 3115 color.
Bowl with a variety of seashells in it on a table top with other plates and a microwave. Example of RGB 107,193,207 color.
Man in a blue outfit holding a sword in his hand and a black background. Color CMYK 59,0,14,0.
Woman in a bikini top and jeans on a street corner with a motorcycle in the background. Example of #6BC1CF color.
Blue haired anime girl with blue hair and a bow in her hair. Example of PANTONE 3115 color.
PANTONE 3115 color. Creature standing on a beach next to the ocean with a castle in the background
PANTONE 3115 color example: Blue sports car driving down a street next to tall buildings and trees in the background
PANTONE 3115 has the following color values:
  • RGB: 107, 193, 207

  • CMYK: 59, 0, 14, 0

  • HEX: #6BC1CF

  • HSL: 188, 48, 81

PANTONE 3115 is a bright and vibrant shade of turquoise, which is a blend of blue and green.

Turquoise is named after the mineral of the same color, which is often used as a gemstone or an ornamental material.

It is also associated with meanings such as calmness, creativity, communication, and healing.

Example of the palette with the PANTONE 3115 color

Picture with primary colors of Dark jungle green, Gray-Tea Green, Sea blue, Umber and Glitter
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
Funny stories about the 'PANTONE 3115'

The Color of the Forgotten

In a quaint coastal village where the sea murmured secrets and the fog draped the world in an otherworldly veil, lived a fisherman named Christian Storm. Christian was a rugged man, weathered by the winds and waves, but his heart beat with an inexplicable rhythm - one attuned to the mysteries of the deep.

One foggy morning, a peculiar delivery arrived at the village. It was brought by Betsey Stewart, a young delivery worker whose eyes always seemed to be searching for something more than her daily routine. Her delivery was an elegant, antique box adorned with symbols that shimmered subtly in the dim light.
PANTONE 3115 color example: Painting of a field with orange umbrellas in the middle of it

Inside the box lay a paint swatch labeled "PANTONE 3115," a shade of blue so profound it seemed to capture the essence of the sea itself. The swatch was accompanied by a letter that spoke of an ancient legend: the color was said to possess an ethereal power, connecting the mortal world with realms unseen. The letter implored the recipient to use the color in a special room to unlock its full potential.

Betsey, curious and intrigued, decided to share the mysterious delivery with Christian, knowing his keen sense of the sea might offer some insight. She found him mending his nets by the dock, the steady rhythm of his work in tune with the gentle waves lapping against the shore.

Christian's eyes widened when he saw the swatch. "I've seen this shade before," he said, his voice laced with wonder. "But not on land."

Betsey, equally captivated, suggested they use the color in her old, abandoned family house on the edge of the village. The house had been left untouched for years, and its rooms held echoes of memories long past. They decided to paint the largest room with PANTONE 3115, hoping to reveal the legend’s truth.
Statue of a bird like creature with a large head and large wings on it's face and chest. Color CMYK 59,0,14,0.

As they worked, the color seemed to come alive on the walls, shimmering and shifting like the sea’s surface under a moonlit sky. The room itself began to feel different, its air growing thick with anticipation. By nightfall, the transformation was complete, and they sat back to admire their work.

That night, Christian and Betsey were awakened by a soft, ethereal glow emanating from the painted room. Drawn by an inexplicable force, they ventured inside. The room was bathed in a mesmerizing light, and the shadows danced in patterns that told stories of ancient mariners and forgotten lands.

Suddenly, a voice, gentle yet powerful, filled the room. It spoke of lost civilizations and treasures buried beneath the waves. The voice described a hidden underwater realm where the sea’s deepest secrets were kept. Christian and Betsey realized that the color had unlocked a doorway to this realm, a place where the essence of the sea and the spirit of adventure converged.

Their journey continued as the color guided them through the night. They learned of a powerful artifact hidden in the depths - a beacon of knowledge that could change the fate of their village and their own lives. But the color’s power was not merely about discovery; it was also a reminder of the interconnectedness of their lives with the sea’s boundless mysteries.

By dawn, the room returned to its normal state, the glow fading with the rising sun. Christian and Betsey knew their lives had changed forever. They had touched the essence of PANTONE 3115 and uncovered a fragment of the sea’s ancient wisdom.

The village returned to its tranquil routine, but Christian and Betsey never forgot the night of discovery. The color, once a mere swatch of paint, had become a symbol of their shared adventure and the profound connection between their world and the deep, mysterious ocean.

And so, the tale of PANTONE 3115 became a legend in the village, a reminder that sometimes, the most extraordinary journeys begin with something as simple as a color - a gateway to the unknown, waiting to be discovered.

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