Home Colors PANTONE


HEX Triplet:
0, 94, 152
100, 53, 2, 16
203°, 100%, 60%
Closest colors:
in RGB:
Sea blue
in RAL Classic:
RAL 5017
in RAL Design:
RAL 230 40 40
in RAL Effect:
RAL 650-M
What color is PANTONE 2945? The Blue Conundrum of PANTONE 2945
2024-09-05 Snargl 02:28

What color is PANTONE 2945?

City with a lot of buildings and lights on it at night time with a body of water in the background. Example of PANTONE 2945 color.
Robot that is standing in a tunnel with a light on his face and a light on his chest. Example of RGB 0,94,152 color.
Woman in a blue dress standing in a forest with a sword in her hand and a fire in the background. Example of CMYK 100,53,2,16 color.
Blue car is driving down a road with smoke coming out of the hood and the hood up and the hood down. Example of #005E98 color.
Blue tractor is driving through the dirt and dirt tracks in the dark. Example of #005E98 color.
PANTONE 2945 color example: Blue train traveling down train tracks next to a tall building with a clock on it's side
River with a moon in the sky and a few rocks in the water and trees in the background. Color CMYK 100,53,2,16.
PANTONE 2945 color example: Wolf with a blue coat and a sword in a forest with trees and bushes
Large iceberg floating in the middle of a lake surrounded by snow covered mountains and a bright sun. Example of CMYK 100,53,2,16 color.
City skyline with a bridge and a river at sunset with the sun shining over the city and the river below. Example of RGB 0,94,152 color.
Woman's hands with blue nail polish and a flower design on them, with a black background. Example of #005E98 color.
PANTONE 2945 is a shade of cyan-blue that belongs to the Pantone Matching System (PMS), a standard color system used in printing and design.

The hexadecimal color code for this color is #005E98, which means it is composed of 0% red, 36.86% green and 59.61% blue in the RGB color model.

PANTONE 2945 is available in various Pantone products, such as formula guides, solid chips, and plastic chips.

It is a vibrant and cool color that can be used for various purposes, such as logos, branding, packaging, and web design.

Example of the palette with the PANTONE 2945 color

Picture with primary colors of Dark jungle green, Old mauve, Blizzard Blue, Pale mauve and Battleship Grey
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
RAL Classic
RAL 8022
RAL 8015
RAL 9002
RAL 7032
RAL 7037
RAL Design
RAL 160 20 20
RAL 020 30 20
RAL 240 80 20
RAL 040 70 10
RAL 000 55 00
Funny stories about the 'PANTONE 2945'

The Blue Conundrum of PANTONE 2945

In a far away place, in the sleepy town of Verdant Hollow, life usually hummed along at a pace that matched the sway of the wheat fields under a lazy summer sun. But today, an oddity had arisen that sent ripples of confusion through its residents. It all began when Sonja Angelos, a farmer known for her unparalleled skill in cultivating the bluest blueberries, received a mysterious letter. The letter was sealed with a wax stamp of a color so vibrant and distinct that it seemed to hum with an energy of its own. The letter simply read: "PANTONE 2945 – Your blueberries hold the key."

Sonja, a no-nonsense woman who could milk a cow and plow a field with one hand tied behind her back, was flabbergasted. What on earth was PANTONE 2945? She held the letter up to the light, squinted at the mysterious blue wax, and scratched her head. Clearly, this wasn’t some local prank. It had the faint scent of... big-city nonsense.
Kitchen with blue cabinets and a window with a view of the outside of the room and a potted plant. Color PANTONE 2945.

Determined to get to the bottom of this, Sonja drove her rickety truck to the only person who might know what to do - Maximilian Flame, the eccentric cleaner who claimed to have once been a world-renowned artist before settling in Verdant Hollow to "cleanse the world's soul, one floor at a time." Maximilian, with his bright yellow rubber gloves and perpetually arched eyebrow, was sweeping the town hall steps when Sonja skidded to a halt in front of him.

"Max, I need your help," Sonja said, thrusting the letter into his hands.

Maximilian, ever the dramatic, held the letter up to the sky, squinting at the wax seal. "Ah, PANTONE 2945! The color of creativity! The very hue that dances on the edge of existence, pulling all who gaze upon it into a realm of pure, unfiltered imagination!"

Sonja stared at him. "So, you have no idea either?"

Maximilian sighed deeply, as though the weight of the world's ignorance pressed down upon him. "PANTONE 2945 is no ordinary blue, Sonja. It’s the essence of potential, the spark that ignites genius. And now," he lowered his voice, "it’s seeking you."

Sonja frowned. "Me? But I’m just a blueberry farmer."

"Exactly," Maximilian whispered, leaning in conspiratorially. "Your blueberries - do they not shimmer with a shade unlike any other? Perhaps they are the vessel for this color, the canvas upon which PANTONE 2945 wishes to express itself!"

Sonja rolled her eyes. "They’re just blueberries, Max. Blueberries are blue. That’s the whole point."

Maximilian waved his hand dismissively. "Let me see them."

Back at the farm, Maximilian approached the blueberry bushes with the reverence of an art critic entering the Louvre. He plucked a berry, held it to the light, and gasped. "It’s... perfect."

Sonja squinted at the berry. "It’s just a berry."
City with tall buildings and a full moon in the sky above it and a few clouds in the sky. Example of #005E98 color.

"No," Maximilian insisted, his eyes wide with excitement. "This berry embodies the very soul of PANTONE 2945. Look at the depth, the nuance! It’s as if the universe itself has whispered its secrets into the skin of this fruit!"

Sonja wasn’t buying it, but Maximilian was on a roll. "This is more than just a berry, Sonja. This is a masterpiece waiting to happen. We need to trademark this color before someone else does!"

"What, the color of my blueberries?" Sonja asked, bewildered.

Maximilian nodded fervently. "Imagine it, Sonja! PANTONE 2945, trademarked by a simple farmer and a humble cleaner. We could revolutionize the world of design! People would flock to Verdant Hollow to see the birthplace of the color that redefined creativity!"

Sonja sighed. "All right, fine. Let’s do it. But if this turns out to be a wild goose chase, you owe me a year’s worth of free cleaning."

Maximilian agreed, and the unlikely duo set off to the big city to register their claim. After a series of bewildering encounters with bureaucrats and color experts who alternated between awe and skepticism, they finally found themselves in front of a panel of the world’s top color scientists.

The head scientist peered at the berry through his thick glasses and then at Sonja and Maximilian. "This... this is extraordinary," he said slowly. "You’ve captured the essence of PANTONE 2945 in its purest form. But how?"

Maximilian and Sonja exchanged glances. "It’s just blueberries," Sonja said.

"Just blueberries?" the scientist repeated, stunned. "No, my dear. These are not just blueberries. These are the physical manifestation of a concept that has eluded artists and designers for centuries!"

And so, with much fanfare and a bit of bewilderment, Sonja and Maximilian trademarked PANTONE 2945 as the official color of their blueberry farm. Designers around the world clamored for anything made with the color, believing it would spark their next great masterpiece.

Back in Verdant Hollow, Sonja went back to farming, and Maximilian to cleaning, both slightly richer and considerably more confused about the whole ordeal. As they sat on the porch one evening, Maximilian mused, "You know, Sonja, sometimes life hands you something so absurd that it can only be true."

Sonja chuckled, popping a PANTONE 2945 blueberry into her mouth. "And sometimes, Max, it’s just a berry."

And so, the legend of the Blue Conundrum of PANTONE 2945 was born, a tale of how a farmer, a cleaner, and a blueberry managed to baffle the world - and make a lot of money doing it.

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