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RAL 260 60 30 2023-06-09 Snargl 01:08
What color is PANTONE 2718?
PANTONE 2718 is a medium light shade of cyan-blue with a hexadecimal color code of #7489C1.
In the RGB color model, this color is composed of 45.49% red, 53.73% green and 75.69% blue.
In the HSL color space, PANTONE 2718 has a hue of 224° (degrees), 40% saturation and 76% lightness.
In the CMYK color model, it has 65% cyan, 45% magenta, 0% yellow and 0% black.
PANTONE 2718 is a vibrant and cool color that can be used for various purposes, such as logos, graphics, textiles, and plastics.
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