Home Colors PANTONE


HEX Triplet:
164, 152, 198
40, 44, 0, 0
256°, 23%, 78%
Closest colors:
in RGB:
Blue Bell
in RAL Classic:
RAL 9006
in RAL Design:
RAL 270 70 15
in RAL Effect:
RAL 570-4
What color is PANTONE 2645? The Shade of Revolution
2024-09-21 Snargl 02:28

What color is PANTONE 2645?

Futuristic looking object in the middle of a forest with trees and moss on the ground and a purple light coming from the inside
Man with a purple wig and beard with yellow eyes and a beard with curls on it. Example of PANTONE 2645 color.
Woman with purple hair and a purple jacket on a city street with buildings in the background. Color #A498C6.
PANTONE 2645 color example: Room with a lot of speakers and lights on it's ceiling and a circular light above it
Woman in a green dress standing on a street corner with a city in the background. Color #A498C6.
Cat on a purple chair in front of a window with a mountain view in the background. Example of #A498C6 color.
Table with a purple table cloth and gold dishes on it in front of a castle like building with a gate. Example of #A498C6 color.
Desert landscape with a sun shining over the mountains and grass in the foreground. Example of RGB 164,152,198 color.
PANTONE 2645 color. Painting of a vase with purple flowers in it on a table top with a gray background
Bunch of purple flowers are on a gray surface with leaves and stems on it. Example of #A498C6 color.
Desert landscape with a desert and mountains in the background. Color CMYK 40,44,0,0.
PANTONE 2645 is a light purple color with a hexadecimal value of #A498C6.

It is composed of 64.31% red, 59.61% green, and 77.65% blue in the RGB color space.

PANTONE 2645 is a beautiful and versatile color that can be used for different purposes, such as branding, packaging, fashion, and interior design.

Example of the palette with the PANTONE 2645 color

Picture with primary colors of Dark byzantium, Amethyst, Onyx, Battleship Grey and Wisteria
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
Funny stories about the 'PANTONE 2645'

The Shade of Revolution

Connor Smith, a shop assistant at a small but prestigious boutique in the heart of Paris, had always been fascinated by the intricacies of color. His days were filled with the delicate balance of shades and hues, and he prided himself on his keen eye for what worked and what didn't in the world of fashion. Yet, there was one color that had eluded him, a shade that was rumored to be both revolutionary and elusive: PANTONE 2645.

Whispers in the fashion world spoke of its mystical properties - a hue that seemed to shift with the light, moving from a serene lavender to a deep, almost cosmic purple. It was said to evoke a sense of both nostalgia and futurism, making it a perfect candidate for the next big trend. However, attempts to incorporate it into fabric had failed spectacularly. Designers struggled to maintain its vibrancy, and it was often dismissed as too unpredictable for high fashion.
Woman with a short haircut and a purple shirt is standing in front of a row of buildings. Example of PANTONE 2645 color.

Connor's life took a sudden turn when Tommy Korr, a reclusive engineer known for his work on experimental materials, walked into the boutique. Tommy had the look of a man who lived more in his mind than in the physical world, with disheveled hair and a gaze that seemed to pierce through the ordinary. He wasn't there to shop; he was there to meet Connor.

"I hear you're obsessed with colors," Tommy said, his voice carrying the weight of someone who had spent far too much time in thought.

Connor blinked, taken aback by the directness. "You could say that."

Tommy nodded, as if this confirmed everything he needed to know. "I've been working on something, a way to stabilize PANTONE 2645 in fabric. But I need someone with your eye, someone who understands the essence of what this color could mean in fashion."

Curiosity piqued, Connor agreed to meet with Tommy after hours. That night, in Tommy's cluttered workshop, Connor saw the future laid out before him. Tommy had developed a special fabric that reacted to the slightest change in temperature and light, allowing PANTONE 2645 to retain its ethereal quality. It was like holding a piece of the cosmos in his hands.

But there was a catch.
Car is parked in front of a giant alien creature like structure with a giant alien head on it. Example of PANTONE 2645 color.

"This fabric," Tommy explained, "is alive, in a way. It reacts to the emotions of the person wearing it. If you're calm, it stays a soft lavender. But if you're passionate or angry, it deepens, almost like it's feeding off your energy."

Connor's mind raced. The implications for fashion were staggering. A garment that not only looked different in every light but also mirrored the wearer's emotions? It was both thrilling and terrifying.

Together, they decided to create a single, stunning piece for Paris Fashion Week - a dress that would change the industry forever. As they worked, Connor became more aware of the symbiotic relationship between him, Tommy, and the fabric. It was as if PANTONE 2645 had a will of its own, pushing them to be more creative, more daring.

The night of the show arrived, and as the dress was revealed on the runway, the audience gasped. The fabric shimmered, shifting from lavender to purple, mirroring the model's emotions as she walked. It was hypnotic, mesmerizing - unlike anything anyone had ever seen. PANTONE 2645 had finally found its place in high fashion.

But as the model reached the end of the runway, something unexpected happened. The color began to darken, almost to black, as if the fabric was absorbing too much emotion, too much energy. The audience watched in stunned silence as the model faltered, overwhelmed by the intensity of the experience.

In the chaos that followed, Connor and Tommy realized that they had unleashed something they didn't fully understand. The dress was more than a fashion statement - it was a mirror to the soul, and it demanded a price.

The dress was quickly removed from the show, and the world buzzed with speculation. Some called it a disaster, others a revolution. But for Connor and Tommy, it was a lesson in the power of creation. They had touched the edge of something extraordinary, and though it hadn't gone as planned, they knew they had changed the world of fashion forever.

In the aftermath, they continued their work, refining the fabric, learning to tame its wild energy. PANTONE 2645 became a symbol of the future - unpredictable, full of potential, and a reminder that true art is as much about the journey as the final creation.

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