Home Colors PANTONE


HEX Triplet:
91, 46, 126
83, 99, 0, 2
274°, 63%, 49%
Closest colors:
in RAL Classic:
RAL 5002
in RAL Design:
RAL 300 30 40
in RAL Effect:
RAL 590-2
What color is PANTONE 2607? The Pantone Plot Twist
2024-09-05 Snargl 02:24

What color is PANTONE 2607?

Bottle of perfume on a table with a blurry background. Example of RGB 91,46,126 color.
Purple dragon statue with large horns and sharp teeth, with a green background. Example of RGB 91,46,126 color.
Purple fish floating in a deep blue sea with a light shining on it's head and a fish swimming in the water. Color PANTONE 2607.
City with a lot of tall buildings and a lot of lights on it's sides and a purple sky. Color RGB 91,46,126.
Black bird on a log in a purple forest with lavender flowers and trees in the background. Example of #5B2E7E color.
Man with purple hair and a purple outfit in the snow with a building in the background. Example of PANTONE 2607 color.
Group of purple eggplant plants with green leaves in the background. Color #5B2E7E.
Living room with a large window and a purple couch in front of a large window with a view of the mountains. Example of CMYK 83,99,0,2 color.
PANTONE 2607 color example: Purple landscape with mountains and bushes in the foreground and a bright sun in the background
PANTONE 2607 is a dark shade of magenta with a hue value of 274°, indicating that it is a cold color.

It is a vibrant and expressive color that can be used to create contrast and excitement in design.

This color also conveys a sense of mystery, creativity, and spirituality.

Some examples of PANTONE 2607 in use are:
  • The logo of the International Women's Day, which celebrates the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women around the world.

  • The cover of the book "The Color Purple" by Alice Walker, which tells the story of a young African American woman who struggles with racism, sexism, and violence in the early 20th century.

  • The poster of the movie "The Matrix Revolutions" by the Wachowski siblings, which is the third and final installment of the science fiction trilogy that explores the themes of reality, freedom, and choice.

Example of the palette with the PANTONE 2607 color

Picture with primary colors of Dark jungle green, Purple Heart, Thistle, Moonstone blue and Dark tea green
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
Funny stories about the 'PANTONE 2607'

The Pantone Plot Twist

In a far away place, in the high-octane world of fashion, where trends come and go faster than you can say "couture," one color dared to defy the norms: Pantone 2607. This deep, dazzling shade of purple was destined for greatness, or so it seemed in the world of haute couture.

Enter Manolo Steel, a flamboyant entrepreneur with a penchant for the dramatic. Manolo was known for his larger-than-life personality and his even larger-than-life ideas. He had just discovered Pantone 2607 and was convinced it was the next big thing in fashion. Armed with a palette, he made a bold decision: this color would revolutionize the industry. Little did he know, it would also turn his life upside down.
Purple building with a balcony and balconies on the windows and balconies on the balconies. Color #5B2E7E.

Manolo’s first step was to enlist Tommy Sweetheart, the top model known for her impeccable taste and even more impeccable grace. Tommy was not just a model; she was a walking piece of art, her every move making waves in the fashion world. When Manolo approached her, he made it sound like she was being invited to walk on the moon. "Tommy, my dear," he declared, "you will be the face of Pantone 2607. This color will change everything!"

Tommy, intrigued by Manolo's enthusiasm, agreed to the collaboration. She showed up at the photoshoot, ready to bring the purple revolution to life. As she emerged in a stunning gown, the color seemed to transform everything around her. The backdrop, the props, even the studio lights seemed to pale in comparison to the vibrant hue of Pantone 2607.

But then, something peculiar happened. As Tommy struck a pose, the color seemed to come alive. It wasn’t just a shade; it was a mischievous entity with a mind of its own. Suddenly, the gown began to ripple and sway as if it had a personality, and Tommy found herself twirling uncontrollably. The color began to spread to everything in sight - paintings, furniture, even the camera equipment. The studio was engulfed in a swirling vortex of purple.
Painting of a woman with purple hair and a face mask on her face and a purple background. Color CMYK 83,99,0,2.

Manolo was initially thrilled, believing this was the dramatic flair he needed. "Fantastic! The color is taking over! It’s revolutionary!" he shouted, his voice echoing through the chaotic purple storm.

But as the minutes ticked by, the situation turned farcical. Tommy tried to strike a serious pose, but the gown had other ideas, making her resemble a human disco ball. The once elegant photoshoot had turned into an impromptu purple circus. The color was now everywhere: on the walls, in the hair of the crew, even in the coffee cups. It had a life of its own, and it seemed to be having the time of its life.

Eventually, the fashion world caught wind of the bizarre spectacle. Instead of seeing it as a disaster, they hailed it as a stroke of genius. The "Pantone 2607 Phenomenon," as it was now called, became a viral sensation. Manolo and Tommy, despite the chaotic turn of events, were hailed as visionaries.

In the end, Pantone 2607 didn’t just revolutionize fashion; it turned the fashion world into a kaleidoscope of purple whimsy. Manolo Steel and Tommy Sweetheart had become legends, not for their calculated moves, but for their embrace of the unexpected. The color had proved that sometimes, the greatest innovations come not from control but from letting the chaos run wild.

And so, in a world where purple had become synonymous with revolutionary glamour, Manolo and Tommy continued to ride the wave of their own purple plot twist, proving that sometimes, even the most serious endeavors could benefit from a little spontaneous flair.

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