Home Colors PANTONE


HEX Triplet:
146, 87, 155
51, 79, 0, 0
292°, 44%, 61%
Closest colors:
in RAL Classic:
RAL 4005
in RAL Design:
RAL 320 50 30
in RAL Effect:
RAL 540-5
What color is PANTONE 258? The PANTONE 258 Quest The PANTONE 258 Quest The PANTONE 258 Quest The PANTONE 258 Quest
2024-09-08 Snargl 05:16

What color is PANTONE 258?

Purple truck with a painted design on it's front parked in front of a house and lavender bushes. Example of RGB 146,87,155 color.
Purple car parked in a garage next to a wall and a door with a window open to the outside. Example of RGB 146,87,155 color.
PANTONE 258 has the following color values:
  • RGB: 146, 87, 155

  • CMYK: 51, 79, 0, 0

  • HEX: #92579B

  • HSL: 292, 44, 61

PANTONE 258 is a purple hue with a cool undertone.

It is a vibrant and saturated color that can create a bold and dramatic effect when used in design.

PANTONE 258 can be paired with other colors to create different moods and impressions.

This color can be used for various purposes, such as branding, packaging, fashion, interior design, and more.

Example of the palette with the PANTONE 258 color

Picture with primary colors of Palatinate purple, Pale mauve, Rose vale, Old rose and Desert sand
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
RAL Classic
RAL 4004
RAL 7032
RAL 3033
RAL 3012
RAL 1014
RAL Design
RAL 330 30 30
RAL 040 70 10
RAL 010 40 45
RAL 020 60 30
RAL 050 80 20
RAL Effect
RAL 540-6
RAL 340-1
RAL 460-M
RAL 490-4
RAL 430-1
Funny stories about the 'PANTONE 258'

The PANTONE 258 Quest

"The Mysteries of PANTONE 258". The book claimed that PANTONE 258 was not just any color but the essence of creativity itself.

Intrigued, Karl sought out Phoebe Flame, an eccentric engineer known for her vibrant inventions. Phoebe’s workshop was a chaotic explosion of gears, gadgets, and paint swatches. She was the only one in town who could help decipher the mysteries of PANTONE 258.
Woman in a purple outfit standing in the rain in a city street at night with neon signs and buildings. Color CMYK 51,79,0,0.

"Phoebe, I need your expertise!" Karl exclaimed, holding up the book.

Phoebe squinted at the cover and chuckled. "PANTONE 258, eh? I’ve heard legends about that color. Supposedly, it holds the key to unlocking boundless creativity. But it’s notoriously elusive."

Phoebe’s eyes twinkled with excitement. "Let’s do this!"

The two set off on their quest, which began with Phoebe’s invention: the Color Crawler 3000. It was a peculiar contraption with a paintbrush, a magnifying glass, and a very loud horn. As they journeyed through the town, they encountered several peculiar challenges.

First, they crossed the Spectrum Stream, a river that changed colors with every ripple. Karl, ever the observer, noted how the colors seemed to dance. "Maybe PANTONE 258 is hidden in the dance of the Spectrum!"
PANTONE 258 color example: Room with a desk, computer

Phoebe adjusted her goggles and said, "The only way to find out is to mix all these colors together." After several hours of swirling colors and some very messy results, they discovered that PANTONE 258 was not in the mix - it was in the harmony of the colors.

Next, they reached the Vivid Valley, where colors floated in the air like cotton candy. The colors swirled around, and Phoebe noticed that when the wind blew, they formed patterns. "Look, Karl! Those patterns are creating a gradient."

They followed the gradient until they arrived at a large, sparkling wall covered in shimmering hues. Karl took a deep breath and said, "I think PANTONE 258 might be hiding behind this wall of colors."

Phoebe used her Color Chisel 5000 to carefully peel back layers of paint. Behind the wall, they found a hidden chamber glowing with a soft, vibrant shade of purple.

"It’s PANTONE 258!" Phoebe exclaimed. The color seemed to pulse with a life of its own, casting a magical light.

Karl approached the hue and felt a sudden burst of inspiration. He started sketching wildly, creating fantastical creatures and landscapes he’d never imagined before. Phoebe, meanwhile, used her Color Coder to analyze the hue. "It’s not just any purple. It’s a blend of creativity, imagination, and innovation!"

With newfound inspiration, Karl and Phoebe returned to Chromaville, where they used PANTONE 258 to revitalize the town’s murals, bringing a fresh, imaginative energy to everyone.

Frrom that day on, Karl and Phoebe became known as the Keepers of PANTONE 258, ensuring that the essence of creativity flowed through Chromaville, one vivid brushstroke at a time. And so, the town thrived in a spectrum of limitless possibilities, all thanks to the whimsical quest for the most extraordinary color of all.

The PANTONE 258 Quest

In the bustling town of Chromaville, where colors were not just a way of life but an adventure, lived a student named Karl Krang. Karl had a curious mind, especially when it came to colors. One day, he stumbled upon an old, dusty book in the local library named "The Mysteries of PANTONE 258". The book claimed that PANTONE 258 was not just any color but the essence of creativity itself.

Intrigued, Karl sought out Phoebe Flame, an eccentric engineer known for her vibrant inventions. Phoebe’s workshop was a chaotic explosion of gears, gadgets, and paint swatches. She was the only one in town who could help decipher the mysteries of PANTONE 258.
Woman in a purple sports bra top and purple tights in a gym setting with a barbell. Color #92579B.

"Phoebe, I need your expertise!" Karl exclaimed, holding up the book.

Phoebe squinted at the cover and chuckled. "PANTONE 258, eh? I’ve heard legends about that color. Supposedly, it holds the key to unlocking boundless creativity. But it’s notoriously elusive."

Phoebe’s eyes twinkled with excitement. "Let’s do this!"

The two set off on their quest, which began with Phoebe’s invention: the Color Crawler 3000. It was a peculiar contraption with a paintbrush, a magnifying glass, and a very loud horn. As they journeyed through the town, they encountered several peculiar challenges.

First, they crossed the Spectrum Stream, a river that changed colors with every ripple. Karl, ever the observer, noted how the colors seemed to dance. "Maybe PANTONE 258 is hidden in the dance of the Spectrum!"
PANTONE 258 color example: Room with a desk, computer

Phoebe adjusted her goggles and said, "The only way to find out is to mix all these colors together." After several hours of swirling colors and some very messy results, they discovered that PANTONE 258 was not in the mix - it was in the harmony of the colors.

Next, they reached the Vivid Valley, where colors floated in the air like cotton candy. The colors swirled around, and Phoebe noticed that when the wind blew, they formed patterns. "Look, Karl! Those patterns are creating a gradient."

They followed the gradient until they arrived at a large, sparkling wall covered in shimmering hues. Karl took a deep breath and said, "I think PANTONE 258 might be hiding behind this wall of colors."

Phoebe used her Color Chisel 5000 to carefully peel back layers of paint. Behind the wall, they found a hidden chamber glowing with a soft, vibrant shade of purple.

"It’s PANTONE 258!" Phoebe exclaimed. The color seemed to pulse with a life of its own, casting a magical light.

Karl approached the hue and felt a sudden burst of inspiration. He started sketching wildly, creating fantastical creatures and landscapes he’d never imagined before. Phoebe, meanwhile, used her Color Coder to analyze the hue. "It’s not just any purple. It’s a blend of creativity, imagination, and innovation!"

With newfound inspiration, Karl and Phoebe returned to Chromaville, where they used PANTONE 258 to revitalize the town’s murals, bringing a fresh, imaginative energy to everyone.

Frrom that day on, Karl and Phoebe became known as the Keepers of PANTONE 258, ensuring that the essence of creativity flowed through Chromaville, one vivid brushstroke at a time. And so, the town thrived in a spectrum of limitless possibilities, all thanks to the whimsical quest for the most extraordinary color of all.

The PANTONE 258 Quest

Long time ago, in the bustling town of Chromaville, where colors were not just a way of life but an adventure, lived a student named Karl Krang. Karl had a curious mind, especially when it came to colors. One day, he stumbled upon an old, dusty book in the local library named "The Mysteries of PANTONE 258". The book claimed that PANTONE 258 was not just any color but the essence of creativity itself.

Intrigued, Karl sought out Phoebe Flame, an eccentric engineer known for her vibrant inventions. Phoebe’s workshop was a chaotic explosion of gears, gadgets, and paint swatches. She was the only one in town who could help decipher the mysteries of PANTONE 258.
Woman with a purple head dress and large hoop earrings on her head and a purple top with a black background. Color PANTONE 258.

"Phoebe, I need your expertise!" Karl exclaimed, holding up the book.

Phoebe squinted at the cover and chuckled. "PANTONE 258, eh? I’ve heard legends about that color. Supposedly, it holds the key to unlocking boundless creativity. But it’s notoriously elusive."

Phoebe’s eyes twinkled with excitement. "Let’s do this!"

The two set off on their quest, which began with Phoebe’s invention: the Color Crawler 3000. It was a peculiar contraption with a paintbrush, a magnifying glass, and a very loud horn. As they journeyed through the town, they encountered several peculiar challenges.

First, they crossed the Spectrum Stream, a river that changed colors with every ripple. Karl, ever the observer, noted how the colors seemed to dance. "Maybe PANTONE 258 is hidden in the dance of the Spectrum!"
PANTONE 258 color example: Room with a desk, computer

Phoebe adjusted her goggles and said, "The only way to find out is to mix all these colors together." After several hours of swirling colors and some very messy results, they discovered that PANTONE 258 was not in the mix - it was in the harmony of the colors.

Next, they reached the Vivid Valley, where colors floated in the air like cotton candy. The colors swirled around, and Phoebe noticed that when the wind blew, they formed patterns. "Look, Karl! Those patterns are creating a gradient."

They followed the gradient until they arrived at a large, sparkling wall covered in shimmering hues. Karl took a deep breath and said, "I think PANTONE 258 might be hiding behind this wall of colors."

Phoebe used her Color Chisel 5000 to carefully peel back layers of paint. Behind the wall, they found a hidden chamber glowing with a soft, vibrant shade of purple.

"It’s PANTONE 258!" Phoebe exclaimed. The color seemed to pulse with a life of its own, casting a magical light.

Karl approached the hue and felt a sudden burst of inspiration. He started sketching wildly, creating fantastical creatures and landscapes he’d never imagined before. Phoebe, meanwhile, used her Color Coder to analyze the hue. "It’s not just any purple. It’s a blend of creativity, imagination, and innovation!"

With newfound inspiration, Karl and Phoebe returned to Chromaville, where they used PANTONE 258 to revitalize the town’s murals, bringing a fresh, imaginative energy to everyone.

From that day on, Karl and Phoebe became known as the Keepers of PANTONE 258, ensuring that the essence of creativity flowed through Chromaville, one vivid brushstroke at a time. And so, the town thrived in a spectrum of limitless possibilities, all thanks to the whimsical quest for the most extraordinary color of all.

The PANTONE 258 Quest

Long time ago, in the bustling town of Chromaville, where colors were not just a way of life but an adventure, lived a student named Karl Krang. Karl had a curious mind, especially when it came to colors. One day, he stumbled upon an old, dusty book in the local library named "The Mysteries of PANTONE 258". The book claimed that PANTONE 258 was not just any color but the essence of creativity itself.

Intrigued, Karl sought out Phoebe Flame, an eccentric engineer known for her vibrant inventions. Phoebe’s workshop was a chaotic explosion of gears, gadgets, and paint swatches. She was the only one in town who could help decipher the mysteries of PANTONE 258.
Car with a gun in the middle of it and two aliens behind it. Color PANTONE 258.

"Phoebe, I need your expertise!" Karl exclaimed, holding up the book.

Phoebe squinted at the cover and chuckled. "PANTONE 258, eh? I’ve heard legends about that color. Supposedly, it holds the key to unlocking boundless creativity. But it’s notoriously elusive."

Phoebe’s eyes twinkled with excitement. "Let’s do this!"

The two set off on their quest, which began with Phoebe’s invention: the Color Crawler 3000. It was a peculiar contraption with a paintbrush, a magnifying glass, and a very loud horn. As they journeyed through the town, they encountered several peculiar challenges.

First, they crossed the Spectrum Stream, a river that changed colors with every ripple. Karl, ever the observer, noted how the colors seemed to dance. "Maybe PANTONE 258 is hidden in the dance of the Spectrum!"
PANTONE 258 color example: Room with a desk, computer

Phoebe adjusted her goggles and said, "The only way to find out is to mix all these colors together." After several hours of swirling colors and some very messy results, they discovered that PANTONE 258 was not in the mix - it was in the harmony of the colors.

Next, they reached the Vivid Valley, where colors floated in the air like cotton candy. The colors swirled around, and Phoebe noticed that when the wind blew, they formed patterns. "Look, Karl! Those patterns are creating a gradient."

They followed the gradient until they arrived at a large, sparkling wall covered in shimmering hues. Karl took a deep breath and said, "I think PANTONE 258 might be hiding behind this wall of colors."

Phoebe used her Color Chisel 5000 to carefully peel back layers of paint. Behind the wall, they found a hidden chamber glowing with a soft, vibrant shade of purple.

"It’s PANTONE 258!" Phoebe exclaimed. The color seemed to pulse with a life of its own, casting a magical light.

Karl approached the hue and felt a sudden burst of inspiration. He started sketching wildly, creating fantastical creatures and landscapes he’d never imagined before. Phoebe, meanwhile, used her Color Coder to analyze the hue. "It’s not just any purple. It’s a blend of creativity, imagination, and innovation!"

With newfound inspiration, Karl and Phoebe returned to Chromaville, where they used PANTONE 258 to revitalize the town’s murals, bringing a fresh, imaginative energy to everyone.

From that day on, Karl and Phoebe became known as the Keepers of PANTONE 258, ensuring that the essence of creativity flowed through Chromaville, one vivid brushstroke at a time. And so, the town thrived in a spectrum of limitless possibilities, all thanks to the whimsical quest for the most extraordinary color of all.

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