Home Colors PANTONE


HEX Triplet:
201, 172, 205
18, 36, 0, 0
293°, 16%, 80%
Closest colors:
in RGB:
in RAL Classic:
RAL 7035
in RAL Design:
RAL 310 70 25
in RAL Effect:
RAL 540-2
What color is PANTONE 257? The Enchantment of PANTONE 257 The Enchantment of PANTONE 257
2024-09-08 Snargl 03:10

What color is PANTONE 257?

Woman with purple hair and a purple suit on a beach with a dark sky in the background
Woman in a purple jacket and helmet with goggles on her head and a purple background
PANTONE 257 is a light purple color with a hex value of #C9ACCD.

It is composed of 78.82% red, 67.45% green, and 80.39% blue in RGB color space.

Its CMYK values are 18, 36, 0, 0, and its RGB values are 201, 172, 205.

This color has a hue angle of 293 degrees, a saturation of 16%, and a lightness of 80% in HSL color space.

Example of the palette with the PANTONE 257 color

Picture with primary colors of Bistre, Rose quartz, Pale pink, Rose ebony and Black
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
RAL Classic
RAL 3007
RAL 9006
RAL 9001
RAL 8007
RAL 9005
RAL Design
RAL 080 20 10
RAL 320 60 15
RAL 010 90 10
RAL 030 30 20
RAL 170 20 25
RAL Effect
RAL 790-5
RAL 560-M
RAL 150-6
RAL 340-4
RAL 790-5
Funny stories about the 'PANTONE 257'

The Enchantment of PANTONE 257

Duncan Ford, a young design student at the prestigious Lumina Academy, was known for his curiosity and daring creativity. He had an insatiable hunger to explore the boundaries of design, always looking for that spark, that elusive inspiration that would set his work apart. But there was one color that haunted his thoughts and dreams: PANTONE 257. A soft, lilac hue with a hint of mystery, it seemed to have a life of its own, whispering possibilities that Duncan could barely grasp.

One afternoon, while sipping on his third coffee of the day in the campus café, Duncan overheard a conversation about Professor Mustafa Flame. The legendary figure was renowned for his unconventional approaches to color theory and design. Some said he had a mystical connection with colors, an ability to bring out their true essence in ways that could transform spaces and minds alike. Duncan, intrigued, decided to seek out the professor.
Character in a costume standing on a street at night with a street light in the background

After weeks of trying, Duncan finally managed to arrange a meeting. Mustafa Flame’s office was tucked away in a forgotten corner of the campus, hidden behind layers of ivy and timeworn brick. As Duncan entered the room, he was enveloped by a sense of calm. The walls were painted in deep, resonant colors, each shade carefully chosen to balance the energy of the space.

"Ah, Duncan Ford," the professor greeted him, his eyes twinkling behind round spectacles. "I hear you’ve been chasing a certain color."

Duncan hesitated but then nodded. "PANTONE 257," he said. "I feel like it’s calling to me, but I don’t know how to use it."

Professor Flame smiled, a knowing look in his eyes. "PANTONE 257 is not just a color; it’s an experience. It’s delicate yet powerful, subtle yet profound. It’s a color that requires understanding, a connection with the space and the emotions it evokes."

He gestured for Duncan to follow him. They walked down a narrow hallway lined with vibrant, shifting shades until they reached a door at the end. Mustafa opened it, revealing a room bathed in the soft light of PANTONE 257.

The room was extraordinary. The walls, ceiling, and even the floor seemed to shimmer with the gentle lilac hue. It wasn’t overpowering but enveloped Duncan in a comforting embrace. The space felt larger, as if the color had stretched the boundaries of the room. Yet, there was also a sense of intimacy, as if the room was a cocoon, protecting and nurturing all within it.

"This room," Mustafa began, "is a testament to the power of PANTONE 257. Notice how the color interacts with the light, how it changes throughout the day. In the morning, it energizes, filling the room with a soft, invigorating glow. By midday, it becomes a refuge, soothing the mind and allowing creativity to flourish. And in the evening, it takes on a romantic, almost ethereal quality, encouraging reflection and deep thought."

Duncan was mesmerized. He had never imagined that a single color could do so much. He walked around the room, touching the walls, feeling the texture beneath his fingers. It was as if the color was alive, pulsing with energy and emotion.

"But how?" Duncan asked, his voice tinged with awe. "How did you achieve this?"

Professor Flame chuckled softly. "It’s all about balance, my dear student. PANTONE 257 thrives when it is allowed to breathe. Pair it with textures that complement its softness - velvet, silk, or even matte finishes. Use it in spaces where you want to inspire calm and creativity. It can be the dominant shade, or it can be an accent, highlighting the beauty of other colors. But most importantly, you must understand the emotions you wish to evoke."

Duncan spent the next few hours in that room, absorbing every word and sensation. He experimented with different lighting, fabrics, and even furniture arrangements. With each change, the room transformed, yet PANTONE 257 remained the heart of the space, guiding and shaping the atmosphere.

As the sun began to set, casting a golden hue through the windows, Duncan realized he had found what he was looking for. PANTONE 257 was no longer just a color - it was a tool, a muse, and a medium through which he could express his deepest ideas.

Before leaving, Duncan turned to Professor Flame, who had been quietly observing him. "Thank you, Professor," he said earnestly. "You’ve shown me that design is not just about what we see, but what we feel."

Mustafa Flame nodded, his smile warm and approving. "Remember, Duncan, the true power of color lies not in its appearance but in the emotions it stirs. Let PANTONE 257 guide you, but never let it define you. Use it wisely, and it will become the soul of your designs."

With those words echoing in his mind, Duncan left the professor’s office, a newfound confidence surging through him. He knew that his journey as a designer had just begun, and PANTONE 257 would be his compass, leading him to create spaces that were not only visually stunning but emotionally resonant.

And so, Duncan Ford embarked on his design career, his works becoming renowned for their ability to evoke deep emotions and transform spaces. And in every room he designed, there was always a touch of PANTONE 257 - a reminder of the day he learned that color, when used with intention and heart, could truly change the world.

The Enchantment of PANTONE 257

Duncan Ford, a young design student at the prestigious Lumina Academy, was known for his curiosity and daring creativity. He had an insatiable hunger to explore the boundaries of design, always looking for that spark, that elusive inspiration that would set his work apart. But there was one color that haunted his thoughts and dreams: PANTONE 257. A soft, lilac hue with a hint of mystery, it seemed to have a life of its own, whispering possibilities that Duncan could barely grasp.

One afternoon, while sipping on his third coffee of the day in the campus café, Duncan overheard a conversation about Professor Mustafa Flame. The legendary figure was renowned for his unconventional approaches to color theory and design. Some said he had a mystical connection with colors, an ability to bring out their true essence in ways that could transform spaces and minds alike. Duncan, intrigued, decided to seek out the professor.
PANTONE 257 color example: Computer desk with a purple chair and a purple wallpapered room with a computer monitor

After weeks of trying, Duncan finally managed to arrange a meeting. Mustafa Flame’s office was tucked away in a forgotten corner of the campus, hidden behind layers of ivy and timeworn brick. As Duncan entered the room, he was enveloped by a sense of calm. The walls were painted in deep, resonant colors, each shade carefully chosen to balance the energy of the space.

"Ah, Duncan Ford," the professor greeted him, his eyes twinkling behind round spectacles. "I hear you’ve been chasing a certain color."

Duncan hesitated but then nodded. "PANTONE 257," he said. "I feel like it’s calling to me, but I don’t know how to use it."

Professor Flame smiled, a knowing look in his eyes. "PANTONE 257 is not just a color; it’s an experience. It’s delicate yet powerful, subtle yet profound. It’s a color that requires understanding, a connection with the space and the emotions it evokes."

He gestured for Duncan to follow him. They walked down a narrow hallway lined with vibrant, shifting shades until they reached a door at the end. Mustafa opened it, revealing a room bathed in the soft light of PANTONE 257.

The room was extraordinary. The walls, ceiling, and even the floor seemed to shimmer with the gentle lilac hue. It wasn’t overpowering but enveloped Duncan in a comforting embrace. The space felt larger, as if the color had stretched the boundaries of the room. Yet, there was also a sense of intimacy, as if the room was a cocoon, protecting and nurturing all within it.

"This room," Mustafa began, "is a testament to the power of PANTONE 257. Notice how the color interacts with the light, how it changes throughout the day. In the morning, it energizes, filling the room with a soft, invigorating glow. By midday, it becomes a refuge, soothing the mind and allowing creativity to flourish. And in the evening, it takes on a romantic, almost ethereal quality, encouraging reflection and deep thought."

Duncan was mesmerized. He had never imagined that a single color could do so much. He walked around the room, touching the walls, feeling the texture beneath his fingers. It was as if the color was alive, pulsing with energy and emotion.

"But how?" Duncan asked, his voice tinged with awe. "How did you achieve this?"

Professor Flame chuckled softly. "It’s all about balance, my dear student. PANTONE 257 thrives when it is allowed to breathe. Pair it with textures that complement its softness - velvet, silk, or even matte finishes. Use it in spaces where you want to inspire calm and creativity. It can be the dominant shade, or it can be an accent, highlighting the beauty of other colors. But most importantly, you must understand the emotions you wish to evoke."

Duncan spent the next few hours in that room, absorbing every word and sensation. He experimented with different lighting, fabrics, and even furniture arrangements. With each change, the room transformed, yet PANTONE 257 remained the heart of the space, guiding and shaping the atmosphere.

As the sun began to set, casting a golden hue through the windows, Duncan realized he had found what he was looking for. PANTONE 257 was no longer just a color - it was a tool, a muse, and a medium through which he could express his deepest ideas.

Before leaving, Duncan turned to Professor Flame, who had been quietly observing him. "Thank you, Professor," he said earnestly. "You’ve shown me that design is not just about what we see, but what we feel."

Mustafa Flame nodded, his smile warm and approving. "Remember, Duncan, the true power of color lies not in its appearance but in the emotions it stirs. Let PANTONE 257 guide you, but never let it define you. Use it wisely, and it will become the soul of your designs."

With those words echoing in his mind, Duncan left the professor’s office, a newfound confidence surging through him. He knew that his journey as a designer had just begun, and PANTONE 257 would be his compass, leading him to create spaces that were not only visually stunning but emotionally resonant.

And so, Duncan Ford embarked on his design career, his works becoming renowned for their ability to evoke deep emotions and transform spaces. And in every room he designed, there was always a touch of PANTONE 257 - a reminder of the day he learned that color, when used with intention and heart, could truly change the world.

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