Home Colors PANTONE


HEX Triplet:
23, 82, 150
100, 66, 0, 0
212°, 85%, 59%
Closest colors:
in RGB:
Yale Blue
in RAL Classic:
RAL 5017
in RAL Design:
RAL 240 40 35
in RAL Effect:
RAL 640-4
What color is PANTONE 2388? The Unexpected Reign of PANTONE 2388
2024-09-04 Snargl 02:12

What color is PANTONE 2388?

Blue diamond surrounded by plants and rocks in a dark forest with water and plants around it. Color RGB 23,82,150.
PANTONE 2388 color example: Blue flower is in the snow with a mountain in the background
Woman with long hair and braids in a field of flowers with mountains in the background. Color PANTONE 2388.
PANTONE 2388 is a vibrant and saturated shade of pink.

PANTONE 2388 is also known as PANTONE 2388 C, where the letter C stands for coated paper.

PANTONE 2388 can be used for various purposes, such as fashion, home, interiors, plastics, and graphics.

Some possible color combinations with PANTONE 2388 are white, black, gray, purple, blue, or green.

PANTONE 2388 is a bold and eye-catching color that can convey energy, passion, creativity, and fun.

Example of the palette with the PANTONE 2388 color

Picture with primary colors of Coffee, Blue green, Dark jungle green, Columbia blue and Dark cerulean
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
Funny stories about the 'PANTONE 2388'

The Unexpected Reign of PANTONE 2388

Once upon a time, in the vibrant city of Chromapolis, where every street was named after a color and the sun set in a spectacular gradient, there lived two unlikely heroes: Alexander Takemura, a quirky and passionate painter known for his eccentric color choices, and Raj Frost, the world’s most dazzling top model with a penchant for the avant-garde.

Alexander Takemura was not your typical artist. His studio, nestled between Scarlet Boulevard and Periwinkle Avenue, was a chaotic wonderland of canvases splattered with hues that made passersby wonder if the universe had hiccuped. He was particularly famous (or infamous) for his obsession with one specific color - PANTONE 2388. It was a peculiar shade, somewhere between a bold teal and a mischievous green, but not quite either. Alexander believed this color had untapped potential, but the world, or at least Chromapolis, wasn't ready to embrace it.
Woman with blue hair and a futuristic suit is standing in front of a circular window with a circular light. Color RGB 23,82,150.

Meanwhile, Raj Frost, the cool-as-ice top model, was adored by millions. His chiseled features and effortless charm made him the face of every high-fashion magazine. Raj had a knack for setting trends, but his latest shows had been criticized for being too "safe." The fashion world craved something new, something fresh. Little did they know, their prayers would soon be answered in the most unpredictable way.

One day, fate (or perhaps just a very colorful gust of wind) brought Alexander and Raj together. Raj had been strutting down Lilac Lane when a massive canvas flew off Alexander’s easel, landing squarely on the top model’s impeccably groomed head. Covered in PANTONE 2388, Raj looked like an avant-garde masterpiece. But instead of being furious, Raj was intrigued. The color, though odd, had a magnetic quality to it. He couldn’t take his eyes off his reflection in a nearby window.

"What is this color?" Raj asked, his tone a mix of curiosity and excitement.

Alexander, wiping paint from his hands, lit up. "Ah, that, my friend, is PANTONE 2388! A color misunderstood by many, but destined for greatness!"

Raj, ever the visionary, saw potential. "Destined for greatness, you say? I think you might be onto something. How about we make PANTONE 2388 the next big thing in fashion and motion design?"
Man in a red jacket is walking down the street with a red car in the background. Example of #175296 color.

Alexander nearly dropped his paintbrush. "Are you serious? You’re not just pulling my leg, are you?"

"Dead serious," Raj replied, a mischievous grin spreading across his face. "Let’s turn the world upside down with this."

And so, the unlikeliest of collaborations began. Raj and Alexander worked day and night, blending fashion with art in ways Chromapolis had never seen. Raj used his influence to introduce PANTONE 2388 into his outfits, while Alexander designed swirling backdrops of the color that seemed to dance and shift in motion, as if the color itself were alive.

Their first showcase was an instant hit. The fashion world was stunned - some were baffled, others intrigued, but no one could deny the sheer magnetism of PANTONE 2388. Critics scrambled to find words to describe it, while influencers and designers everywhere began incorporating the color into their work. Soon, motion designers took notice. The fluidity of the color in animations and digital spaces was unlike anything seen before. It was as if PANTONE 2388 had a mind of its own, bending and warping light in mesmerizing ways.

The rise of PANTONE 2388 was meteoric. What started as a quirky painter’s obsession and a top model’s experiment quickly turned into a global phenomenon. Chromapolis was awash in PANTONE 2388. From billboards to clothing lines, and from digital animations to entire buildings, the color became the symbol of a new era in design - a blend of the unexpected, the bold, and the wonderfully weird.

Alexander and Raj became legends in their own right, hailed as the dynamic duo that had transformed the world of color. As for PANTONE 2388, it earned a place in the annals of design history, proving that sometimes, the most unlikely ideas can paint the most extraordinary futures.

And so, in the colorful city of Chromapolis, where every hue had its story, PANTONE 2388 became the color of a new dawn, all thanks to a painter with a dream and a top model with an eye for the avant-garde.

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