Home Colors PANTONE


HEX Triplet:
113, 155, 201
61, 29, 0, 0
211°, 44%, 79%
Closest colors:
in RAL Classic:
RAL 5024
in RAL Design:
RAL 260 60 30
in RAL Effect:
RAL 610-3
What color is PANTONE 2381? The Enigma of PANTONE 2381
2024-09-04 Snargl 02:10

What color is PANTONE 2381?

#719BC9 color example: Woman with blue hair wearing a tie and a uniform with a collared shirt
#719BC9 color. Woman with blue hair and a blue hat with aliens around her head and eyes
PANTONE 2381 is a pastel azure color.

It has a HEX code of #719BC9 and a RGB code of 113, 155, 201.

This color has a hue value of 211°, which means it is a cold color.

It is similar to the colors Safety Blue, Medium Sapphire, Celtic Blue, and Jordy Blue.

Example of the palette with the PANTONE 2381 color

Picture with primary colors of Dark slate gray, Ash grey, Shadow, Caput mortuum and Platinum
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
RAL Classic
RAL 6028
RAL 7038
RAL 6013
RAL 3005
RAL 9001
RAL Design
RAL 180 30 15
RAL 000 75 00
RAL 080 50 20
RAL 020 20 29
RAL 110 90 05
Funny stories about the 'PANTONE 2381'

The Enigma of PANTONE 2381

Anna Jet had always been drawn to color. As a student at the prestigious International School of Fashion Design, she knew that hues and shades held the power to evoke emotions, tell stories, and even challenge conventions. But nothing could have prepared her for the enigma that was PANTONE 2381.

It all started in Professor Maximilian Gonzalez’s advanced color theory class. Known for his eccentricity, Professor Gonzalez was a legend in the fashion world. He had once created a dress that changed colors based on the wearer’s mood, and another that was said to hypnotize those who stared too long. But his latest obsession was different - it was a color. A shade so rare, so elusive, that it hadn’t been used in fashion design for decades.
Woman with blue hair and a denim jacket on a gray background with a red lip and a red lip ring. Color #719BC9.

"PANTONE 2381," he announced one afternoon, holding up a small, weathered color swatch. The class fell silent. The color was a deep, almost iridescent blue, tinged with an unnatural vibrancy. It was as if it pulsed with energy, alive with secrets. "This color," Gonzalez continued, his voice a whisper, "was once banned in the fashion industry. They said it had… unpredictable effects."

The students exchanged puzzled glances, but Anna felt a strange pull toward the swatch. There was something about PANTONE 2381 that resonated with her, something familiar yet otherworldly.

"Why was it banned?" she asked, her voice breaking the silence.

Professor Gonzalez’s eyes glinted with a mix of excitement and caution. "It’s said that PANTONE 2381 doesn’t just reflect light - it absorbs it, manipulates it. Designers who used it reported strange occurrences - garments that seemed to shimmer out of existence, models who claimed they could see alternate dimensions through the fabric. It was deemed too dangerous, too unpredictable. And so, it was forgotten. Until now."

Anna couldn’t stop thinking about the color. That night, she dreamt of swirling blues, of dresses that floated like clouds, of eyes that saw beyond the fabric into realms unknown. When she awoke, she was more determined than ever to uncover the secrets of PANTONE 2381.

The next day, she approached Professor Gonzalez after class. "I want to work with it," she said, her voice resolute. "I want to create something using PANTONE 2381."

The professor studied her for a long moment, his expression unreadable. "It’s dangerous, Anna. You must understand that. But if you’re truly committed… I’ll help you."
Woman in a blue dress holding a pen and a book in her hands and writing on a book. Color #719BC9.

For weeks, they worked in secret. Anna sketched designs late into the night, her mind consumed by the possibilities of the color. Professor Gonzalez provided guidance, sharing cryptic anecdotes about the shade’s past, warning her of its unpredictable nature. They mixed pigments, tested fabrics, and slowly, the collection began to take shape.

As the day of the school’s annual fashion show approached, whispers began to circulate. Rumors spread about the mysterious project Anna and Professor Gonzalez were working on, about the forbidden color they were daring to use. The excitement was palpable, tinged with an undercurrent of fear.

Finally, the night of the show arrived. The room was packed, the air thick with anticipation. As the lights dimmed, Anna felt a surge of nervous energy. The first model stepped onto the runway, clad in a dress of PANTONE 2381. A collective gasp rippled through the audience.

The dress shimmered, its color shifting subtly with every movement, as if it were alive. The fabric seemed to blur at the edges, creating an illusion of ethereal lightness. The crowd was mesmerized. But as the model reached the end of the runway, something strange happened. The dress began to flicker, its outline distorting, as if it were phasing in and out of reality.

Panic spread through the audience, but Anna and Professor Gonzalez remained calm, watching intently. They had expected this - PANTONE 2381 was unpredictable, after all. But what they hadn’t anticipated was what happened next.

The dress dissolved into the air, vanishing in a swirl of blue. The model stood frozen, her eyes wide with shock. And then, as if from nowhere, the dress reappeared, this time draped around another model at the opposite end of the runway. The audience erupted into chaos, some screaming, others frantically trying to capture the phenomenon on their phones.

Anna’s heart raced, not with fear, but with exhilaration. They had done it. They had harnessed the power of PANTONE 2381, created something truly revolutionary. The color had transcended the boundaries of fashion, of reality itself.

In the aftermath of the show, the fashion world was abuzz with speculation. Some hailed Anna and Professor Gonzalez as geniuses, visionaries who had pushed the boundaries of design. Others whispered of dark forces at play, of colors that should have remained forgotten.

But Anna knew the truth. PANTONE 2381 wasn’t just a color - it was a gateway, a link between the world of fashion and something far more mysterious. And as she looked at the swatch of deep blue in her hand, she couldn’t help but wonder what other secrets it held, waiting to be uncovered.

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