Home Colors PANTONE


HEX Triplet:
176, 168, 174
34, 28, 19, 4
315°, 5%, 69%
Closest colors:
in RGB:
Dark gray
in RAL Classic:
RAL 9006
in RAL Design:
RAL 320 70 05
in RAL Effect:
RAL 860-M
in NCS:
NCS S 3500-N
What color is PANTONE 2358? The Pantone Pioneer
2024-09-04 Snargl 02:14

What color is PANTONE 2358?

Man in a futuristic suit standing in front of a flower bush with a building in the background. Example of CMYK 34,28,19,4 color.
Fighter jet is parked on a wet runway in a city with tall buildings and a few cars on the street. Example of RGB 176,168,174 color.
Wolf standing on a rock with a full moon in the background. Example of RGB 176,168,174 color.
Painting of a woman with dark hair and blue eyes and a black dress with a black collar and black hair. Example of CMYK 34,28,19,4 color.
Little girl standing in front of a cityscape with a church in the background. Color PANTONE 2358.
PANTONE 2358 is a dark purple color with a hint of blue.

It has a HEX value of #B0A8AE and a CMYK value of 34, 28, 19, 4.

It is similar to the colors of some flowers, such as lavender, lilac, and orchid.

PANTONE 2358 can be used to create a sophisticated, elegant, and mysterious mood in design.

It can also be paired with lighter or contrasting colors to create a dynamic and vibrant effect.

Some possible color combinations are PANTONE 2358 with PANTONE 13-1520 Rose Quartz, PANTONE 2358 with PANTONE 14-0848 Mimosa, or PANTONE 2358 with PANTONE 15-0343 Greenery.
Funny stories about the 'PANTONE 2358'

The Pantone Pioneer

In a far away place, in the small town of Colorville, where everyone took their colors very seriously, there lived a farmer named Calvin Ford and an engineer named Jacob White. Calvin was known for his vibrant, sprawling fields, where every crop seemed to burst with life. Jacob, on the other hand, had a penchant for precision and practicality. His designs were as crisp and clean as his overalls.

One day, a new color arrived in town: Pantone 2358. It was a bold, bright pink, so vivid that it made the town’s usual shades of beige and gray look like they were asleep. Calvin and Jacob both saw the potential of this color but had very different ideas about how to use it.
PANTONE 2358 color example: Futuristic city with a lot of tall buildings and a lot of traffic lights on the street in front of them

Calvin, with his love for the land, saw Pantone 2358 as a chance to create something extraordinary. He started by painting his barn in the dazzling shade. The barn became a beacon in the countryside, drawing visitors from miles around. Inspired, Calvin began experimenting further. He painted rows of corn in Pantone 2358 and was soon harvesting corn that seemed to glow with a magical pink hue. The local farmers were intrigued but also mildly skeptical, wondering if Calvin had been out in the sun too long.

Jacob, meanwhile, approached Pantone 2358 with a more technical mindset. He decided to incorporate it into his engineering projects. His first attempt was to use the color for a new series of solar panels. They were incredibly efficient but also very hard to miss - a sight that made passing drivers do double-takes. Jacob’s bold move created a stir, and soon everyone in Colorville was talking about the striking pink panels.

One day, Calvin and Jacob found themselves at the town’s annual Fair of Creativity, where everyone was showcasing their Pantone 2358 innovations. Calvin had brought a display of his pink corn and an impressive set of Pantone 2358-painted garden gnomes that danced in the wind. Jacob showed off his solar panels, which now powered a small carousel painted in the same vibrant pink.
Room with a table and chairs and a potted plant in the corner of the room and a window. Example of CMYK 34,28,19,4 color.

As the fair went on, Calvin and Jacob started exchanging ideas. Calvin admired Jacob’s innovative use of the color but wondered if it could be applied to something less conventional. Jacob, in turn, was fascinated by how Calvin had turned something as ordinary as corn into an extraordinary spectacle.

Inspired by each other, they decided to collaborate. Calvin’s next project was to create a Pantone 2358-themed corn maze. Jacob designed an intricate pattern that not only delighted visitors but also subtly maximized sunlight exposure to keep the maze’s vibrant colors glowing. The maze became a hit, with people coming from all over to get lost in a sea of pink.

Their collaboration didn’t stop there. Jacob began using Calvin’s glowing corn to line his pink solar panels, creating a stunning visual effect that combined functionality with flamboyance. Calvin’s farm soon became a tourist attraction, with people marveling at how Pantone 2358 could be used to transform both nature and technology.

Through their efforts, Calvin and Jacob showed the town that Pantone 2358 wasn’t just a color - it was a canvas for creativity. They had managed to blend farm and engineering, tradition and innovation, into something truly unique. The town of Colorville embraced the bright pink with open arms, proving that sometimes, the best way to use a new color is to mix a little imagination with a dash of collaboration.

And so, in the small town of Colorville, Pantone 2358 became a symbol of innovation and friendship, reminding everyone that even the brightest hues could spark the most unexpected and delightful partnerships.

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