Home Colors PANTONE


HEX Triplet:
221, 109, 114
0, 65, 50, 0
357°, 51%, 87%
Closest colors:
in RAL Classic:
RAL 3014
in RAL Design:
RAL 030 60 50
in RAL Effect:
RAL 460-3
in NCS:
NCS S 2040-R
What color is PANTONE 2346? The Great Pantone Escapade
2024-09-04 Snargl 02:16

What color is PANTONE 2346?

PANTONE 2346 color example: Pink candle holder with a candle on a table in a room with windows and a pink wall with a window
Man in a pink suit and goggles floating in a river with a mountain in the background. Example of #DD6D72 color.
Man and a child standing in a cave looking at the water and rocks below them. Example of #DD6D72 color.
Man in a pink robe is standing in a river with a cane in his hand and a moon in the sky. Example of #DD6D72 color.
PANTONE 2346 color example: Painting of a landscape with a river and trees in the foreground and a bright sun in the background
PANTONE 2346 is a medium light shade of pink-red, with a hue of 357°, a saturation of 51%, and a lightness of 87% in the HSL color space.

In the RGB color model, it has a red value of 221, a green value of 109, and a blue value of 114.

Some possible applications of PANTONE 2346 are:
  • Designing logos, packaging, or branding materials that need a vibrant and eye-catching color.

  • Creating contrast or harmony with other colors in the PANTONE system, such as PANTONE 2347 (a darker shade of pink-red) or PANTONE 2345 (a lighter shade of pink-red).

  • Expressing emotions or moods that are associated with pink-red, such as passion, love, excitement, or warmth.

Example of the palette with the PANTONE 2346 color

Picture with primary colors of Caput mortuum, Pale copper, Rose vale, Antique White and Smoky black
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
RAL Classic
RAL 3005
RAL 3012
RAL 3033
RAL 1013
RAL 9005
RAL Design
RAL 020 20 29
RAL 050 60 40
RAL 010 40 45
RAL 050 90 10
RAL 170 20 20
Funny stories about the 'PANTONE 2346'

The Great Pantone Escapade

Far away, in the bustling city of Chromaville, where colors practically had their own zip codes, lived Pier Steel, a car service worker with an inexplicable fondness for neon green. Pier spent his days fixing engines and his evenings tinkering with car paint, dreaming of the day he’d get to use a color that was as vibrant as his personality. Across town, Monica Frost, a writer known for her whimsical stories, was in a creative slump. Her latest book was missing the spark of inspiration she desperately needed.

One sunny afternoon, Pier was at his garage trying to mix the perfect shade of neon green. The problem was, no matter how much green he added, it always ended up looking just a bit off. It was then that he stumbled upon a brochure for Pantone colors. There it was: Pantone 2346. It was described as a "vivid, electrifying magenta" with the potential to transform anything it touched into a masterpiece. Pier's eyes lit up.
Digital painting of a woman with a pink shirt and a pink jacket on her head and a pink wall behind her. Example of #DD6D72 color.

Meanwhile, Monica had just moved into an old, quirky house that came with a peculiar feature: a wall-sized chalkboard. Desperate to find some inspiration, Monica decided to fill the chalkboard with Pantone 2346 after reading about its "creativity-boosting" properties in an online color enthusiast forum. With a bucket of paint and an excited grin, she painted the wall in the exact shade.

The next morning, Pier, still buzzing from his discovery, decided to drive around town to see how Pantone 2346 looked in motion. He painted his car with the new color, and it turned heads wherever he went. The car glided through the city like a magenta comet, leaving a trail of awe-struck pedestrians. Pier felt like a superhero.

Monica, on the other hand, was having an entirely different experience. The moment she finished painting her chalkboard wall, she found herself in a whirl of creative energy. Her writer's block dissolved like morning mist. She wrote stories with such fervor that the words seemed to dance off the page.

One day, their paths crossed when Pier's vibrant magenta car broke down in front of Monica’s house. Monica, being the curious writer she was, had never seen a car so striking and decided to approach Pier. "Your car is like a moving work of art!" she exclaimed, her eyes twinkling.
Car is driving down a road with a bunch of balloons on the side of it and a sky background. Color PANTONE 2346.

Pier, brushing off some imaginary dust from his car, grinned. "Thanks! It’s Pantone 2346. I’m on a mission to see how far this color can go."

Monica’s eyes widened. "No way! I just painted my entire chalkboard with that color. It’s been a muse for my writing."

They stared at each other, realizing they had both been touched by the same magical color in wildly different ways. Pier suggested they team up for a project: combining his vibrant car with her newfound creative energy.

Over the next few weeks, Pier and Monica worked together on a fantastical motion design project. The car, decked out in Pantone 2346, became a mobile canvas for Monica’s whimsical illustrations and stories. They created a series of animations that told fantastical tales as Pier drove through town. Each time the car stopped, it became a living, breathing storybook that entertained children and adults alike.

Their collaboration became the talk of Chromaville. People marveled at the magical car and the stories it inspired. Monica’s creativity flourished, and Pier’s car service became known not just for repairs, but for its vibrant artistic flair.

And so, in the heart of Chromaville, Pantone 2346 became more than just a color. It was a symbol of creativity and collaboration, proving that sometimes, all it takes to spark something extraordinary is the perfect shade of magenta and a bit of serendipity.

Pier and Monica continued their colorful adventures, always on the lookout for the next hue that might inspire another great escapade.

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