Home Colors PANTONE


HEX Triplet:
230, 174, 203
1, 41, 0, 0
329°, 24%, 90%
Closest colors:
in RGB:
Pink pearl
in RAL Classic:
RAL 3015
in RAL Design:
RAL 350 80 15
in RAL Effect:
RAL 520-3
What color is PANTONE 230? The Enigma of Pantone 230
2024-09-03 Snargl 02:14

What color is PANTONE 230?

PANTONE 230 color. Pink sports car parked in a room with a large window and a painting of a cherry tree outside
Purple bird is standing on a book and it's wings are spread out and spread out. Color PANTONE 230.
Man with a suit and tie with dreadlocks on his head and a pink wall behind him. Example of CMYK 1,41,0,0 color.
Giant pink robot with a massive head and eyes in a city setting with buildings and water surrounding it. Example of RGB 230,174,203 color.
PANTONE 230 is also known as PANTONE 230 C, where the letter C stands for coated paper.

It has a hue angle of 329° degrees, a saturation of 24% and a lightness of 90%.

In the RGB color model, which is used to display colors on digital screens, PANTONE 230 is composed of 90.2% red, 68.24% green and 79.61% blue.

In the CMYK color model, which is used for printing colors on paper, this color is composed of 1% cyan, 41% magenta, 0% yellow and 0% black.

PANTONE 230 is available in various Pantone products, such as color guides, solid chips, and plastic standards.

These products help users to visually evaluate and compare the color with other Pantone colors or with their own design specifications.

PANTONE 230 is a color that can be used for various purposes, such as branding, packaging, fashion, graphic design, and more.

It conveys a sense of femininity, romance, creativity, and fun.

This color can also be paired with other colors to create different effects and moods.

For instance, it can be combined with white or gray for a soft and elegant look, with black or purple for a dramatic and sophisticated look, or with green or blue for a fresh and vibrant look.

Example of the palette with the PANTONE 230 color

Picture with primary colors of MSU Green, Mauve taupe, Dark byzantium, Old rose and Pale silver
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
Funny stories about the 'PANTONE 230'

The Enigma of Pantone 230

Far-far away, in the heart of a bustling city, hidden away in a nondescript building, two brilliant minds were on the verge of a revolutionary breakthrough. Iona Yamamoto, an eccentric inventor known for her colorful creations, and Professor Julio Stewart, a renowned but enigmatic academic, had teamed up to solve a problem that no one knew existed.

Their quest began with a peculiar discovery: Pantone 230, a shade of pink so vibrant it seemed to shimmer with its own light. While most saw it as a mere color, Iona and Julio saw potential - an opportunity to unlock the mysteries of interior design and perhaps even the universe itself.
Piece of cake with strawberries on top of it on a plate on a table with a pink background. Color PANTONE 230.

The story began one fateful afternoon when Iona burst into Julio’s cluttered office, clutching a jar of Pantone 230 with the urgency of someone who’d just stumbled upon a lost artifact. "Julio, you have to see this!" she exclaimed, her eyes wide with excitement. "This color… it’s not just a color. It’s magic!"

Julio, who had been meticulously organizing his collection of antique spectacles, raised an eyebrow. "Magic? I thought we were scientists, not sorcerers."

"Exactly!" Iona replied. "We’re on the cusp of something extraordinary. Look at this!" She opened the jar, and a brilliant pink hue spilled onto the desk, seemingly illuminating the room with an otherworldly glow.

Julio adjusted his spectacles and peered at the color. "Hmm, intriguing. But what’s so special about Pantone 230?"

Iona grinned mischievously. "It’s said that this shade can alter perceptions. Imagine a room painted in Pantone 230 - how would it affect the way people experience space and time?"

Without waiting for Julio’s response, Iona convinced him to help her with an experiment. They chose an old, drab room in Julio’s office building, transforming it into their laboratory for the day. With cans of Pantone 230 in hand, they began painting the walls, ceiling, and even the floor.
Painting of a city street with cars and people on it and billboards on the buildings and billboards. Example of CMYK 1,41,0,0 color.

As the last stroke was made, something unexpected happened. The room began to shimmer and pulse with a rhythm that felt oddly like a heartbeat. The pink light seemed to dance around them, creating patterns that defied logic. Julio, now more intrigued than skeptical, noted down observations furiously.

Suddenly, the room was filled with a curious sound - a harmonious hum that seemed to come from nowhere and everywhere at once. The colors started to shift and blend, creating illusions of floating furniture and walls that seemed to breathe. Julio and Iona found themselves in a whimsical maze where objects shifted positions and pathways appeared and disappeared.

"What on earth is happening?" Julio exclaimed, barely able to keep his balance.

"It’s the color!" Iona said, trying to stay calm. "Pantone 230 is altering our perception of space. It’s like it’s bending reality!"

As they navigated the surreal landscape, they stumbled upon a peculiar object: a golden, ornate mirror that hadn’t been there before. When they looked into it, they saw not their reflections, but a swirling vortex of pink light and shadows. With a daring leap, they stepped through the mirror, and found themselves in a grand, whimsical hall where everything was in shades of Pantone 230.

In this hall, they encountered an enigmatic figure dressed entirely in pink. "Welcome, seekers of the pink enigma," the figure said, tipping a hat that seemed to change shades with every movement. "I am the Guardian of Pantone 230. Your experiment has opened the gateway to the realm of Color-Magic."

The Guardian explained that Pantone 230 was no ordinary color; it was a bridge between imagination and reality. It had the power to transform spaces into dynamic experiences and challenge the boundaries of what was possible.

With newfound knowledge and a sense of accomplishment, Iona and Julio returned to their own reality. The room was once again ordinary, but the experience had changed them forever. They realized that Pantone 230 was not just a color but a catalyst for creativity and wonder.

From that day on, Iona and Julio became the pioneers of Color-Magic, using their discoveries to inspire others and bring a touch of whimsy into the world. And though they never fully understood the extent of Pantone 230’s powers, they knew that sometimes, the most extraordinary things come in the simplest forms, like a jar of pink paint.

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